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I've got a challenge for you all. I'm going to unravel (as much as I can) the expansive coil of HiE's, and try to provide you all with a realistic approach to dealing with, and hopefully SURVIVING an insane situation such as this.

I'm going to present chapters, that will run by the basics of lone survival and social dependency, looking over the traits of Equestria and it's varied environment.

I'm going to provide a rating of 1-5, which follows:

1 = I will NOT succeed.
2 = I have a slim chance of succeeding.
3 = I have a moderate chance of succeeding.
4 = I have a massive chance of succeeding.
5 = I WILL succeed.

So after you read a chapter, feel free to make a comment expressing the likelihood or your success in these various situations.

EDIT: Owlor put forth a great idea to include a personal skill sheet to go along with your chances. Feel free to list that as well.

Also, I'd encourage some discussion over the complexity of the situation and provide your own input on HiE and the realistic approach to it.


Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: TBA
Chapter 3: TBA

Chapter 1: Arrival

1-A: Arrival in the Wilderness (1-5 OVERALL)
So let's say you've recently touched down on Equestria soil, but wound up a ways away from any civilization. You are in perfect health and are well fed and hydrated initially upon arrival. The only thing brought along with you is the clothes on your back (a T-shirt and pants) and the season is currently Summer. Now, Equestria in itself, is host to a plethora of varying climates, just like our Earth. The same rules for survival would apply here, as it would for any situation on our land.

Below is the basic statistics for all the climates we've seen ON THE SHOW.

Temperate Forest: (1-5)
Temperature: Moderate (Day/Night)
Vegetation: High
Food/Water: High
Traversal Difficulty: Medium
Overall Difficulty: Easy

Description: The Temperate Forest is by far the most common choice of arrival for most authors, due to the fact that Ponyville, usually being the center of attention, is located extremely close to one. Let's assume that all temperate forests in Equestria have the same basic traits and inhabitants as the Everfree Forest. That means that there will be a large abundance of trees and bushes that provide an opaque shield away from any clearings. Your initial thoughts in any foreign situation away from industrialization is to actively try to seek it, so long-term survival is not in mind here.

The temperature will hardly be a problem throughout your stay there, and the variable of having any storm or natural event will not be counted. Your chances of becoming lost in the dense vegetation is very likely, and should you wander, you'll soon be in contact with the various traits of the forest. The trees and bushes in itself poses no threat, but there is always a chance of a possible encounter with something relating to Poison Ivy or Poison Joke, that could make your traversal much more difficult.

Let's say you have the misfortune of coming across a pack of Timberwolves. Predators such as Timberwolves are seemingly aggressive by nature, and have attempted to ravage ponies with the intent to kill or seriously wound them. Should you ever encounter them, your options are limited to: running, fighting, or evasion. Timberwolves are fragile, however, as we've seen them smash into bits of twigs over large physical contact, so quick thinking is key.

Past your Timberwolves encounter, you are now suddenly growing increasingly hungry and thirsty. The temperate forest luckily provides a variety of fruit trees and natural ponds or lakes for you to supply yourself with. We're also safe to assume that Equestria has a variety of foreign plants and foods, that more or less could be dangerous to consume (poisonous berries etc.) so your chances of illness is a consideration.

Desert: (1-5)
Temperature: High/Low (Day/Night)
Vegetation: Low
Food/Water: Low
Traversal Difficulty: Hard
Overall Difficulty: Hard

Description: As we're all well aware, thousands of people every year go missing and die from within the vast and unforgiving planes of desert that inhabit the Earth. The overwhelming temperatures and lack of any proper vegetation or water makes staying physically healthy a challenge. While deserts are primarily provide a clear view any any direction (aside from large dunes) they tend to stretch on for miles upon miles, and the sand sinks in your shoes with every step. Animals are scarce in the climate, only reserved for insects and reptiles and those that are often buried under the sand or over any form of shade. Cactus' are a viable form of hydration, should you properly be able to cut one upon and be able to consume the juices inside, and food in any form of vegetation is rare; hunting down small critters is your most viable option.

Alpine: (1-5)
Temperature: Low (Day/Night)
Vegetation: Moderate
Food/Water: Moderate
Traversal Difficulty: Easy
Overall Difficulty: Medium

Description: This climate in Equestria is noticeable up and around Canterlot, and towards the Crystal Kingdom (as we've discovered in the show) bearing a copious amount of snow and frost. The temperature is likely to remain incredibly cold, and your choice of clothing (a T-shirt and pants) is not enough to help protect you from the elements. Hypothermia will always be a problem. The snow, as is, is lightly falling, so vegetation is visible (albeit dried up and frozen). Traversal should not be too much of a hassle. While water is abundant through the consumption of snow, and possible ponds, any form of natural food is a difficulty. Animals up and around this area, if following Earth standards, should not provide too much danger, should you attempt to avoid them.

