I Hate Equestria Daily 642 members · 642 stories
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For example, you could say "I have wasted 1 million bajillion megawatts of mental energy hating Equestria Daily" or "It's about the same amount of energy as it would take to light the entire city of New York for 3 years" or "I could have cured cancer and written two bestselling novels, but I'm proud to say I spent a good portion of that time and energy frothing over the Sharknado story" or "I stopped going to work so I could obsessively refresh the front page of EqD and get mad about every single post, and now I'm homeless and it's all Equestria Daily's fault".

Please, tell us about your hate.

Bitch, I GENERATED electricity.

2934269 I do not have a single shit to give about Equestria Daily. I have spent so little energy thinking about it that it would not even be enough to burn the calories needed to burn to blink my eyes.

2934269 One time, this chick offered me some ass, but I ignored her to constantly refresh EQD. After I was done refreshing, I called her up; she said I lost my chance and there was no way...

Worth it. :moustache:

I could have gone down to the convenience store and bought some Twinkies AND walked all the way back.


Then why are you a member of this group

2934269 About a week's worth of pedaling to and from work. Homeopathic dosages. :moustache:


I know that feel. I broke up with my girlfriend so I could finish reading Background Pony. :moustache:

The amount of energy it takes to click a join button.

2934355 Hate is my default setting. I can do so without effort. What it is hard to do is like.

About as much energy as it took for me to bang ur mum, kid.


I've spent about a month's worth of my sister's PMS hating Equestria Daily. :moustache:

I wrote a whiny post once


2934269 12 calories. The general amount you could get from licking an IPod screen clean.


Not too much. I just find their fanfiction submission system rather defective, and a little for their music too.

About as much as if there were two nukes shot at Japan.

1,379 Millihates.

every ounce of hatred goes out to hating that elitist site for ruining my story with Hanna. they said it wasn't family friendly. I kindly told em to fuck off and pointed out their flaws in the system. I got banned but that was fine by me.

Can't say I've really 'put energy' into hating EqD. Unless you consider me typing words on a keyboard to be using energy.


That much

What the hell is a Twinkie? Is that like Twilight Pinkie shipping? Because I don't support it.

Funny thing is that right now my little sister got some twinkies today :rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by Fire-Flare deleted Aug 20th, 2014


(I hate Twilight X Pinkie Pie too)

Hardly wasted a bit of it; I don't like how they would throw out Tom Sawyer for not being good enough, but there's not much reason to constantly complain about it, since that won't change them.


Besides, you're too busy hating gays, communists, and Jews, in that order. kekeke :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh::rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh::rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh:

Actually, I don't hate any of those people. As a matter of fact I've spent some energy defending Jews in the public eye, though not very well at first because I tried to avoid offending everybody, but I realize now that I shouldn't worry about offending anti-Semites, anything I say will offend them; in fact, the only reason why those collectivists drew the conclusion that I hated Jews was only because that I didn't agree with all of Karl Marx's ideas, but Marx is just one guy, and he wasn't really that Jewish, he just had a Jewish relative. In fact, he wrote an essay "On the Jewish Question" which implied that to eliminate Capitalism, one should eliminate the Jews. While we're at it, judging from your user page, you hate some of those people. What kind of person posts links to the Nazi party or the KKK?

EDIT: I was wrong about one thing: Para was just being ironic on the page. On FIMFiction it's not easy to tell the difference between a troll and the real thing anymore!


Actually, I don't hate any of those people. As a matter of fact I've spent some energy defending Jews in the public eye, though not very well at first because I tried to avoid offending everybody, but I realize now that I shouldn't worry about offending anti-Semites, anything I say will offend them; in fact, the only why those collectivists drew the conclusion that I hated Jews was only because that I didn't agree with all of Karl Marx's ideas, but Marx is just one guy, and he wasn't really that Jewish, he just had a Jewish relative. Judging from your user page, you hate some of those people. What kind of person posts links to the Nazi party or the KKK?

Jesus christ you're so stupid.

In other words, you're out of ideas.


No, I'm at a loss for words. How can you be that stupid? Do you even understand the concept of irony? That it's humorous for someone to post links to a KKK site on a pony site because those two things are practically opposites? Do you even understand why that's funny? You don't, do you? That's why I said you're so stupid. It's not possible to run out of ideas with you because you never run out of stupid things for readers of your comments to be floored by.

