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I'm planning on making a Facebook petition Page for an aparrantly cut Quest in Which Admiral Dar'Xen Goes Coo-coo. Link

I think That It should have 4 extra quests if the Peace and 2 extra to those 4 if Geth were destroyed.

Dialogue for these missions: Bold Peace; Italics: Geth destroyed (Will have only 4-5 lines per quests, You come with the rest and Help Me).

Quest 1: Geth Study Secrets. Summary: Admiral Shala'Raan Vas Rannoch has asked you and Tali to investigate a ruined science Vessel in orbit of Haza and collect its Findings.

Tali: Strange that Raan would want us to collect findings when this ship was under Xen's Control; It could ruin relations with the geth. (If Romanced and Paragon Dialogue)You're Right Shepard, I should demand My own fleet after this and you will be my first mate just like how you are my spectre. (Romance and Renegade) Xen is an Idiot, If we find out something I'll have her tried for High treason and you can vouch for me. Geth destroyed is the Same except for relations The Geth were destoyed, collecting the findings might prove both useful and harmful to us.

Hostiles on ship encountered (Brute, 4 Mauraders and a Handful of Cannibals if Peace; Geth Prime; 4 Geth Rocket Troopers; 2 Geth Pyros; 3 Geth Hunters; and a Handful of Geth Troopers)

Tali: Watch out, Reaper Forces and they've got a Damned Brute (Hostiles Cleared) Must've been leftovers from that Destroyer back on Rannoch (If Romanced) You'll Protect me from those Big bad Reaper, Won't you Shepard? Why are there Geth here, I thought they were destroyed in the battle; (Hostiles Eliminated) Xen Had something to do with this, I just Know it!; She will pay, Oh She will pay with exile for threatining the destruction of my people, our people, to a second Geth Revolution; (If Romanced) Shepard, I understand the benefits; Okay, I'll trust you for now, only because I love you; Stop teasing me.

Devisers (Harvested Quarians with their left Hand Having three electric claws coming out of the palm, the hair is now sticking out as spikes on the top of the head, Can use Overload, Hacking, and Energy Drain, Weapons: M-76 Reveanant, M-1 Paladin (Shield that will regenerate in a minute or two and health Bar) encountered

Tali: By the Ancestors? Keelah, Shepard, those are quarians! (cutscene for a Romance Tali, Deviser creeps up behind Tali, shot by shepard when Tali turns around) Thanks, Shepard, for watching my Back. Xen couldn't have done this, Damned Reapers! (If Romanced) Don't worry Shepard, I'm now fully comitted to killing every Last damn Reaper out there; Okay, you might distract me with your perfect abs and-

Garrus/Liara/Ashley/Kaidan: You can get back to flirting when this damn info has been found.

Javik: If two Teammates on a team flirted on a mission back in my cycle, they would've been executed.

James: So when is the Baby due?

Tali: What?!

James: When is A baby Sparks/Loco hybrid gonna pop out of you, Tali?

Shepard: You're serious? Just Shut up or Tali will-

Tali: He's Levo, I'm Dextro. Our amino acids are different meaning we can't reproduce although as much as we'd like to have a child of our own one day.

James: okay, Sore subject, Moving on.

EDI: I've located the information, it is wise to get moving now before reinforcements show up.

Information Found

Xen (recording): Dalatross, is it really wise to be talking about stopping the Krogan by using the Geth to exterminate Them?

Dalatross Linron (recording): Of course, Xen and I also have info about you and the Illusive man that can be released to the public if you don't.

Xen (recording): Damn you, Linron! You know something like that would ruin me if ever leaked.

Dalatross Linron (recording): Then I suggest you don't make me an enemy like shepard did. Have Fun.

Tali: Shepard, There is a lot more Data than just this recording (Deviser starts to creep on her without anyone Noticing) That's everything, I- (electrocuted by Deviser; Deviser shot by squadmate seconds later) AHHHH! The Data get it to Raan.

Shepard: Investiagtion team to Normandy, we have wounded, It's Tali!

Mission Debrief from Raan

Raan: The Information that you acquired from that vessel is interesting to say the least. Well I still can't convict Xen with treason as she obviously wanted this information Private, But showing this to councilor Esheel Might give us enough leverage to get Linron out of Office, give you full Salarian Support; and allow the quarians to re-establish an embassy on the Citadel. Thank you!, The data has also been sent to the Cruicible and the geth; The geth are our allies , but they won't betray us, Not now.

Funding: 12500
War Assets Updated: Geth: Geth resurrected Platforms + 25 EMS. Thanks to you finding that data all Geth Platforms have been recovered and (peace) reactivated with Non-hostile Geth Programs active (geth Destoryed) reactivated with Consturcted Loyalty programs.
War Assets updated: Salarians: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 7th Salarian Fleets: +300 EMS in Total
War Assets Updated: Quarians: + 100: Quarian Marines; +25 Kal'Reegar; +25 Praaza.
War Assets updated: Crucible: +75 Reaper coding
War Assets updated: Crucible: +50 Geth study data

New messages:
From: Councilor Esheel
To: Commander Shepard
That Information you showed me was interesting to say the least, I've gotten rid of Dalatross Linron and given you as many fleets that I have avaible and have sent some more STG forces to to help with the Fight.
War Assets updated: Salarians: +125 Salrain STG

From: Urdnot Wrex
To: Commander Shepard
Thanks for not following the stupid Dalatross's plan. I had more moles in STG than Mordin, but you cured my people so thank you anyway, for a second, I thought I was going to have to kill you myself. New recruits have joined the and Aralakh company is ready.
War Assets updated: +100 Krogan Clans
War Assets updated: +200 Clan Urdnot
War Assets updated: +75 Aralakh company (If missing scout investigated and grunt survives Suicide Mission)

From: Shala'Raan Vas Rannoch
To: Commander Shepard
We've re-estahblished our embassy on the citadel (peace) and the Geth have estahblished their own
We're sending the Rayya and Neema to Help you in your fight against the reapers, Keelah'Selai
War Assets updated: quarians: +50 Neema
War Assets updated: Quarians: +225 Rayya

From: Han'Gerral
To: Commander Shepard
Shepard, I heard tali, was wounded on your mission. That is very sad but I've discovered something interesting on Haestrom, I'll be in orbit of the planet, just meet me aboard my flagship, and this time, please don't make me, as you humans say, Chuck up my lunch.

From: Dr.Karin Chakwas
To: Commander Shepard
Tali is stable, I told traynor so she can tell you when she wakes up to check on her. Until then, I'll be doing daily operations and cleanings to keep her alive. I do have some large quadrant of Medi-gel Being sent to the alliance 5th However.
War Assets updated: Alliance 5th fleet: +75 Medi-gel Stores

New Journal update Haestrom Lab: Inquire why Han is in orbit of Haestrom by meeting with him.
This mission will be available after Rannoch, Lesus, and Gellix. you can gain around 12000 credits, 4500 XP and 3 war asset helpers:
quarian Immuno-Booster: +50 quarian Marines.
Qurains, Geth, and Turians: reaper Armor and sheilding blueprints: +25 Turian Blackwatch; +150 Qurian Marines, +300 Geth Primes; +150 Geth Troopers; +50 Geth Fleet
Geth: Geth Titan Platform: +75 Geth Primes.

You put in the extra Dialogue and what you think should be put in the Site be posted till I have everytrhing. Aslk anyfreind what would be a great way to support this. Together This DLC could be interesting.

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