I Hate Equestria Daily 642 members · 642 stories
Comments ( 67 )
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You implied he was right-wing, which he wasn't.

Going now.


And now I know the express level of retard that you are. Yes, please. Go. Your presence makes all of us that much stupider.


You implied he was right-wing, which he wasn't.


I absolutely insist on protecting private property... we must encourage private initiative.


The National-Socialist party was a very complicated organism that frequently contradicted itself, ultimately to whatever degree was necessary to achieve its aims. "Hitler was a socialist like Obama" is an erroneous claim, as is the inevitable upcoming "Hitler was a collectivist", especially since one of the two principle enemies of the Third Reich was, in fact, the allegedly Judaic ideology of bolshevism/communism.

Rush Limbaugh is not a valid source of information, Grant.

Majin Syeekoh

3558108 the Bolshevists killed Jews on the reg.

Then again, so did everyone else, so whatevs.


That is because everyone hates Jews, Syeekoh.


Grant, I think I feel safe in speaking for all Jews when I ask you to kindly stop trying to help us. You are far too unintelligent to be speaking at all, much less on such an important issue.

Majin Syeekoh

3558114 That was frighteningly true for a very long time.


He's already "left" which I guess is his way of saying he's closed himself to things he doesn't want to hear.


He's like a cockroach, though. No matter how many times you step on him, he always comes back.

I know this is old, but I still have to answer it. I WALKED OUT OF THE WOMB HATING IT

Author Interviewer

85 weeks ago




4776058 I know. I'm that fucking bored and the forum is that ducking dead.

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