I'm sorry, but considering that FIMFiction is crawling with Nazis (ever heard of TheIronPrincess?), you really can't blame me for interpreting it that way. It's hard to tell anymore if people mean it ironically or seriously.

Majin Syeekoh

3557620 I'm Jewish and I find this post offensive.

We can defend ourselves, thank you very much. I'm just too busy swimming in all of my usury money to care what anyone thinks about me.

Sorry, it's just I had an anthro teacher who really hated Jews, and knew some anti-Semites who nobody seemed to object to, and therefore I felt I should speak up for them everywhere I could.


Considering that FIMFiction is crawling with Nazis (ever heard of TheIronPrincess?), you really can't blame me for interpreting it that way.

No, I can blame you, because you're acting like a retard. TheIronPrincess is a joke profile playing on people's perception of Celestia as a dictator. There aren't any Nazis on FIMFiction, only people who put Nazi shit in the profile because it upsets stupid users like you. I bet you think Aryanne is a serious expression of Nazi sentiments too, because you don't understand the difference between being an actual racist and appropriating racist symbolism to make a political or social point. My point stands: you're so stupid.


Given your track record in identifying racism, it's very unlikely that your teacher was actually racist against Jews

Now that's where you're wrong; I've been one of the same groups she's been on, and trust me, it's not a joke; if you ask, it's not a joke. She's a Russian solider, for background, and for the ideology, she hates blacks, she supports Putin, and is an all-around collectivist.


Now that's where you're wrong; I've been one of the same groups she's been on, and trust me, it's not a joke; if you ask, it's not a joke. She's a Russian solider, for background, and for the ideology, she hates blacks, she supports Putin, and is an all-around collectivist.

Once again, you're mistaking intentionally offensive statements for actual offensive beliefs, because you can't comprehend the difference. You're still stupid.

Also if you took a moment to look at my profile, you'd notice that next to all the Nazi links there's a link to Fluffybooru. That is the joke, Grant. The joke is that Fluffybooru is as bad as the KKK. It is a joke. It is funny to people who have a sense of humor.


There aren't any Nazis on FIMFiction, only people who put Nazi shit in the profile because it upsets stupid users like you.

Fraulein, I honestly beg to differ.

Embracing the right is the only way to save our modern world from liberal degeneracy, and the influx of racial tensions. In effect, many people have these ideas rooted in their minds, it's social retards and marxists in sheep's clothing that patronize and hunt them down in order to debunk the public's awareness, and in effect hurt the true gains we as a species have achieved.

Oh well.

Here's to enlightenment in a thousand years.


Actually, I don't hate any of those people. As a matter of fact I've spent some energy defending Jews in the public eye, though not very well at first because I tried to avoid offending everybody, but I realize now that I shouldn't worry about offending anti-Semites, anything I say will offend them; in fact, the only reason why those collectivists drew the conclusion that I hated Jews was only because that I didn't agree with all of Karl Marx's ideas, but Marx is just one guy, and he wasn't really that Jewish, he just had a Jewish relative. Judging from your user page, you hate some of those people. What kind of person posts links to the Nazi party or the KKK?

This whole post made me kek so hard. Defending jews in the public eye? They own the media for that. Do Jews even need defending? The United States beds Israel on a regular basis in order to keep relations nice and wet, since the goddamn 60's. The genocide in Palestine? The UN says something but does another because the US is like "Wait guise." In retrospect, the holocaust gave Jews the sympathy card for the next thousand years, goyim.



Oy vey you silly goyim.

Actually, Hitler hated capitalism. He wasn't right-wing at all. He preached class warfare and declared Capitalism to be an "evil" Jewish creation, which it was neither.
Statements like that are part of the reason why people need to support them; it sounds like you think they control everything. They don't. A lot of the Middle East and Europe hate them unfairly; Arabs hated them before Israel was established. Read A Century of Palestinian Rejectionism and Jew Hatred by Sol Stern.

I'm leaving because Para was trolling me and I fell for it. I stupidly played into her hands. I'm leaving, I don't have to abide this.


it sounds like you think they control everything. They don't. A lot of the Middle East and Europe hate them unfairly.

"Unfairly." Yes, because ethnic cleansing in Palestine, or the sudden dumping of them in Israel in the 1940's by the rest of the world, is totally an unjustifiable reason as to why peoples would be upset.

Actually, Hitler hated capitalism.

If Hitler liked capitalism, he would be an American, wouldn't he? What the fuck did I say in my previous post that stated that Hitler liked capitalism?

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