1-B: Arrival in Civilization: (1-5 OVERALL)
This one is fairly straight-forward. We're going to assume that the town or city you've arrived in is competent and intelligent, with a fair population of ponies. There are two branches to approach this:

A) Seek out and socialize with the civilians: (1-5): Not wasting any time in subtlety, you quickly attempt to reveal yourself to the populace, and because of your foreign looks and assumingly large stature over the common pony, you would quickly find yourself in a negative situation. (We'll go more in depth about social interaction later)

B) Subterfuge: (1-5): Let's say you're not ready to reveal yourself, and seeing how you would most likely be unaware that you were in Equestria (unless you've seen the populace) than you would most likely want to stay in the shadows and out of view. Structures in Equestria are not noticeably different from our own structures, holding the same kind of height and width as a typical first-world country home. Food and water can easily be allocated through ponies homes, through trash or through burglary. Wells also seem to be common in pony towns, giving you the option of hydration, at the cost of throwing yourself out in the open to fetch it. There is more of a reliance on your own sneaking skills, than a dependance on the environment. The situation could quickly turn negative, should you be caught by the wrong pony.


Interesting. Color me in. :moustache:

Forest: 4
Desert: 2.5-3
Alpine: 4
1-A Overall: 3.7

Socialize: 2-2.5
Subterfuge: 5
1-B Overall: 3.4

Alpine: 3
Forest: 4
Desert: 3
1-A Overall: 3.7
Reason: I have spent most of my life outdoors, in nearly every environment. While walking I can lose myself in thought, leaving the pain of the cold/heat/branches behind but can sometimes lose the path. I also have a great sense of direction so once I have seen a landmark to head to, I will probably get there no problem.

Subterfuge: 4
Socialize: 3.5
1-B Overall: 4
Reason: I have a great history with animals and know how to approach them without fear. The trick is to stay at their level and be quite, even appear shy so they are the more curious ones and they come to see you. For sneaking, going hunting regularly helps with learning how to not be seen, heard, or smelt by keeping the wind I'm facing away from town, heel down first when walking, and only traveling by night. I would gather water from wells, picking a bucket up from any nearby shed, and gathering small amounts of food from gardens.

Overall survival 1: 4.1

Well, I'm already writing a fic like this myself, but that bases out of the lucky premise of being in the middle of a hike and thus bringing most of a full survival kit and plenty of supplies along.

That said:

Forest: 4.5
Desert: 3.5
Alpine: 5
1-A Overall: 4.33
Reason: I have practically grown up in the forest, and spent some 5 years in my local orienteering club to boot. There is more danger and more complications in general in that environment, but I'm a pretty skilled melee fighter as far as that goes. Deserts aren't really my type of environment and I'm not very used to them, but I've hiked in both the Grand Canyon and the Sahara (though the latter was in the winter), and cracking cacti is pretty common sense, so I know my way around.
As a viking, however, I'm by far the most comfortable with an alpine environment. I'm an avid skier and hiker, and I have a pretty damn solid resistance to cold - and as a northerner I have most of the skills needed to stay alive in that environment pounded into my blood, pretty much. By far, easy access to clean water is the single most important thing to survive - aside from maybe air to breathe - and in an alpine environment that's a total non-issue.

Socialize: 4
Subterfuge: 5
1-B Overall: 4.5
While I'm not the most social of people I've got the immensely useful ability of staying and getting out of trouble. I can quite easily defuse most hostile situations, and those I can't I can usually justify to others my reactions afterward. I'm also fairly skilled at entertaining people in a social situation, though I usually lose my own enjoyment for it before too long.
For the second route, I probably will have a very, very easy time overall. I can be extremely quiet when I wish, and I can't begin to count the number of times people have failed to notice me walking right behind or beside them until I actually start talking to them - or in one notable case, look in the window reflection on the door to the dorms - and subsequently scare the crap out of them. I'm also extremely skilled at just "disappearing", as it is - be it in a crowd, a forest or a city street, keeping track of me is something few of my friends can manage.
In short, hiding out in a city wouldn't be much of a challenge for me.

Overall survival 1: 4.4 (or thereabouts)

Hmmm, I'll play this game, I'll think of it if one is unbiased to when one's discovery of a civilization of ponies. Let's face it, most people would mentality be prepared if they were to think of being into Equestria and engage with the beloved characters from the show, therefore I find the level immersion to be off. I will bas the my answer by how I would realistically handle the situation, in a given scenario, and not give interacting with ponies a... favorable response.

1-A: Arrival in the Wilderness

Temperate Forest: 3
I would grade myself as a 3, being an average number; as how I would be cautious around my surroundings, I am by no mean an expert of being an survivalist. With vegetation being plentiful with fruit and how the water would most likely be clean, it wouldn't be hard to find based on the facts above. However one key factor that offset this is being introduce to alien objects such as unusual fruits or stumbling upon The Poison Joke, that will increase the likelihood of being sick is increased.
Encounter with hostile creatures such as Timberwolves would be unavoidable, most likely encounter would to hit them from afar with heavy rocks or to find a safe spot such as climbing up a tree to avoid being reach, but this depends on the level of quick-thinking and current mental, physical state when encounter. Most likely get away with bruises and some bite marks. Overall average

As previously stated that survivalist is not a key trait, the most realistic outcome that I will not survived. For I would lack proper knowledge/experience with the Desert Climate. Therefor, the only solution would be to travel with no sense of direction and pray to luck to find a traveler to be rescued.

