Mass Effect 389 members · 64 stories
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So you are charged with rewriting the ME saga with ponies. Who's Commander Shepherd? Where/What is the Normandy? Basically how would YOU put it into Equestria or Equestria through a Relay?
I'll start. First, Ambassador Cadance, Captain Celestia, and Admiral Luna (Hacket plays a smaller role than Anderson) are chit-chatting before Commander Spike is sent to a far-off town to dig up a human artifact when they are attacked by the Changelings. Game 1 plays out, Diamond Dogs are krogan, Earth ponies are turians and trust worthy aliens, unicorns are salarians, asari, and any alien you can't trust. Sweetie Belle is Kaidan, Applebloom is Ashley, Scootaloo is Joker.
Game 2: Twilight is Mordin, Applejack is Archangel, Rarity is Liara, Trixie is Jack, Thane is a thestral/bat pony/whatever they called, Tali is a crystal pony, Blue Blood is TIM, Rainbow is Miranda, and Chrysalis is Legion, who explains the Changelings and how they have split...
What would you do? Who would you make whom?

2484581 This was a project that I chose not to go through with recently :moustache:





Main character: Lieutenant Commander Braeburn Reinette

Background: Colonist. After slavers and pirates raided his home on the planet, Golden Reinette, his entire family, with the exception of his two cousins, were killed. A few years later, when he turned 18, he signed up for the Alliance military, eventually joining the the N7 program.

Veteran Status: Sole Survivor, lost his entire unite on Akuze and it has painted how protective he is of others.

Reason for casting: Relatively blank slate, meaning I can play around with his character a lot more than if I used a mane six character, who’s much more well defined.

Class: Soldier

Party members:

Gilda Vakarian-Counterpart to Garrus Vakarian
Cowgirl cop raised on Citadel station by a single father, she grew up on the station as a member of the Griffin race, eventually becoming a C-Sec agent. She meets Braeburn in while he is searching for a quarian named Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash-Counterpart to Joker

Cadence-Counterpart to Liara T’soni
The niece to Matriarch Celestia, Cadence was a simple archaeologist looking through some ruins when she became swept up into the events of the adventure. Her connection is key to finding out where the team will be able to find what they need.

Fluttershy-Counterpart to Tali Zorah
Daughter of an admiral in the Quarian fleet, Fluttershy Nariah wanted only to be far and away from the spotlight that her father’s position threw her into the middle of. Now, far from home, she has no choice but to follow Braeburn for her own protection.

Spike-Counterpart to Wrex
The child of the dragon who wanted reforms to allow the dragons time to rebuild after the dragon rebellions, after the assassination of his father, he fled in exile, becoming a bounty hunter and eventually winding up on the Citadel, where he would join Braeburn in his hunt for the evidence.

Twilight Sparkle-Counterpart to Kaidan
Braeburn’s best friend throughout the N7 program, Twilight Sparkle is a skilled technician and a capable biotic, but her skills aren’t superb in either area. As such, she’s been forced to rely on the careful application of her skills. She will be the one that dies on Virmire, guarding the bomb from the Geth forces and taking out most of them that come her way.

Soarin’-Counterpart to Ashley
Found on Epona Prime during a Geth attack, most of his unit was wiped out by the ensuing carnage. He’s also the grandson of Glidin’, the only general to ever surrender to an alien species and his family wears that as a mark of shame. He will be the Virmire survivor and have a few ship teases with Rainbow Dash.

Doctor Red Heart-Counterpart to Dr. Chakwas

Blueblood-Counterpart to Udina

Flash Sentry-Counterpart to Corporal Jenkins

Other Cast Members:

Matriarch Celestia-Counterpart to Matriarch Benezia/Samara
After the battle on Noveria, Celestia was thought dead after several gun shot wounds. Taking the pity on her, the changeling queen went back and healed her. Seeking to atone for her past sins, she took up her old calling as a justicar and teamed up with Applejack, an ex-N7 sniper, in an attempt to bring justice to the people who murdered her family.

Captain Spitfire-Counterpart to Captain Anderson

Sunset Shimmer-Counterpart to Saren

Species Counterparts:

Asari will be played by Alicorns

Turians will be played Griffins

Quarians and humans will be played by ponies

Vorcha (God willing I get that far) will be played by Diamond Dogs

Batarians will be played by Minotaurs

Krogans will be played by dragons

Rachni will be played by the changelings

Collectors will be played by wendigoes

Protheans will be crystal ponies

Salarians will be played by the Dragonoquis

Future Characters (should we get that far…):

Rarity-Counterpart to Miranda

Fancy Pants-Counterpart to The Illusive Man

Shining Armor-Counterpart to Jacob

Trixie (Subject Zero)-Counterpart to Jack

Luna/Nightmare Moon-Counterpart to Aria T’loak
She’s going to play something of a hybrid between the two sides of the night princess, being sort of honorable and lawful evil, willing to help Braeburn out with information but still maintaining a very tight grip on Omega. She will very much be of the ‘noble demon’ archetype.

Sombra-Counterpart to Javik
A unicorn from a lost pony civilization, he was set apart as a separate plan to retake the galaxy after 50,00 years of stasis. He is the sole survivor of the army he was meant to lead. He is still an asshole, but that’s okay, because so was Javik.

Applejack-Counterpart to Thane
She’s going to be much older than Braeburn in this story, being in her fortees at least. While doing some missions for the Alliance, the guys that she did the missions against came to her house and killed her family. She left the military after that to pursue her life of vengeance. By the time she meets her cousin, Braeburn, she has a terminal cancer. She is an ex-N7 infiltrator and will be met alongside Celestia on Illium during that arc.

Big Macintosh-Counterpart to James Vega

Ditzy Derpy Doo Hooves-Counterpart Kelly Chambers

Pinkie Pie-Counterpart to EDI

Sweetie Bot-Counterpart to Legion
Legion is a Geth, and to better fit in amongst the crew of the Canterlot, he takes a form more akin to Rarity’s sister, Sweetie Belle, after the mission to find her. When Pinkie Pie suggests taking the form of something familiar, he goes for Sweetie, and she, in turn, is dubbed ‘Sweetie Bot’.

Mordin-Counterpart to Discord

Barb (fem!Spike)-Counterpart to Grunt

2484587 I live for info dumps like this. I can now sleep easy knowing I'm not alone. I'm kinda wishing you could continue with this. I just reread Celestia's part. Make this a thing! Do it bitch, at least that part <fangirl squel> The only asari I trust used to be my enemy. I can't wait!

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