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Just to warn people though, if you have not watched the episode, do not come here. This is where all the spoilers are at. So, enter at your own risk.

The reason why this is getting posted is to make sure that we don't get hit with episode spam. So if you have things you'd like to discuss about the episode, put it in this thread only. Thank you for your cooperation.

-TWG Staff

4265122 The premiere was episode one and two.

4265127 Said no one on the internet.

Aloe's voice... O_O

Fluttershy can now echo?


This episode is great.

I'm Pancake!

Memes inbound.

Bye-bye, French/Russian spa twin headcanons.

I don't even know what accent Aloe's is now to be honest. It's like a blend o_O

Good luck to anyone trying to write that

Well, a cute fluff episode never seems to hurt. New headcanons, Aloe's accent, Fluttershy can now echo, Pinkie doesn't know where her cannons are, and now there are roots on Twilight's ceiling.

10/10 Memories a-go.

4265118 AMAZINGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bulk as masseur!

1. Now we know what his job is, and
2. Hey, why wouldn't they have a stallion on staff? Both for deep tissue and for stallions who are too shy to get a massage from mares?, and
3. Bronies in Equestria, your job is officially taken. Thank goodness.

We now know what Bulk do in his daily live

*Twilight kicks Angel into mud puddle*
YES! Take that Angel! I've been waiting 5 seasons for the asshole bunny to be kicked in the rear.

Pretty good episode, the library remains in the throne room was genius.

Group Admin

>AJ chosen to redecorate house.
>Throws dirt and pigs all over the place.

WTF, Applejack? You're just reinforcing all those earth pony stereotypes!

I didn't much care for this episode, but the continuity nods and ending were great.

Pretty good episode overall. But my question is: How did Applejack and Fluttershy get the trunk out of there? They would have had to cut down the whole tree to get just the trunk? And how could it have been carried by only five ponies?

It's going to be a heck of a challenge...

Heck yes! His massages are going to be so bone-crushing good!

Twishy shippers are going to use this as bait...

It might be more than just earth pony stereotypes...

The ending definitely is great. Plus, referencing previous episodes to make up the entirety of it really took the cake for me (before a cannon blew it up, that is).

I love this, I love how they put the Tree in the library and made it full of memories. I love how the mane six put their own personal touch in each room, and I love how they realized their own mistakes and built upon it. I also have no doubt that Rarity put in copies of her dresses somewhere in there, Celestia sent in copies of the books in the gianormus library (That we saw in Rainbow Rocks) and of course the memory gems were nice, keeping all of her memories in one place. It was like a good memorial.

Another thing I love is seeing what Bulk Biceps does or his career.

4265200 You'll notice that we did not see the library, but that the castle obviously has one. And Celestia sent cartload after cartload in Rainbow Rocks.. So who's to say that there aren't books there already?

So then, before anybody gets the idea, it's already been done.

Otherwise, now Aloe getting a voice, that caught me by surprise, but probably because they've always been mute before this. And Bulk Bisceps being part of the crew... I am completely fine with this.

4265118 I need links to a video.:duck:

4265223 I think the pancake on Twilight's head was referenced by this:

4265118 Spike continues to be amazing.

Thought it was pretty good

I like how they didn't really remodel the whole castle, instead taking part of the tree and making something nice out of it. I've seen similar sentimental things made from larger trees. Furniture, shelves, tables, etc. Was not expecting a chandelier.

I feel like these new writers are pretty good with the character banter, it felt really good here. Pinkie Pie's humor was pretty great, and that's saying something since I generally don't care for her. Heartfelt moments in the right places, but not too much... which is good. Very good, even. It is sad that Twilight lost the treebrary. Lots of memories in there, but life goes on. Bronies were making way too big a deal out of it at the end of season 4. It was getting pretty ridiculous. Petition, anyone?

I thought it was a pretty measured response, and good outing from the new writers.

edit: Also, cutest Twi in a long time. So points for that.

I enjoyed this episode. While the song could have been a bit better at times and Twilight's friends did make some dumb decisions in regards to decorating the castle with their own tastes, it had a nice amount of laughs and feels in addition to having Spike at his best. The party cannon and Angel Bunny were humorous parts. While it may not be as good as the Season 5 premiere, it was still a nice, enjoyable episode. :twilightsmile:

Also, I'm hoping TwiChaser fics start to become a thing. Cloudchaser was all I thought of when I saw that mane.