Alpine: :2
Seeing that the basic clothing would consist of T-Shirts and pants, my chances of survival would be thrown against me for that chances of Hypothermia will be unavoidable as regardless of resistance to the cold, the unfavorable outcome will be inevitable. Only chances of survival are to find a high observing point (like a hill) and find the nearest settlements of any sorts (If not find a cottage or house). Time is the essence before the body succumbs to the Cold with improper clothing.

Overall: 3

1-B: Arrival in Civilization:

A) Seek out and socialize with the civilians:4
Depending on mental preparation, and as well as current state of health, the reaction to find find a civilization of talking-ponies can greatly vary for you the first thing it pop into your head is a level of oddity and disgust to find big-eyed thinking ponies (think about how their skulls would look like with having such huge eye sockets). Mostly likely average, depends on what state you are in before encounter them first-hand.
Upon reflecting one episode as to how pony would react to a strange foreign individual, such as Bridle Gossip, the most likely outcome is that they forced themselves to be in a City-wide Lockdown where they don't bother to interact with you and remain indoors. The worse that can happen if they actively seek to hunt you down by a select few as they perceived you as a threat to the community, declaring as a meat-eater won't do well to sway the public opinion of you.
The mostly results be favorable, as it wont be hard to handle negative social experience, and quickly adjust to the sudden negative view of you, should they not act to rid of you that is...This course of action would be not be pursued as it relies on the luck of their initial actions towards you with no observation as to how they would react to you otherwise. Social dependency is kept to a minimal as you won't rely on having friendship with the perceived strange creatures, as you need the ineractions for hopes of survival.

B) Subterfuge:4
should one watch the sidelines and see the level of activity during the time of day, one would find that there is not much nightlife for a small-given community (if Ponyville is to be a case) , and the only source of activity at the night is special events. This would also prove useful to observe the way of life to this strange creatures and how they operate as a community, therefore giving you background knowledge of how their society works.
Taking advantage of the restful nature of night, it's easy to sneak around (when minding your step and watching the noise you can make by weight); it won't be hard to find food, water, and clothing that would be discarded (if not left open easily) and makes your living easier. The key factor that plays against this if there are signs left in the morning that leaves evidence of unusual activity that happens at the night. Most likely avoidable as long as you don't create too much of noise or mess behind.
Should an unlikely event occurred that a pony spots you out in the open at night, the most likely way to avoid the sudden confrontation (seeing how emotionally response they are to strange events, like in Applebuck Season; when they faints in the face of the bunny stampede) is to scare them out front and hope that they faint, then proceed to run away and stay from town from sometime with supplies at hand til the level of alert dies down a little.


I hope that I played the game correctly

With only a t-shirt and jeans, survival for an extended period in an alpine situation is virtually impossible. You would need to hope you appeared close enough to civilization that you could quickly find shelter, because you simply don't have adequate protection from cold. Hypothermia is a serious risk, and you arrive with no tools to mitigate it. (Even trying to use the snow as an insulator is going to fail, because you have nothing capable of protecting you from the damp as your bodyheat melts the snow around you). I think you underrate the difficulty of surviving in such an environment.

At least the desert you can save yourself from exposure by covering yourself with sand or finding shade. Admittedly, lack of water is a serious problem, but it typically won't kill you for *3 days*, and deserts are cool in the night and most have plants that you can acquire moisture from.

Forest: 5 (access to wood for a fire and making tools. Likely easy access to water. No evidence of poisonous plants from the show, although care is always recommended, but likelihood of acquiring food is high.)
Desert: 3.5 (Depends on the exact nature of the desert, but surviving exposure and access to water aren't insurmountable problems in most deserts, at least over a short period.)
Alpine: 1 (you'd have to be extraordinarily lucky to survive a truly cold climate in only a t-shirt and jeans)
Average: ~3.2

Subterfuge: 4 (ponies appear to be strongly diurnal, with few awake during the night, especially away from someplace like Canterlot. And Luna basically discovers you instantly if she cares to no matter what you do, so we have to assume she's not going to discover you. Otherwise nocturnal activity on your part should pass relatively unobserved so long as you can find a secure place to hide during the day.)
Social: 4? (I would actually imagine ponies are at least as large as a person, because... pony? Anyway, I can't imagine ponies are going to feel terribly threatened by a single person engaged in not threatening activity, and ponies don't seem very xenophobic. The real unknown is whether or not you share a language - there's no reason to believe that's actually English they're speaking.)

