Second Person Stories 1,827 members · 1,562 stories
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So, for the 2nd person story of Rainbow Dash, what type of dream should she be determined to do? I need ideas.

The first one was involving races. I don't know what kind of dreams she would want. There is alot she can do. Give me some ideas. I'll give you credit for it too. And Scootaloo will be in the story as well.

And as for the date part for a chapter. Give me an idea. And it won't be a dinner one, like in Lax's stories too. I don't see Rainbow Dash going to dinners for dates. I see her doing something else for a date. I think she would hate those type of dates. So, give me some ideas. I'll give you credit for it too.

She is also a human in the story. Like Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were in Lax's 2nd person stories.

1800167 I say she is a wonderbolt in her dream and for her sort of date I say hanging out can be consider a date in her terms me thinks. Hopefully you get some good ideas.

1800241 She's a human in the story. I'm making a story like Lax's 2nd person stories. You seen his 2nd person stories of Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie? I hope so too. Hanging out can be one.

1800167 Can you give some more details? Who is she even going on a date with? Also, unless her dream/life goal will really impact the story somehow you should just leave it at "wants to be a wonderbolt", since that is already established canon.

1800263 Wait, is this all humanized? That's an important detail.

1800299 Yeah it's all humanized. Look at Lax's 2nd person stories. The 'date' part is 2nd person, so you are the love interest of Rainbow Dash. In the beginning, she's tsundere, but will be nicer to 'you' later on.

As for her dream/life goal... I can't think of anything.

1800334 First of all, I don't even know who this "Lax" is, so I've no idea what you want to get from that.

As for the date, well Derp above had a good idea with the hanging out bit, it always seems to work with Rainbow's type of character. I have an idea or two about that and how to get there, but I need a little more info. First: what do you mean by tsundere? Second: do you already have any plans for getting past it? And third: what's the setting? Where/when is this all taking place? Are they in school or doing something else?

P.S. Oh, and describe "you" a little bit, since "you" in second person stories still have a defined character.

1800427 Look up "The Shy Girl" and you'll see what I mean when I talk about Lax. Tsundere means character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing his or her warm side over time.

And past her goals? As the the setting... I'm still thinking about it. I guess a humanized Equestria. It takes place after college, so, "you" are a 24 year old person who just passed college.

Hanging out would be her kind of date. For "you" in the story. I have to think about it.

1800490 Yeah, I'm not going to read Lux's stuff anytime soon. The abundance of romance stories on this site kinda killed my desire for them. But back to your thing.

First maybe consider your setting a bit more. Just about every pony city name is a pun of real life locations anyway. It would still work, it just might be a bit awkward for them to still live in Ponyville as humans.

And now I see your problem with her dream/life goal. Her options would be limited in a small town. I'd say she'd still be into sports, though I don't know about professionally; maybe you could work with that if you actually know about sports. Another thing is that she'd probably be a bit of a dare devil or speed/adrenaline junkie. You know the type, always doing dangerous things for the thrill of it. Actually that may be more of a hobby. Hmmm. You know, I've heard the Wonderbolts are actually based off a team of real life stunt fliers called the Blue Angels. Maybe she wants to join them?

But time for the lead up to the date. If you're going with that tsundere approach you first need a reason for her coldness/hostility towards the main character(ideas: she heard some rumors about you - she saw something happen and jumped to conclusions about you - she rolls with a tough crowd and associating with you would ruin her image). Then you need a reason for the main character to like her (ideas: you saw her do something that goes against what you first thought of her, catching your interest - you heard something about her that made you very curious - your work forces you two to be near each other so you try to make friends.). Next is an something to break her hostility towards you. This would probably involve defending or helping her or her friends in some way. By then she should be warming up to you.

Finally the date itself. If your Rainbow Dash is similar to the one in the show, then just start by working up to friend level. Eventually make the offer of a date. She'll be hesitant of course, thinking of stereotypical mushy stuff. That's when you assure it won't be like that. It'll just be the two of you hanging out and having a good time together. This date should be different from the normal hanging out between you two, but you both should be having a good time, unless you want it to go wrong. You know, for drama.

I would avoid giving the 'you' any real backstory, it will be much easier for readers to self insert that way. Having a backstory immediately makes it difficult to relate with the 'you' in the story.

I don't know what to say about personality, it's impossible to make it widely relatable with such a diverse array of readers.

1800844 I'll try that. I'm not too sure about the adrenaline junkie. I don't think she would use that. For the romance part, I could try that. She would be hesitant. Lax did that with "The Girl Named Pinkie Pie" and you know what. It would be a spoiler for me to say it.

1800891 Like is this a backstory? "You like being in sports and worked out often." I'll work on the personality thing. I do like the neutral idea. I'll think about it.

1801035 That's not what I meant by adrenaline junkie. I meant she would participate in potentially perilous activities because they're dangerous, kinda like this:

1801101 Oh. Silly brain of mine.

Nah, that kind of stuff is generally fine, I wouldn't even call that backstory. Stuff like "Your parents died when you were little" or other specific events/major events are likely a problem though. Basically don't describe any significant past events that would break immersion or whatever.

On the other hand, readers who don't like sports as much may be alienated, but like I said, keeping everyone happy with second person stories is impossible(though you can try to make it more universally compatible), so don't worry about that too much.

In other news, I'm getting too specific here, and I'm not good with giving specific advice. I think it's best if I stop now. :pinkiecrazy:

Also, if possible, I would recommend avoidng giving 'you' a name. Though it can make writing a little harder in some scenarios, I'd say it's worth it.

I see Rainbow Dash going to a Wonderbolt's show for a date or something in Cloudsdale

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