And I also have this strange urge to write a TwiFire fic with the Wonderbolt statue playing a role. Yes, I'm weird. :twilightsheepish:

4265118 First, I love how Spike the Dragon mentions he slept better under the cavernous ceiling. Plus...


By the by, did anyone notice this bit of conversation, right at the beginning?

Twilight: "Aren't there more animals that need cleaning?"
Fluttershy: "I think you and I are the only ones left!"

The phrasing stopped me short for a moment there, because that's not how a human would have put it. I wonder if it was deliberate: do the ponies think of themselves as animals? They are, of course, but it would be interesting if pony society blurred the lines between "people" and "critters" a lot more than we do.

Man, when the episode started, I thought we were getting some TwiShy fuel for sure. I guess it still counts, but it's not as cut-and-dry as it seems.

Darn. I would have liked to see some sign that they hang out one-on-one on a regular basis. Would have made shipping easier.

4265195 I loved the message, but the execution needed some work.

The funniest bit of the episode was either Angel locking Fluttershy out, or Bulk Biceps out of nowhere. Also, it was really nice getting some actual interaction between Rainbow Dash and Rarity in an episode.

4265118 The Bulk Biceps cameo was funny. Who knew he worked at the spa?

4265906 Well, that hasn't happened much since "Sonic Rainboom". I do wonder why no one has thought to try a comedic episode with the two, it could pratically write itself.

4265118 This was a rather cute episode with some small emotional moments here and there. Maybe in this season they'll something similar to what Steven Universe is doing. Like have the episodes show in a certain pattern; first episode is a fun episode, next one is a reveal, and the next one is a down right emotional heart-breaking makes you want to cry and break something episode. Yeah, maybe they'll do something similar to that formula, but that's just my guess.

4265756 Probably helped since most of the animals are far more intelligent than ours are. We've seen conversations with cows, goats running sound systems, Fluttershy's birds can follow direct instructions, Angel is pretty much a mute ill-tempered child... It makes the potential slur and insult of 'animal' far less impacting.

4265118 Pinkie Pie snatching that pancake like a pink fluffy shark with 4 legs!

I loved this episode! We have Bulk Bicep's surprise appearance, the touching scene at the library, Spike potentially getting a big boy bed...

There is still a deficiency of TwiShy art from this episode, last I checked.

Which was shortly after that was posted, so hopefully there's more.

Group Admin

Well, I finally got around to watching the episode.

I only have two thoughts, both of which are probably irrelevant:

1.) So, apparenlty it was called the Golden Oak Library. I always thought that it was plural - Golden Oaks... And after checking its page on the wikia, it seems as though it was pluralized in some merchandise.

2.) I'm still wondering if Owlowiscious flew off for good, or if he'll return...

4265118 Princess Twilight Sparkle is a pancake who has the basement of the old library hanging as a chandelier in the ceiling of her new castle

4265483 Great short review. I think pretty much the same things. Twi is my favorite.:twilightblush: Mostly because she's ridiculous and meticulous.

4265156 Aloe and Lotus' accents are supposed to be of Eastern European.

Group Contributor

Were you in Rage Reviews?

One has a suspicion that you are, due to what I posted a few minutes ago.

Necroing threads is my rage button. And I don't know why.
Other breaches of netiquette get a shrug and a finger wag.

But necroing?

I think I may have a problem. :raritydespair:

Maybe it's a coincidence.
A very... unfortunate coincidence.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


It's even worse when they reply to somebody in a thread that left fimfiction a long time ago, or is even permabanned. I've seen both before.

It is possible that kwr just started watching season five, tho', I guess.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

Yes. Those are my favorites too.

The 120 week reply to the person that hasn't been on in eighty.

Inevitably a one-line reply that adds absolutely nothing new. Or has already been said ten times.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I worry sometimes that the legend of important threads encourages that, 'cause replying to any of those threads would be necroing it.

I did see the BBCode thread necroed to ask about updating it not that long ago, though, which I guess is okay. Given that's one of CosmicAfro's threads, any update would be a rewrite, tho'.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

Hah. I admit, just today I was wishing there was a FiMFiction BBcode tutorial somewhere that shows all the little tricks few knew about.

It came to mind when I was using Small Caps, which I leeched from you (I think!) recently, and didn't know about despite being here for years and years.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I know I've brought that one up at least once or twice, so it could have been. It's really neat, and nopony ever seems to remember it! My first thought was actually that it should be updated to have how to do in your text, 'cause that's a really fun trick I see you doing occasionally...

--Sweetie Belle

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