Group Admin

'LEt's do this! :rainbowdetermined2:

Owlor, lvl 24 male geek

Physical: 5/10 (Basically healthy, no allergies)
Mental: 4/10 (prone to mild depression and anxiety)

Intelligence: 8/10 (smart, but no genius)
Skills: 4/10 (basic knowledge of botany & mycology)
Experience: 3/10 (Used to be a boyscout)
Strength/dex: 1/10 (puny)

Special Abilities:
+2 Racial bonus on Cold Resistance

Myopia, -3 penalty on Perception
No sense of direction

1-A: Arrival in the Wilderness

Temperate Forest: 4/5
because I'm no stranger to hiking, I think my chances would be pretty good. I'm assuming that the Timberwolves fear fire (duh) so they aren't going to be a problem, assuming I'll remember how to make a fire stoneage style.

I got a fair ammount of biological knowledge, little of which would actually be practical, espescially since this is a new world with its own nativeplants, but I'm gonna assume my background in biology would help me somewhat in determining what plants would be safe to eat.

Desert: 0/5

Dead. I'd be dead, seriously, I can't even handle Swedish summer, a desert would MURDER me.:twilightoops:

Alpine: 3/5

Y'know, being swedish doesn't give magical frost-resistent power, but it does prepare me somewhat for dealing with the cold. My long term survival is basically nil, but with the possibility of a rescue, I could possibly make it.

Arrival in Civilization: 5/5

First of all, am I to assume that the inhabitants speak english? In order to get as far in line with the show as possible and sill be somewhat realistic, I'm going to assume that they do not speak english (language barrier will be a problem) but that its a language that can be fairly comfortably translated into english without any significant loss of meaning. (Basically the relationship between english and northern-european languages)

I have one enormous asset when it comes to making first contact with the natives, and that's my artistic ability. Drawing a portrait of somepony, even if its just a sketch in dirt would establish me as intelligent and reasonably non-hostile. It would also give me the ability to use pictographs to communicate my needs.

The main thing I'm trying to figure out his how to pictorially communicate my diet. I'm prolly not going to tell them I'm an omnivore right away, since that might hurt diplomacy, but I need to make it known that I can't eat hay and require fruit and vegetables. Im mostly concerned about not getting enough proteins, cus im not sure how to draw "beans" in an understandeable matter.

Group Contributor


am I to assume that the inhabitants speak english?

I have no time now, but later I will be developing a chapter that discusses social interaction between you and the ponies during your first encounter, and I'll be sure to bring this up for discussion.

1A: Forest
Chances: 5
Reasoning: I'm large enough and strong enough to fend off timberwolves. I also know the procedure of trying new foods, small quantity, wait, and only if it isn't bitter or ailment causing do you consume it in any large amount. I'm also used to navigating forests on my own initiative. I also know to boil water before consumption, but I have difficulties with making fires. I also know that the fastest way to find civilization is to find a river, and follow it. As before, predatory encounters would not be a concern.

1B: Desert
Chances: 1
Reasoning: I sweat quite readily, but I keep a set of keys on my person that could act as a knife on cacti. I also no to keep my head shaded, and to not travel at midday. However, I'm part Irish, and it's a scientific fact that we melt at temperatures above 34 degrees Celsius.

1C: Alpine
Chances: 4.5
Reasoning: I wear warm clothing almost year round. I already have plenty of fat, so for a time temperature and food are less of a concern.

2A: Reveal oneself
Chances: 3.5
Reasonong: While I'm friendly, I'm large and intimidating in physical stature. This means that my first encounter could end in the pony running and screaming. I'd like to say that I'm usually the moderate in any discussions, asserting and submitting myself according to the writing on the wall. Lastly, I know the old tricks for meeting new animals, stay at their level, avoid staring, don't show your teeth. Oh, and horses like it when you blow on their nose.

2B: Subterfuge
Chances: 4
Reasoning, while I'm large, I'm otherwise deliberately unremarkable, and when I desire, incredibly quiet. I've sneaked up on my parents on accident to screams.


Temperate Forest - 5. I'm in the military so it's sort of unfair. As soon as I touch down (and I assume I'm a literal 'human' in Equestria, not a human in a pony in Equestria.) I would look for shelter, fashion a weapon, find fresh water, then food. I'd fight if Timberwolves attacked. They are fragile, and haven't dealt with anything with a human's level of dexterity and cunning. If they had far superior numbers, I would evade by climbing in a tree as outrunning any kind of wolf is unlikely on two legs.

Desert - 3. Would depend highly on what time of day I arrived there. Immediate concern would be shade and preserving energy until night time. At night, only concern would be locating fresh water and hopefully finding something sapient to get me the heck out of the desert. Sleep during the day, walk during the night. Maybe eat some bugs or cacti depending on how long I lasted there.

Alpine - 4. Shelter, fire, weapon, food, use snow for water (in that order.) If their are no caves nearby, I would be in trouble. Digging a little shelter into a snow bank or fashioning something crude, and having a fire, will barely keep you warm enough to prevent frost bite. Once your feet get frostbitten, your as good as dead. (or, as good as an amputee, no thanks to both options.)

