Mass Effect 389 members · 64 stories
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Who would it be?

Wrex? Grunt?


Or maybe even Mordin?

Personally, I would have gone for Jack. She, to me, had one of the deepest characters and went through the most development, not to mention being a vanguard, which is a personal favorite of mine among the different classes.

So who would you have chosen and why?

Comment below, let me know! :rainbowdetermined2:

Miranda has all the development of a Styrofoam block so no not her.

Bring them where?
Some context would be nice, you know.
ps. y cant Jack charge

2437765 Legion. Imagine trying to explain him to other people.

2437773 Take a team member from a previous ME game and bring them into ME 3 as a team mate :moustache:

Either Mordin or Legion. Both of them would have very interesting dialogue...

Because that would be equivalent to bringing in a small army :P

Mordin, Tali, Legion, or Thane. Mordin cause he's the type of guy that makes everything fun. Tali we'll who wouldn't want to bring her to a party and see how she lets loose. Legion we'll what gamer dousent want a A.I. As a friend to show off. And Thane to see if he can teach me all his assassin skills with some deep talks about good and evil.

I already have Tali in 3, so I guess having her earlier would be my decision.

Although, honestly, Mordin and Legion were the shit, yo. I'd like to bring them on as well most, if we're not including those already on the team.

But not bringing everyone from 2 along was one of my biggest disappointments of 3.

2439517 I missed Jack the most. Personally, I loved how much growth she got. I think she was only really rivaled by Tali in that department :applejackunsure:

See, this is one of the things that I love about the Mass Effect series. Depending on how you played and who you brought with you, you had a different experience to the other players. For example, I brought Mordin and Tali with me for nearly every mission in 2 during my first playthrough, thus I didn't see the character development of other characters until other runs.

...It also didn't help that Jack started yelling "Fuck you!" every time I approached her.

2439634 I love Tali, too. Everytime I try to ramnce someone else now, I go like this...

ME1: Alright, so Tali isn't that great. I won't fall under her spell this time.

ME2: Okay, I fell under her spell, but there's still ME3 and Liara/Ashley is back. I'll go back to them no problem

ME3:... DAMMIT!!!

It's just that accent, man...

So yeah, Tali is one of my favorites, up there with Garrus and Kasumi :moustache:

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