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Comments ( 25 )
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I know there are many stories on this website, besides all stories I read not so good but have been annotated by those who have read. Some are in favour, others are just asking something ... Anyway. It must have - besides a good argument - to make comment to the reader?

I usually comment if there was something in the story that caught my interest. If I really like the story, then I would give it a small review.:rainbowkiss:

Leave a comment if you have something to say. Simple as that. Keep it respectful, though.

I try to comment on all of them I read. Every chapter update too.

Commenting on a story is a great thing to do, even if you didn't like it. You can give the author a little constructive criticism, and help them to fix any errors in grammar and the like. If you liked it, then it could easily serve as a morale boost. When I began writing my story on this website, some nights I only continued with it because of the people asking for more. Commenting on a story gives the author insight on how their story was received, and I try to do it as frequently as possible.

909991 I shall attempt to translate:
There are many stories on this website; some of those I've read weren't that good, but they still had comments by those who read them. Some like the story, others had questions... anyway. What must a story have— besides a good premise— to make you comment?

Was that right?

It doesn't really have to be interesting per se. You just have to have something you want to say about it. Did you like it or hate it? What could you do to improve? Do you want more? Got something you want to share to the writer through the comment of the story? If any of these cross your mind, it's worth a comment to the reader.

If I like the story I'll tell the author I enjoyed and if I've added it to my favorites then I'll usually comment chapter by chapter. If I don't like a story I just leave it alone.

Well, well, well I'm still learning how write in this language. However, I'm always open to constructive criticism, and thanks for correcting my comment. :twilightsmile:

And another thing, I'm not asking you to comment on my stories. Just ask your opinion to keep improving my skills as a writer.

I try to comment on every story I read and give a legitimate reason as to if I didn't like it or why I give it a thumbs down. As a writer, I enjoy comments in my stories but I mostly get things in the vein of "interesting" when I hope to get something more like constructive criticism. I don't really mind people saying they like it but I also need to grow as a writer which is why I adore constructive criticism.

If a story is good, but there's something you think could be improved, then kindly tell the author.

Sometimes I don't have anything interesting to say so I decide not to say anything. It's not a reflection of the quality of the fic so much as it is me not having anything worth while to say.

I know it can be frustrating writing and not hearing any feedback. You can remind people to comment if they want to in the author's notes if you want

My rule of thumb is that if I upvote a story, I need to leave a comment. If I like it that much, I feel that is a duty of mine to articulate to the author what I liked about it. Favorite stories of mine a have been know to add comments on a couple of chapters as they are written, but I try not to go overboard with it. I love when people leave me comments, so I feel that it is just good karma to leave comments on other author's stories.

I do not comment on stories I do not like, unless directly asked for a review. They can be well written stories, but the premise may not be my kind of thing etc. I do not down vote any story, unless is it something that is almost unreadable due to grammar and spelling problems, or has contents that are not appropriate for this site. (Which really takes some work, considering the topics that we have liberty to write about here.)

I consider comments to be an indicator for how good the story is. Not that a story is automatically bad if it has too few reviews, but if there are many reviews, then it is a good indicator to how many people it has managed to hook into reading it. Even if the comments are negative. Infamy can be a good teaching tool, even more so than fame can.
Which brings me to the next argument. Comments are just like reviews, as in they point out the good points the writer did well at, and also brings to light the bad habits or methods the writer used. The more comments there are saying the story was not up to snuff, the more the writer is going to learn how to make it better, and that makes them better writers,
They are also a good source of motivation. Maybe not the best source since it puts the fan's desires before the writer's, but they do help sometimes. Writing a story is a lot harder than it seems, as I found out about a year ago, and sometimes the motivation to write just does not surface. That is when the comments from readers help out. When a reader will comment asking for more content and saying how much they enjoy reading what the author writes, then the motivation to write is reborn.
I feel like I just wrote an essay...

I always try to do a compliment sandwich in (most of) the comments I leave. Where I mention something that caught my eye, made me laugh, or attacked my feels. More often than not I can, and will find a plot hole, or continuity error; I will suggest the writer fixes it. Then say something nice over all about the story in general.

