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Okay so I was playing ME1 and switched around Kaidan and Ashley so Ashley would be the one guarding the bomb and kaidan would be with the assault team. But recently a thought popped into my head; the theoretically lets you pick any member of your squad to do the jobs. So my question is, regardless of job, who would you pick to die out of the original ME squad barring the generic Ashley or Kaidan?

3117128 not Liara, because she's an only child and I still need her for prothean stuff


Wrex. He's got the greatest chance of surviving, due to his healing factor and the fact that he's the best straight up fighter on the team.

You kidding? They're the only two I'm willing to put down for any reason. Though, if it was my first play through, Tali would probably been blown to bits with the bomb.

And I would have regretted it for the rest of my days.

3117745 see I was originally going to make it a 'Garrus or Tali' thing, but then I realized any squad member could be used, much more interesting.

3117128 I never cared Liara, and I have no idea how an archeologist, "little more than an child" becomes such a powerful info broker in two years. And how did she snag Sheperds body away from the collectors? I don't buy it. I wanted her to die on Virmire. The only two asari you can trust are Samara and the agent for the rachni you meet on Illium.
Kill Liara I say.

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