Civilization - 5. Assuming I'm not a brony in Equestria with intimate knowledge of the show. I Would patrol the outskirts, observe the ponies, and learn as much as I can. I would reveal myself once I was confident they were a peaceful species, choosing to camp in the nearest wooded area until then. Body language is universal so I'm fairly certain I could communicate to the ponies I am not a threat. How they react would be out of my hands, but I doubt they'd neglect food and shelter even if they threw me in prison.

24 year old Male Janitor Geek

Overall condition:
Physically- Out of shape and overweight for my height. Years of an easy job and surviving on crap food has not helped. I have allergies to life, as I usually have a stuffed nose or other allergy symptoms in the spring/summer/fall.
Emotional- Perfectly fine, though I have a horrible case of stubbornness. I often find myself at odds against others, mainly due to my disposition of wanting to always challenge something. High tenacity when not bored, I don't give up when I put my mind to it.

Intelligence- High. It may come off as a braggert, but I'm freakishly intelligent at noticing patterns, solving problems (Mathematical and physical), or trying to understand new concepts. I'm an extremely fast learner, as it's helped me pick up many small, but useful skills.
Skills- I know how to weave a basket from reeds, to building a lean-to shelter, foraging and fishing, small work masonry, home deconstruction, home REconstruction, name something and I'll have a concept or a grasp on how to do it. However, just because I KNOW something, doesn't mean I'm experienced in it.
Overall Strength and Constitution- Weaker then average. City life, and a bad diet have not made things easier for me.

Special Skills- Spacial Memory: After being someplace, or seeing someplace, I don't get lost...ever.
Intuition: My gut feelings are nearly always right, so much I do a damn good job on the blackjack table.

Flaws- Out of shape: I move at a slower pace then normal, and can't do long distance running.

Forest: 4

Growing up, my parents were very CAMP enthusiastic. We'd go to campgrounds that were so far back in the woods and so far from modernity that I learned quite a lot about roughing it in the woods. Everything from how to forage, to finding civilization if lost, and how to spot if I'm entering a predator's area. (Marks on trees, open fields, caves, disturbances in the grass that look like an animal has slept there recently.)
My only disadvantage would be if I ran into a predator, as years of having a low key janitorial job and a bad diet of eating a lot, has not kept me in the best of shape.

Desert: 2

While to forest would be easier for me, the desert less so. Only advantage I have is that I'd be able to survive a bit longer without food thanks to my fatness. other then that I have never experienced a desert before, so I would have an EXTREMELY hard time surviving.

Alpine: 3

Again much like the forest, my family did a lot of camping in high elevations. Spent a whole week in the Colorado Rocky Mountains camping and white water rafting. In this one it could go either way depending on many factors. How high am I up? Do i have sight of any rivers, bodies of water, or civilization? Is the area easily navigable? Small details that will mater a LOT in the long run.

OVERALL Survival in the Wilderness: 3

Socialize: 5

When it comes to first contact, it should be treated with care and patience. Leaving myself on the outskirts of the community, well within sight, should garner some attention eventually. After that its a period of waiting for them to come to me. If it takes more then 6 hours to be noticed, or to have someone brave enough to investigate my appearance, move closer. After that it will be a LARGE series of improvisations. Communication (if not english speaking) will have to be established on drawings, via either the ground or any writing utensil. Firstly would come math, establishing a base of mathematical formula to show intelligence. Secondly, Pronouns tend to be universal, so attempt to garnish my host's name for further communication.

Again a LOT of this is based entirely around improvisations.

Subterfuge: 3

Sneaking is not beyond me, however I am not the stealthiest. Hoenstly, while i could pull it off, I know I would screw it up somewhere. I would almost never take this option.


Ok, let's start.

dartmaul15 level 18 human.
+cold resistance
+insane determination.
-not fully grown compared to an adult human.

chapter 1.
Temperate forest: Here i would say 4. I am a hunter/scavenger by nature, and would likely priorize finding some kind of equipment for self-defence; most likely a heavy stick, or idealy a makeshift bow. I knows how to survive, and would likely be able to form a makeshift camp in a short time.
Dessert: 2. Of course this depends on how FAST i gets out of there. A day or two wouldn't be that tricky, but over time i'd likely end up stone cold; motly due to intense heat, and lack of water.
Tundra: 3-4 I'm a norwegian, and is thus used to heat. Furthermore it's winter now, so i'm likely to be dressed well. undershirt and underpants of wool would keep a goo deal of the heat out, but it doesn't offer protection against wind. However i knows how to survive in the cold (making iglos etc) so i'd say a few days, even a week would be not that hard. At long therms finding sivilisation would be ideal.
Overall survival 3 (2-4 depending on enviroment).

Chapter 1b.
seek out and socialise with civilians: 3. Not the most social kind, but i weight my words carefull,y and thus rarely says anything stupid.
subterfuge: 4. now that's my element. I am very skilled at staying hidden, and thus performs excelent at subterfuge.

at the cost of throwing yourself out in the option to fetch it.

kil ursef pls

Anyway, sure, why not?

