I Hate Equestria Daily 642 members · 642 stories
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I'm sure most of you have heard that Ask Princess Molestia has been taken down recently and a lot of bronies are still crying about it and blaming Down with Molestia for it. I don't know where you all stand on this issue, but I think you should read this rant I found on tumblr about how hypocritical EqD is and how they are willing to do everything they can to hide the fact that bronies can be downright horrible.

"So it has come to my attention that Equestria Daily is trying to get the fandom to help out Michael Morones who is a young boy that recently attempted to take his own life due to bullying received on account of being a brony. Now I am all for helping out this poor kid out who’s too young to lose his life, but I am not for taking advantage of his situation just to make the fandom look like they are all a bunch of saints.

As I have said before it is really tragic that kid had gotten bullied to the point where he had almost taken his life. In fact, I wish for him to get well soon and for his family to get the funds needed for whatever medical expenses that may be applied to him. It’s just sickening that of all the people to spread the news of this tragic story, Equestria FUCKING Daily was the main source.

Only a few days ago, the people at EQD refused to accept my submission request to post this news article reporting on the brony fandom attacks directed to PinkiePony because they "don’t report on drama" even after I pointed out that it would make a huge impact if the most widely used site in the brony fandom made a PSA that harassing a teenage girl is pretty fucked up. But of course they “didn’t need to offend” someone who was genuinely concerned of a girl close to my age who could’ve easily been me.

NEITHER person deserves to be harassed over a children’s franchise, but it is still fucked up that the fandom obviously picks and chooses what to promote stuff that makes them “look good” instead of admitting the shit they have done that is considered a huge no-no in society.

In the end, isn’t it a bit hypocritical to make a HUGE post to help this boy out who was bullied for being a brony when a few days earlier they refused to do the same for a girl who has also attempted suicide because she has been bullied by bronies?

NOTE: I included screenshots of peoples responses to Pinkie’s reaction of the article since because, once again, it’s very tragic that the fandom is so fucking picky about what’s considered "super tragic" or "just doing it for attention" about two very similar situations that link back directly to the fandom. Also, I’m adding a link to this lovely post by girldoesnothing since it had inspired and given me the courage to type out my rant."

This I'm a little mixed about; admittedly we shouldn't be showing bias like this, on the other hand PinkiePony really did bring hate on herself by being a bitch, just not to the extremes it ended up being taken. Like I said I don't think it's a true comparison since the fandom didn't actively seek her out just for lolz, she attacked first by starting a stupid crusade that called a large part of the fandom rape supporters.

Again just my thoughts. No there shouldn't be that kind of bias, no I don't blame them for not defending PinkiePony since she showed she doesn't care who she denounces.

Id be pissed too, but i see their logic, even though they contradicted it.

Dude. It's not the fandom. It's the dumbshits at EqD. They're the disney and EA of our fandom.

The difference is that Michael was an innocent boy who just likes the show and PinkiePony is a lying, attention whoring piece of shit.

2723196 Not sure if you are aware, but screenshots have been captured, proving that Pinkie's hypocrisy is just as ludicrous, and rivals that of EqD.

Both deserve all the scrutiny they are getting, in my view.

Also the closest Molestia came to "rape culture" was the name, which is just a clever portmanteau and not an endorsement of nonconsensual relations.

Hell, Molestia is pretty goddamn empowering in a few ways. She takes a lot of initiative, isn't shy and, at the end of the day, doesn't hurt anyone because every single goddamn 'victim' was consensual. Shy, yes, nervous, yes, but not unwilling.

2723196 All of my this: 2723229

Hate EqD all you want, because they are pretty retarded, but don't defend some cunt on the internet when she started a crusade against something completely insignificant.

2723196, there's a difference between being bullied simply for liking something (Morones) and getting a heated response for calling people "poop", "rape apologists" and other unsavory words and essentially dancing on Ask Molestia's grave and mocking John Joseco's deceased father (PinkiePony)

Source: http://www.derpibooru.org/497836?scope=scpea91d56748ef47e7f3b75dec18aefd0192bb773a2

2723229 2723266 2723233 And yet, "she brought it on herself" changes nothing. If the fandom went beyond calling her on her bullshit (and calling someone on their BS is always legitimate) into the realm of online harassment and bullying, it's at least a comparable problem to people outside the fandom being abusive to a kid who did nothing to provoke it. If EqD is going to advocate for better behavior towards one of its own, it should advocate for better behavior from its own.

Obviously, if no such harassment and bullying towards this PinkiePony girl is taking place, all bets are off.


this PinkiePony girl

you're trying too hard to seem unfamiliar with the situation, stahp it

2723393 Shouldn't you at least make sure I am pretending ignorance before you accuse me of pretending? As a matter of fact, I am completely unaware of anything about the situation. I don't know who this PinkiePony girl is, or anything about the kid who was bullied, or any details at all.


I don't know how I can simultaneously find the author of this so arrogantly asshole-ish and still completely and utterly agree with him and laugh so much.

Was this PinkiePony debacle a big thing? because I have never heard of it.


As a general rule you should have a basic understanding of the topic at hand before you have an opinion on it.


he's trying to appear neutral while white-knighting for pinkiepony

She wanted attention, she got attention. It's Simply as that.


Or he's genuinely misinformed and now by pushing him like this you're making his default opinion to be against yours because you're being unnecessarily abrasive?

