Mass Effect 389 members · 64 stories
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You probably forgot about this group, didn't you? Well, remember it while it lasts - it may be our last N7 Day in the Milky Way before the Andromeda Initiative takes us to unknown corners of the universe.

In case you haven't seen, BioWare released their Mass Effect: Andromeda cinematic trailer today, and looks like it'll be one of the most ambitious and promising games in the series.

What do you think?

No gameplay, no hype.

5618947 Not getting a feeling of 'New Galaxy' exploration from this trailer, its more like an action movie set in the standard ME universe.:applejackunsure:

As much as I liked the trailer, I share that sentiment. The end states "Captured in engine. Representative of game experience.", so at least we know what it'll look like. Hopefully gameplay won't be incredibly different, though it would have been at least interesting to see some of the levels we'd be experiencing.

I did, but that was just me. I think one of the problems with trying to get that feel is that to us, the original trilogy already was a new galaxy exploration - we know so little about what's beyond our own solar system that traveling across the galaxy to planets like Tuchanka and Rannoch itself was an exploration, even though in the game's lore they had been known for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Any of the aliens or planets in the trailer could have realistically been in the Milky Way and it would still be the same level of exploration for us. I'm hoping that when the game launches, they can really make that feeling strong.

Not too impressed, I'll be honest.
BUT it is the first real trailer so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

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