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As simple as that. Who would win in a fight?

My money’s on Ryder. As much a badass as Shepard has proven to be over the course of the trilogy, Ryder has some huge advantages in speed, mobility, and adaptability.

Ryder does have the advantage skill wise and such, but remember that Shepard has experience, as well as numerous enhancements to her body. She beat Pinnacle station while Ryder was thrown Into her current situation. The little N7 training she has was passed down from her father, while Shepard has it all.

It would be a close fight, but I believe Shepard would win.

Commander Shephard. While Ryder does have speed and mobility due to his/her jump-jets and S.A.M. providing Profiles and access to all kinds of soldier, tech, and biotic abilities, as Redbow stated it all comes down to experience.

Shephard regardless of his/her background before the military had attained the N7 certification after the military. And as you can read here, it isn't easy to get to that level of profiency. While Alec Ryder had an N7 rank, his children (Scott or Sara) only got some informal training from him, never having attained that rank themselves.

Add to the fact that Shepard has fought and won numerous engagements against slavers, mercenaries and soldiers of the various Milky Way Galaxy species (human, turian, salarian, asari, krogan, vorcha), the Geth, the Collectors, various animals, a Yawg, thresher maws, and the Reapers compared to Ryder's fights against human and Angaren slavers/mercs/soldiers, Remnant bots (including Architects at the worst ), some Andromeda animals, and the Khett, Shephard has fought against things comparable to what Ryder’s faced and much, much worse to boot.

Shepard, hands down. N7 training? 10+ years military experience? Defeated the geth, collectors, and the Reapers? Ryder did good for a newbie, but you can’t compare one Hitler wannabe and a bunch of leftover space Roombas to the likes of Harbinger.

This is only the first game, and Ryder may get the experience needed, but at the moment Shepard is a clear win.

With combat crew mates or without?

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