Mass Effect 389 members · 64 stories
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Does anyone know about the unreleased means of saving both Kaiden and Ashley?

I don't think so but I have a feeling that there may be one but I don't know.

The creators originally planned for players to have the chance to saved them both. But for some reason dumped the idea.

I did not know that would have been great to save both but apparently in the games you can only choose only one and it's kind of surprising only a lot of people chose Ashley over kaiden and vice versa

I know, right? (Offer handshake) I'm Wrex. Seasoned player and #1 ME fan. What's your name, friend?

(Smiles and shakes hand) Ryan21 also a fan of the mass effect series the person I ship any Shepard with is Tali. You?

I prefer Liara. My favorite blaster is the Geth Plasma Shotgun. Your favorite blaster?

Same although I most likely prefer the sniper rifle but if you combine the sniper rifle for long rage and the shotgun for short range it would be really good for both qualities

Hmm, good call. My favorite squad mate in the games is Garrus. Your's?

Hmmmmmmm that's a hard one to be honest I think I would have to go with either tali or Miranda

I understand. There's no wrong to that question. Paragon or Renegade?

Paragon all the way my man

Me, too. Suicide Mission Survivors?

I try to save as many people as I can (if I ever get the full game and do the right things that is)

(Hum) Perhaps I can help in that department. I hire myself out to Mass Effect Players who are having trouble. I'd be happy to help if your interested.

I don't have the game right now but I'll keep that in mind or when I do get the game and start playing it I know that in Mass effect 2 you get a chance to be able to save everybody but you have to have certain characters to certain things and certain people to not do certain things in order to keep the team alive and a lot of the people a life as well and believe me I don't want to see tali or any of the others go Kia because of something I did wrong

Well, I understand your decision. But at least let me give you the the first two steps you have to do. Deal?

Lay it on me my friend

First, each crew member has a certain mission they need to do called 'Loyalty Mission'. Do those first and keep everyone's loyalty.
And second, every crew member has a personal or ship upgrade. Get every upgrade... Well, actually it's certain ship upgrades, but better safe than sorry.

The loyalty missions I knew about for a while since they do tend to happen in some of the games baseball what I was told but I didn't know you had to upgrade the ship, then again I did watch some play through so yeah that makes a lot more sense also yeah we want a great upgraded ship that a non upgraded ship

Awesome. Wait, you want the DLC crew members, Zaeed and Kasumi advice or you want to figure it out?

Yeah wonderful will have to be under the maybe side because I know a little bit about their backstory meanwhile the other I may need a little bit more info as to who that one is I don't exactly remember which one was which but like I said I had to put them under maybe

Not much to tell on either parties mission.
1.Kasumi's Gun is more useful than Zaeed's.
2. Do a bit of Paragon grinding before doing Zaeed Loyalty.
3. Make Kasumi keeps the Graybox.
And 4. Make every shot count.

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