2723369 Nah. You get what you give. If she didn't want to be harassed, then she shouldn't have been a cunt and harassed a fandom, or anybody. Eye for an eye and all that jazz.

2723430 I do have a basic understanding of the topic at hand. My understanding is that PinkiePony is, to quote Alexstrazsa "a lying, attention whoring piece of shit", and that the author of this thread attempted to submit an article to EquestriaDaily calling off the attack dogs (which implies that the brony response to the "lying, attention whoring piece of shit" was going beyond merely calling her on her BS), and was told no. Are either of these things incorrect?


it's entirely possible


could be
why does it matter

2723451 That's one way to look at it. I tend to think that calling someone out for their bullshit and making them look like a tool is completely legitimate, but that's where it should stop.

2723465 It matters because, without having a clue about who I am, what I know, and what my motivations are, you were advancing some BS about me playing stupid to "white knight" for PinkiePony, someone I don't know and know nothing about.

2723473 Nah, because that doesn't stop people. Only suicide will stop her cunting.

2723500 ...and now I know you're just trolling me. *sigh*


As a matter of fact, I am completely unaware of anything about the situation. I don't know who this PinkiePony girl is, or anything about the kid who was bullied, or any details at all.

That's all I was referring to.

Now, here's the thing: Its obvious by our 2723196 main post that a big issue here is eloquence. Namely that the author appears to be functionally literate, but not exactly to a degree that he'd phrase an article with enough neutrality and tact as to not incite a flame war on a heated topic or, rather, have an article that meets EQD's standards.

Now, there's a big difference between a girl who arguably deserves some harassment for what she tries to incite (Notice the key word arguably? Whether you agree or disagree you're likely to argue about it) whilst everyone can agree that a suicide attempt is a tragedy.

They aren't a fair comparison and, frankly, I don't think the OP quite understands just how wrong he is on how many levels.


it just seems odd to me that you'd jump into a thread, form an opinion and go this far without even knowing a thing about the people you're discussing beyond that they're people and they exist.

This. I have neither sympathy nor pity for someone who goes out of their way to harass people for the "crime" of having differing tastes in entertainment when they inevitably -- and deservedly -- find themselves being harassed right back.

2723511 No, but I'm over-exaggerating. Calling her out on her bullshit does nothing, because people call out all of those dumbass feminists all the time (and I mean feminists like PinkiePony, not the legit feminists), but they just call those of us with actual intelligence rape-apologists and say we're part of the rape culture. If that doesn't work, then the logical thing would be to ignore her, right? Wrong, because then she gets the idea that she's won and can do anything she wants and all it will take is a bit of cunting. What's left? Make her hate herself through sending that harassment right back at her.

2723514 I don't compare the two on that level; someone who incites an angry response, someone who is obviously being a troll, deserves to be scorched at least a little. Obviously, someone who did nothing wrong deserves no mistreatment in any way, shape, or form. My position is merely that neither should be harassed to the point of suicide, whether they provoked it (like PinkiePony did) or didn't provoke it (which the brony in question clearly did not). I don't need to be intimately familiar with either situation to come to this conclusion and, in fact, I accept Alexstraza's characterization of PinkiePony without question because he obviously knows more about her than I do.

2723527 It works because my position doesn't need much more familiarity with the issue than I have. I, in fact, do not question that PinkiePony is a lying, attention-whoring piece of shit because whether she is or not changes nothing about my opinion that IF bronies are retaliating against her to the point of driving her to suicide, it has to stop. As I said in the original post, however, if this is not happening, all bets are off.


Ah. No, at this point, the harassment is still totally within acceptable levels and she still rebuts it. Go look at MilesPrower's BAM! Link earlier for a great example.


Any claims of suicidality made by her would be purely for the purposes of attracting more attention. She's the Jessi Slaughter of the MLP fandom; think of it that way.

2723536 Oh, I'm more than intimately familiar with how pointless it is to fight blockheaded fanatic ideologues with intelligent arguments. But I tend to think that trying your best to utterly destroy someone because they're an online troll crosses a line.

2723564 Then, as I said in my original comment, all bets are off. *shrugs* I'm not new to this sort of situation, which is why I started out with that caveat.

2723579 How worth my time would it be to find out who this "Jessi Slaughter" is so I understand your analogy?



I don't have any reason to like EqD, but this is possibly the most sensible thing I have ever seen from anything related to them.

Sorry to pop in unnanounced, but i was just curious: who's pinkie pony, and why is she (and i quote) "a lying, attention whoring piece of shit".

What time?
Here you go. Happy reading.

2726461 Encyclopedia Dramatica? Seriously? Just saying "fuck you" to me wouldn't have been more polite but it would have wasted a lot less of my time.

No, I'm serious. Jessi Slaughter is an infamous internet "lolcow" and attention whore. If you want to find out about people like her, that's the first place to go, and from what I've found if you know how to read past all of the blatant sarcasm and hyperbole, and you're able to take everything that you read in with a grain of salt, many of the articles on ED are surprisingly accurate when it comes to subjects like this one.

Oh, who the fuck am I kidding. You're right. Here's a better one from knowyourmeme. Should give you a decent rundown on who she is if you haven't already figured that out on your own.

2728589 With respect to your efforts, I don't really care who the hell some stupid internet troll is. There's a zillion of them; they breed in damp corners of the internet if you feed them after midnight. One is just as fucktarded as the next and all are completely not worth my time to know about.

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