Humans falling in love with ponies. 6,101 members · 2,423 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Group Admin

Sometimes a story changes its rating. Sometimes someone messes up where they submitted a story. Sometimes I just plainly goof up. If you notice a story being where it should belong, report it here. Please clarify where the story is currently, where it should go, and why it belongs there.

Edited addition: If anyone wants to help me sort through their favorite stories in the "main" folder, I'd accept any suggestions below where they go. I'll get to each of them eventually, but I won't turn down any help. :pinkiehappy:

The story titled "A Core of an Apple" is currently in the Mature folder and sub folder M- Mane Six Stories (Ponies) when it should be in the Mature folder and sub folder M- Mane Six Stories (Anthro).

I don't know what happened but there is 16 T and 1 E rated stories in the Mature folder... That is a lot of misplaced stories

Group Admin

Thanks for pointing that out. I think I've moved them all. Judging for the fact many of them have been in the folder for 100+ weeks, I'd say they use to be mature stories that got turned to "teen" and/or "everyone" by their authors.

I'm looking for a story about human who wins Celestia heart. The human arrived as the main 6 are fighting grogra the goat villain. He before he came to work at the court but I'm was never exactly sure what his job was beyond he had paperwork in it. Luna thinking that he is planning to over tried and failed when fighting him and accidentally gave him control of the kingdom in her challenge to him. He never wanted it so he gets reformed by Celestia because the people need to think that she keeping him on a leash. She soon after they meet begins to fall for him and with some help from granny Smith they being to try step beyond friendship.

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