I Hate Equestria Daily 642 members · 642 stories
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this news article reporting on the brony fandom attacks directed to PinkiePony because they "don’t report on drama" even after I pointed out that it would make a huge impact if the most widely used site in the brony fandom made a PSA that harassing a teenage girl is pretty fucked up.

Except PinkiePony also harassed anybody who dared to express an opinion contrary to hers, often calling them sexist male pigs and other fun labels. If you were polite and articulate with your argument/comments, you got some variant of "STOP TALKING TO ME!!1!!! HARRASMENT" from her.

If you let emotion get the better of you, she branded you a rape apologist and all sorts of nasty things.

Then, after APM went down, she did a big whole "ding dong the witch is dead", like she'd somehow stopped rape culture by taking down a blog that had (non-nude) artwork and raunchy (but not rape-oriented) jokes.

Then it was revealed that Ms. "Bronies are doing nothing but sexualizing My Little Pony" took artwork commissions, and did work that included ponies, both adults and CHILDREN, in sexual poses and clothing.

The reason EqD wrote about Michael is because's he's pretty much an innocent kid who is getting bullied for his interests. Because it's relevant to ponies, it got posted to EqD. (Oh, and PinkiePony claimed that the only reason people cared about the kid was because he was a Brony, basically saying us males are heartless scum.)

PinkiePony is a hypocrite who dished out just as much as she received.

2724130 Noticing that you did not post a single actual "charity" here. Just fundraisers.

Noticing a lack of Seeds of Kindness, Kiki's Fund...

PinkiePony (her real name is Apirl by the way) is liar and she lied about her suicide and made it up and her lies are far-screathed out and she's a MLP fan and hates eveything about the fandom and yelled at her ex-boyfriend for being a brony even! :flutterrage:
Here's her ex-boyfriend's blog and a post he made about her explaining everything
Bread, A Word from PinkiePony's Ex
Just read it and you'll see.
I know she contastly gets bullied but she is a bully herself and bullies would always fight back also Michael was a inncoent boy who couldn't stand bullying and to be honest when I heard about Micheal's suicide I was 11 and I was still a pegasister at age 11 so I seen it through Micheal's eyes.
PinkiePony on the other hand.........

Wow, how disillusioned with humanity are you that you can't accept that the real reason Equestria Daily did this might be because that are just really people in charge of the site that really just want to help this kid out, regardless of how it makes the fandom look?

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