Being a writer myself, I know the authors of these stories love to see comments. They like to see how the members of this site see, and relate to the narrative being told, above just the simple view, fav, like and dislike stats. However, I may read quite a bit of stories. My comments, like my favs are reserved for places I think they are needed.

Whenever I see a comment or leave a comment, I always take that as a sign that the story is doing something that makes people feel inclined to speak up about it.

It can be a good thing, such as singing endless praises about the story.
It can be a bad thing, such as noting how poorly a story is written (more often than not, it deserves it).
It can be a constructive thing, such as getting reviews and critiques from readers.
And I have yet to see it be a destructive thing.

A comment should be treated as an extension of attention. It takes effort to write a comment, so when a reader constructs a comment, they are calling attention to something within your story whether it's good, bad, or neither. While I see a thumbs-up vote as qualifying a merely good story, and a thumbs-down vote as a merely bad story, a positive comment indicates a great story, and a negative comment indicates a terrible one.

Group Contributor

Well, I'm definitely more likely to comment on a story I really liked.

If I favorite something, I feel obligated to comment too, because I'm a bit picky with my favorites. So if I liked it that much, shouldn't I say so? And perhaps why? To fuel said author, and hopefully entice out more of the story I enjoyed. Or just to exchange happy praise for the hours they took to craft some entertainment for you.

Of course, as others have said, there's also negative and constructive comments too. Often they overlap. If I must admit that a story was, well, bad, I try to at least point out why, so improvements can be made. 'It sucked' is entirely useless, as a comment. But saying, like, 'Your punctuation is completely lacking. The lack of commas, and the big run-on sentences makes it almost impossible to read.' actually, at least, points out an issue.

909991 IMO Leaving a comment is like you are letting the author know how you feel about the story, whether you think that He/She is doing something wrong or whether the story seems to be moving at too fast or slow of a pace. all done in the name of helping said author become a better writer.

To me, comments are only noteworthy if the tell what is liked and what could be better about a story. Any comments just saying, "this story is great," or, "more please," doesn't really do good for the author. Nothing isn't said about how the premise of the story is, the spelling/grammar, the direction of a story, that kind of thing. Excuse me if it says it annoys me to no end.

I don't read that much stories, and if I do, it's usually stories that already have more chapters than I have read, or it would be a really old story that it would be unnecessary to comment on. However, if there is a story I am currently reading that is being worked n, I try my best to leave a comment thqat would actually give the writer an insight on how good I liked the story, but also what could be improved on. It seriously isn't hard to take a good minute or two to write a few sentences saying what is good, and what needs to improve. It just isn't hard at all.

If I read a story I comment on it. Simple as that. I feel that the writer deserves to know that I read their work and should have my opinion on it. (So if you write an eye-catching Sweetie Belle story, you'll probably see me comment on it)

Quite honestly, I'm terrible when it comes to commenting on stories, or just reviewing in general. I just never know what to say, I think one of my major flaws is that I worry too much. I just start to think "what if I said to much", "did I say to little?" things like that.

I usually resign to just give my compliments by either liking, giving it a favorite or both.

I'm just too bloody damn shy :twilightblush:

I don't leave comments very often, as I like to write out paragraphs when I do (it's a bad habit, I know.) I'll be honest, I'm more inclined to leave an in-depth comment on a story that I feel needs help, whether it be the grammatical variety or just general advice. I've commented on stories that I felt were really well done, but those fall more into the category of "This is great! I really liked _____."

I don't leave comments as often as I'd liket to. It's the kind of thing where you've read a story and feel the need to tell the author your thoughts, giving him a full review and then you end up with a one liner alla "That was nice". I usually get so dissatisfied at that that I skip writing the comment until 'later' which often turns out to be 'never'.

The few instances I leave such a short comment is usually just when the story is so good that I actually have little words to describe it. Needless to say, that hasn't happened very often.

I've become so jaded I only comment to either verbally ejaculate over something amazing, or to only deliver a firm bitchslap when the author is being stupid with their story.

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