Humans falling in love with ponies. 6,101 members · 2,423 stories
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other than this diamond in the rubble, what are yalls unusual favorites from the show?

EDIT: unusual meaning NON mane/young six or princess

In the end, it doesnt matter how you fight it, everyone falls for Maud sooner or later.


luna and sombra coming in second

I really like Bon Bon, but mostly because of the fimfic community, a speaking one would be starlight glimmer

Luna or flitter and cloud chaser

You asked an amazing question, brother!

But you already know me well enough. I have quite a lot of favorites, and this is evident from the fan fiction. But at the moment, my favorite is Amira. (a very rare character, and few people pay attention to her, which of course catches me, to see great potential in her). And she's just Beautiful!

Ooo. Good choice.

Twilight 2.0 for the win

Well, didn't expect to see a Sombra vote here

Wait, doesn't Bon Bon speak though in the slice of life episode?

Also a suprising pick, but not entirely a bad one either. The Sirens are pretty cool.

Oh, I know shes yours fav, considering she's your inspiration half the time as well.

After finding a minute long compilation of bon bon speaking 4 times, each time with a different voice, i decided to ignore the show and focus on how she is depicted in fan shows

Fair enough conclusion, and one I can't fault you on either.

Yes, you really understand me. Therefore, I invite you (if you have free time and desire), to familiarize yourself with the latest chapter that I published a few hours ago. As always, your comments are priceless!😉

Ah! I didn't even get a notification that it was released! I'll read it as soon as I can

I like all the sirens, it was either adagio or aria honestly or sonata


Twilight Sparkle. No contest. She is smart, kind, sexy, and very cute. She also loves books.

Absolute adorkable.

I'm going to go with a non pony on this one. Here she is, our favorite, tsundere dragon lord.

Sunset Shimmer.

ooooooh. Very nice pic. That's my second favorite

Can't go wrong with Twilight, Bendy

What can I say? I've got a thing for female dragons. Even if she is a cranky tsundere.

Not a pony, but the ball of positivity and altruism that is Gabby.

Applejack and twilight. Love both of them equally

Fluttershy 💛

Besides twi, my favorite unusual pony would be.....
THIS LIL CUTIE!!! the quirkiest and the most unpredictable pone (after pinkie pie). I would love to just hug her, cuz she needs it as much as i need her:applecry:

Rainbow dash, Fluttershy and Luna

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