Forest: 4
Not really a stranger to this. It's actually a bit more to my style, so I'd prolly like it here. Foods pretty easy to find if you know where to look.
Desert: 4
Mexico's climate is VERY akin to this. I mean VERY. It's like a mixture of this+Plains. Just, not as much plains. It'd probably be quite easier to find edible food here for me than in other climates. Assuming the ecosystems are as similar as we seem to think.
Alpine: 2-3
Oh god, the cold. While I naturally like the cold, that doesn't mean I like it freezing, so I won't like it here. 'Sides that, I'd be in unfamiliar territory, so again, wouldn't do too well here.
1-A Overall: 4
This is gun be fun...
Socialize: 1.1-2.1
Oh god. Socializing. I SUCK at this, and not for the reasons most are. (You know, but neh.) So, again, :yay: THAT NOISE!
Subterfuge: 5
This, however, I'm actually pretty good at. Again, not for the reasons most are.
1-B Overall: 3.3
So yeh, this'll be interesting, neh?

1-A overall: 3
This number is highly subjective. What equipment are we dropped in to Equestria with? Everyday items? I wear contacts so after day 1 I'd have to take them out and would be much less able to survive. Do I have my spare glasses or contact care items? Do I have a good knife? These last two are never on me, but I'd be much better equipped with them.

Forest: 4
I'm smart, resourceful, and relatively in shape so in general I can survive for a while and pass through quickly.

Desert: 2
My intelligence can only help so much when the environment is overly hostile. Travel would not be hard by itself, but activity during the day would be extremely strenuous.

Alpine: 1
Again, the same sorts of survival problems occur as with the desert, but unless there's a road or something to facilitate travel then it's actually harder to get out. Raw alpine is a lot more difficult to navigate than raw desert.

1-B overall: 4

Contact: 5
I have a lot more confidence in my ability to convince ponies of my intelligence and good intentions than I do of my ability to survive alone. I'm calm, rational, and can think of all sorts of ways to prove I'm not a threat.

Subterfuge: 1
I may be sneaky, but I don't have the skills to be a thief. Nor do I have the (lack of) conscience for it.

I want my "Deader than dead" option. :raritydespair:

1-A: 0
Forest: 2
I so wish that I actually went to infantry school when I was in the army.

Desert: -1
A place with practically zero water, zero landmark for direction. Yeah, I'm screwed (and deader than dead).

Alpine: -1
I'm already having trouble with "cold" weather in Redmond, WA. I'll be deader than dead here.

1-B: 3
A) Seek out and socialize with the civilians: 2
I don't like making contact by my own initiative (being an introvert and all), so if it does happens, it won't go well.

B) Subterfuge: 4
I might not be much for moving in forested areas but I can more reasonably softly on hard ground, so I would probably sneak around at night to get things to eat.

Well, here goes.

Hydraex2, writer, swimmer

Physical: 7/10 (basically healthy, no allergies, good endurance)
Mental: 7/10 (prone to lose focus on what I am doing easily if it's not some sort of dire situation i.e. walking around the woods I'd get distracted and end up very lost)
Intelligence: 8/10 (smart, but no genius)
Skills: 6/10 (basic knowledge of wilderness survival, good at climbing things)
Experience: 2/10 (I have a lot of experience exploring forests and the like, but nothing for survival)
Strength: 7/10 (I swim, which helps with endurance and makes me reasonably strong, but I'm by no means any sort of bodybuilder)

Special Abilities:
Good sense of direction
Good visual memory
Don't panic too easily

Not very good at any sort of social situation
Easily distracted
Long distance walker, not runner

1-A Overall: 3
It really depends on where I am- if I'm in a forest region I'll probably be able to survive, given that a large number of Equestrian plants are the same as those on Earth- wild fruits and such. If I were well-rested and healthy I would probably be able to think with a clear head and survive most conditions. I've studied outdoor survival to some degree and I know how to traverse most regions, so I wouldn't be completely screwed, but I would have a moderate chance of succeeding- I wouldn't die after only a few days, with any luck.

Temperate Forest: 4
I doubt that finding food in a temperate forest like the one in the show would be overly hard, and timberwolves wouldn't prove a problem if I'm careful- if I can climb into a tree with a couple of rocks they'd be toast. I know not to eat anything if I can't find out what it is, so poison hopefully won't be a problem. Other than that, I would eventually try to find my way out of the forest and into some sort of civilization. I have a good sense of direction and visual memory, so such a feat would be difficult, but not impossible.

Desert: 2
I doubt I could survive long in a desert without any sort of shade- depending on how far away from the edge of the desert I am, I'd be pretty much screwed.

Alpine: 2
I don't do horribly with cold weather, but I'd be dead within a couple of days barring some great stroke of fortune.

1-B Overall: 5
How can you DIE next to a civilization full of extremely productive, talking technicolor ponies?! That said, if success means assimilating into pony society, change that into a big fat 1.

