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If you were to die next to a pony, who would it be and what would you tell them?

TLP #2 · Jun 7th, 2015 · · ·

4445367 Rainbow Dash

My words: I love you.. But because magic is overpowered, I'll be back in a couple of hours.

4445367 Luna and what I would say is "This is all one big nightmare"

i would tell them "jet fuel can't melt steel beams".

Rarity and I would tell her: "You're generous love will always be with me..." :raritycry:

4445367 I wouldn't, I'd be all by myself and with no words to say. Sorry for posting it like this.

4445367 Pinkie. "Thank you made me happy... Never forget me, but don't let me burden your smile..."

4445367 "Princess Luna, I wish... my dreams... weren't... so boring..."

Or how about...

"My only regret is not going to a party with Pinkie." (to Pinkie)

Sorry to hear that dude...

I guess it's my turn then...

Pony: Octavia
Last words: I want you to know I love you more than anything in my entire life. Go forth, and become everything that you have ever wanted... I've got your back...

i would die next to colgate

To Sunset Shimmer: "There is... nothing to... regret..."

4445367 Hmm...

"Dearest Celestia, tell Rarity relationships shouldn't be fashionable. You were so much better..."

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