Humans falling in love with ponies. 6,101 members · 2,423 stories
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Hello FimFic! How we doing today?

As you seen the title, I want to bring one of my most popular fanfics from over here, It's called 'My Little Pony and Human: Friendship is Magic' yes, I never had a good title then or now.

I made it during the first season of the show and when Human in Equestria fanfics were only starting to be somewhat popular on so I decided to jump in and make a simple romance story that wouldn't been 8-10 chapters long. But the story exploded in popularity then which made me scrap the initial plans and expand the characters more. And make a somewhat deeper plot. Looking back, it wasn't the best work.
I did consider putting it on FimFic back in the day but seeing the stricter guidelines, fear of rejection and my stubbornness to not try harder. I made it exclusive to FanFiction.
My MC was a big Gary Sue and it was only until the middle of it all I realised how right they were, and so I tried making him a flawed character from then on.
And my writing skills is poor, I may have improved somewhat over the years but I struggle with English despite me being English. I have a hard time understanding to this day. I've always just written what I wanted.
I did attempt to do some rewrites of old chapters, fixed some things but didn't fix everything. The early edits were to have consistency with later chapters since the later ideas weren't concepted at that point.

But I feel it's time to bring it over, sure things aren't the same as they once were. But not everyone goes to one site anymore.

What do you guys think? Any suggestions or should I keep my bad story on FF? Would love to know!

Well I'm currently reading it and so far pretty good. The main character is a person with doubts and fears like the rest of us and he is helping the main 6.

I like it so far! I say bring it over here!

I just finished and now I definitely want the whole story from beginning to end because this is is just part of the whole and it is way too good to easily put down.

Thank you very much, those are kind words. I am going to finish my Steven Universe Chapter 10 which will be the last. I recommend you keep and eye on that, especially the ending I have in mind. And Chapter 9 has a small reference to two characters...and who knows, maybe there'll be a...chapter 30?

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