A) 2
Oh dear Lord no. I have no idea how I would go about this sort of thing. I'd probably end up ruining it for any other humans to ever follow me.

B) 5
I can walk very silently and move pretty stealthily, so keeping on the down low would be pretty easy for me. Especially considering all the hiding spots in and around Ponyville, and the fact that pretty much no-one is awake during the night there, this scenario would be a cakewalk.

Group Contributor


I wear warm clothing almost year round.

You don't mean being transported with those clothes, do you?

The only thing brought along with you is the clothes on your back (a T-shirt and pants)


Agh! Danke, I fixed it.


How can you DIE next to a civilization full of extremely productive, talking technicolor ponies

The overall question is not survival, but success. Survival is the main aspect of being transported in the wilderness, as you attempt to find civilization, but there is a difference between succeeding, and barely hanging on. So when you're transported into a town or city, it's a matter of social outcome, and whatever kind of action their inhabitants would make upon you.

I'm liking these responses, guys! :yay:

I especially like the train started by Owlor in regards to your capabilities (like a stat sheet)

A new chapter is coming soon!


The only thing brought along with you is the clothes on your back (a T-shirt and pants)

I do believe that in text, stuff that is outside parentheses is more important than what is in it. So we can get into semantics, or you can accept that some people actually dress for the weather where they live.

As for my stats sheet... (Ten being the highest

Strength: 6
Perception: 4
Endurance: 7
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 8/9 (dependent on field)
Agility: 6
Luck: 8

Sure footed - Rarely fall due to uneven or slippery ground.
Well insulated - Resistant to cold impeding physical mobility.
Distracted talker - Severe agility penalty when talking.

Cultured, non-linear thinker, counter-factual wonder, big mo-fo.

Group Contributor


Well... I was trying to generalize the situation to which your choice of clothing may not be effective in combating the elements. We could reverse this in saying that you're wearing warm clothing whilst being transported to a desert.

Lower the anger and we'll compromise. It's acceptable to include your own variations on clothing. :raritywink:

780644 Bolding and underlining is not a sign of anger for me.
Moving on, if I appeared in the desert with a parka, I could take it off, but if I appeared in the alpines with nothing but my armored undies, well... I'd be hosed.

Eratosthenes: 26 year-old male college student with active-duty military experience
Strength: 6.5/10
Intellect: 9/10
Agility: 7.5/10
Stamina: 8/10

- I can be a stubborn bastard when I want to be.
- Calm under pressure: I generally think before I act or speak.
- High intelligence: I'd know when to be cautious and when to be aggressive.

- Awareness: I tend to get tunnel vision, and I am easily distracted.
- I don't do well in crowds. If I get mobbed (in a good or bad way), I'm likely to get overwhelmed and shut down.
- Poor communication skills: A language barrier would be especially difficult for me.

General Thoughts on wilderness: Regardless of resources provided by the terrain, I will eventually have to find some form of civilization to ensure survival. Finding a recognizable landmark and getting there would be a very high priority. Hills and ridges are good for getting a bigger picture view of my surroundings. Rivers or roads would be even better because sooner or later, there will be a settlement along those. In addition to navigation, it is important to find a way to make and maintain a fire source (for warmth, self-defense, signaling, and for water purification (and possibly cooking)).

Temperate Forest: 3.75
- The biggest problem here is finding a landmark and maintaining direction. Trees obstruct sight, and undergrowth often prevents straight-line travel. Even though resources are abundant, ensuring food and water sources are safe is important.

Desert: 1.75
- This is a tough one. I could do everything perfectly and still not make it if I have bad enough luck. First priority is to find a source of water, and second is to find shade during the hottest part of the day. If there are no landmarks to follow, I would have to rely on the position of the sun to keep going in the same direction until I can see something.

Alpine: 2.75
- Since I'm already at a high altitude, finding a vantage point from which to spot civilization should be relatively easy. Getting there, however wouldn't be. Fire and shelter from the wind are the most important things here, or I'm just as boned as I would be in the desert.
1-A Overall: 2.75

General thoughts on arriving in civilization: For this part, I will assume that ponies are not so xenophobic that they will attack me on sight (episode canon will back me up on this). I will also assume that verbal communication will be extremely difficult or impossible (at least at first), and that magic will affect me the same way it would affect any other creature (for simplicity's sake).

Direct contact: 4.5
- If possible, I would try to observe at least a little while before revealing myself. I consider myself to be a very level-headed person and would do well in making sure I do not appear hostile to the locals. If met with fear and suspicion, I would probably seat myself in a visible but unobtrusive spot and let them approach me. If met with hostility, I would avoid engagement and attempt to escape if possible. If captured, I would not resist unless subjected to rough treatment.

Subterfuge: 3.5
- Nighttime rummaging through trash bins for food and drawing water from the well would take care of food/water needs, but I would still need shelter. Also, if the locals start to notice things going missing, it could complicate things when (not if) I am eventually found out.
1-B Overall: 4

Lupo Mikti: Level 19 college student only with academic experience
Strength: 6.84/10
Agility: 8.213/10
Intelligence: 8.731/10.25
Perception (Skill at taking notice of things): 8.5/10
Craftmanship: 7/10
Stamina: 6.233/10

- Due to my currently studying to be an engineer, I have developed an ability for problem solving when given enough time to think. Coming up with solutions on the fly is hampered by one of the weaknesses listed below.
- Ability to learn things quickly due to being both a visual and auditory learner mostly. Unfortunately I'm not a social learner, so learning with groups of people can be difficult.
- Complete peace of mind. By this I mean nothing tends to phase me or freak me out. The whole situation actually wouldn't cause me much more distress than "So, this is happening. Might as well get started on finding other life." I attribute this to my inherent stoicism and fine tuned ability to ignore/block out what I want thanks to having an incredibly annoying little sister. I also enjoy meditation. Though my mind is peaceful on the outside to the situation, my psyche isn't exactly "whole". I'll leave it at that for now.

- I tend to overthink things. A lot. Like "just as much as Twilight if not more" a lot. This leads to indecisiveness. I often struggle with making choices, especially if they have to be made quickly, because I am constantly analyzing and reanalyzing and analyzing my analysis. This makes it easier for me to be caught unawares because I'm constantly thinking. This is why I had to become good at clearing my mind, because without it, I'd be a wreck.
- I am both social and antisocial. When I was younger, I was always outgoing and the center of attention, and I've retained that ability since. But I have become incredibly introverted through my teens and enjoy being alone. This could hurt me in a world like Equestria because it's gotten to the point where I don't always like being social.
- Laziness. I can be very lazy sometimes. I switch from having extreme initiative to being incredibly lazy just because of my mood at the time. This could easily become a hindrance.
- I only really have academic experience as far as life goes, so that's a pretty self explanatory weakness.

1-A Overall: 3.30222
Temperate Forest: 4.33
Desert: 2.78
Alpine: 2.46
Generally, I am pretty resistant to dry heat (though humid heat is a different story). I'll go off of the out of parentheses "clothes on your back" 'cause the only months i'm only wearing a T-shirt and pants are July and August. The rest of the time my wardrobe is a tank top, a thermal over that, a shirt over that, a black hoodie over that, black jeans, and comfortable shoes meant for a lot of walking. The forest would be my ideal and the alpine my worst case. I am not that tolerant of cold weather (45 degrees Fahrenheit is freezing for me). Also, the desert would be bad because of lack of food and water. I have a high metabolism in the first place and doubly so because I'm technically not a "full grown" human and most likely have one last period of rapid growth to go through. I can go for a maximum of 46 hours without food as long as I have water. Absence of both is unknown.

1-B Overall: 4
A) 3
B) 5
Socialize: As stated in my weaknesses, social activity is not easy at this moment. It has the potential to come back and greatly help me, but the only way my interaction would go over well is to meet either Pinkie or Twilight first. I wouldn't be able to explain things if it weren't one of those two.
Subterfuge: Here is where I excel. I'd choose to be a scavenger for the most part, not a thief. But I am very adept at sneaking and not being seen. I'd observe before making any move and plot some plans of action and back up plans before attempting anything. I am very confident that I could keep myself unnoticed for some time (a week minimum, maximum unknown).

Forest: 4
Desert: 2.5-3
Alpine: 4
1-A Overall: 3.7
Socialize: 2-2.5
Subterfuge: 5
1-B Overall: 3.4

Physical Description: Tall wiry cross country runner. Muscle mass concentrated in legs and core. Sensitive hearing and eyesight.
Physiological: Training in 100+ °F and < 30°F bareback have instilled resistance to virtually all weather patterns. Running barefoot on gravel, dirt, stone, and other unforgiving surfaces has instilled useful calluses which protect the rest of my feet. Does not sleep normally, allowing two extra hours per day of time awake, and ability to travel during day and night.
Psychological: Extremely pain resistant. Crafty; able to make fire out of a number of things, as well as a hunting weapon, like a bow and arrow or splay-headed spear. Prefers being silent, and moving in the dark. Enjoys moving though tight spaces.
Flaws: Picky eater, easily distracted. Emotionally and mentally unsound (verge of insanity). Weak upper-body.
Focuses: Climber. Crafter. Runner. Thinker. Pyro.

Hmm. A temperate forest I could probably survive. After all, I live in a dense, wooded area in Houston. Though to be honest, I have no experience when it comes to survival. I tried navigating a small forest once with a bleeding hand for two hours and got lost in the swamp...

So, I give myself a three at best for survival, assuming I do not encounter any dangerous predators...
Otherwise, sayonara to the stupid human who got killed by a Scootaloo.

The Alpine and Desert: Varying degrees of dead, depending on what get's me first.
So no, I'll die if I am stranded here.

sayonara to the stupid human who got killed by a Scootaloo.

I died laughing.

I'm gonna check this out sometime, I don't have time right now.

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