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A little bit late, I think, but here nonetheless.

Post your thoughts on the episode here!

Lovely. Needed more Maud. 9/10.

Anyone else here tired of the music cues they keep playing over dialogue? It's unnecessary and makes it hard to hear what they're saying.

Also, Tsundere Discord is best Discord.


4372591 That was probably one of the most craziest episodes.

4372591 *My reaction to that episode*

That Metal Gear Solid reference.

OH, I loved this episode. Kind of wished that there was one mention of the previous gala, but that seems petty right now. I love the inner meaning to that though, that you shouldn't let one bad day ruin future events, that you should always try again. The fact thaty thye also didn't ruin it for the CMC helped too and the fact that Twilight got to organize it also meant that they knew there was going to be a better time for them all.

I love the comedy here, from the MGS reference to the Smooze in general. I loved how the gags flowe from Discord's jelously and it felt like a different way of looking at Grifon the Brush off. I loved TreeHugger, reminded me a lot of Maude.

Everything sucks to you today.

I personally thought the episode rocked.

4372627 You're personal feelings and opinions are a weakness, let them go and you'll see the truth.


First impression of the episode was that it was awesome. I could gush about it for hours on how entertaining it was.

Upon further reflection, however, there seemed to be a few things missing...

Someone mentioned Luna's absence for the second straight Gala. What is that princess doing that she misses so much of the fun stuff while her little ponies are partying at night? Also missing: Octavia and the GGG Band.

I suppose too many characters would have put a crimp in the plot... Tree Hugger needed to be a new friend to make Discord jealous, obviously, and Maud's cameo was brilliant. "You're the most basic joke."

Discord wanted all of the cakes, but then left with none of the cakes. And that's terrible. Loved seeing his home dimension and how he plays "opposite day" while cleaning his house, adding dust bunnies under the sofa and unwashing the dishes.

Lyra didn't bring Bon Bon the the Gala. Are they fighting? Oh noes...

Grammar Nazi Mode:

Your feelings...

It wasn't my favorite episode of the season, but it was the funniest. All of Maud's moments were brilliant, I loved the Metal Gear reference, and Celestia at the end was great.


Is there a link to youtube with the episode?

Group Admin

Some years ago- invites the mane six in hopes they'll 'liven things up'.
Mane six ruin everything.
:trollestia:That was the most exciting Gala in years!

This year- Invites Discord hoping he'll 'liven things up'.
Discord ruins everything.
:trollestia:That was the most exciting Gala in years!

I'm starting to wonder if Celestia purposely ruins every Gala and then declares it the 'most exciting gala in years'.

4372665 Fucking grammar Nazi's...


That was good! It had a few 'meh' moments but that gets a good rating from me. Also, nice to see Celestia being cute. :trollestia:

Group Admin


Is that really how you feel? Like on a personal level?

4372793 Nah not really. I didn't even see the episode, I just wanted to see how many people's jimmies I could russle.
4372777 Woman.

4372591 I personally thought it was hysterical. Discord at his best, and Tree Hugger was beyond cool; even if she was probably high the whole time. Seriously, I loved that way too much. But all of the Discord - I thought I couldn't handle it. Love how the Smooze was introduced and plopped into the whole thing, it was kind of adorable in a creepy sci-fi way, I guess.

Maud being there also was really cool, and I found it so wonderfully ironic how she got everyone laughing.


Possible shitstorm causing stuff: I think the only thing that I didn't like about this episode was all of the FlutterCord. Honestly, I know they were trying to percieve this as friendship jealousy, but it seemed like way too much possible romantic context to me and that highly messed with my Discelestia OTP. I won't lie, I was expecting some cute interaction with those two, just a little something. Not that I have anything against Fluttershy and Discord's relationship, they seem cute and I liked their dynamic in this episode.

All in all, though, I love this episode to bits. My favorite one of the season so far. I would have preferred if the Mane Six's gala dresses resembled their Fall Formal outfits but either way, they looked fabulous. The jokes were fantastic, the animation seemed exceptionally different; especially regarding Discord - he's much more fluid and I loved this. There's nothing else to it.

Celestia is still best troll. Discord is still best goat. Tree Hugger is best Hippie. The Smooze is best blob.

All of that being said...

Now I ship The Smooze with Tom.

Let the fan fictions commence!

Smooze and Tom forever.


Group Admin


People come up with all kinds of ides about what timeframe the series has taken place over. Is why I just left it vague.

I had trouble keeping track of how much was going on it this episode. Discord was really enjoyable here, De Lancie can do a great irritated voice. Nicole Oliver rocked as Tree Hugger as well.

This is the funniest one I've seen in a long time.

I can't believe they put a Warhammer 40k reference in there. I'm still in awe of that. Even more in awe of myself that I caught it.


> rocked.
> Maud avatar
> DISTRACTING Maud avatar

I'll allow it.

Group Contributor

"You're the most basic of jokes."


I'm waiting for someone to write a story about how Diamond Tiara reacts when she finds out the CMC got to go to the gala but not her.

I hope Fluttershy got him some ice for that burn.

4372931 Where did the Warhammer reference pop up?

Group Admin

I liked it.

I suppose if I was grumpy I could fault it for a few things. But really, I don't want to.

Discord was great fun, I liked seeing Celestia loosen up near the end, and Treehugger was a nice glimpse into Fluttershy's life outside of what we usually see. There were so many things going on in that episode (due to Discords very visual presence, I imagine) that I think I'll be picking it apart for a while. It was loads of fun, and I smiled throughout. It also had a nice, friendshippy moral that was both simple, but enjoyable.

My favourite episode? No. But I think it was one of the most entertaining.

Loved it. Season 5 has been kinda meh for me so far and I was wondering if I wasn't losing interest in the show, but this got me back on board. Best of the season so far and up there in the top tier with others like Lesson Zero and Pinkie Pride.

It returned to the path of increasing sophistication in verbiage, timing, and visual playfulness that the show was starting to explore earlier but seemed to drop this season, making everything feel too slow and clunky to me. But here Discord was fun, Maud was fun, Treehugger was fun (I love that kinda music), and Celestia was really fun (that cheer at the end! Squee as fuck, dude)—They Worfed her again regarding magic, but what choice do they have? Hopefully one day they'll give her her own episode where we can finally see her really kick some ass, beyond just the flashback to the NMM battle.

I hope this presages the tone of the rest of Season 5. Though did anyone else get kind of a "Bob's Burgers" feel from this episode, like with Discord in the role of Louise, and Treehugger in the role of the eccentric-of-the-week? I love Bob's Burgers, though, so maybe that's why I liked this one so much.

4373332 When he showed up and had his cane.

dear lord, I'm gonna be "that guy"
but I saw this:

I'm gonna make this quick,
1. she's covering herself.
A. sexy bits are canon
B. it is taboo to let those areas be uncovered, at least in formal settings
2. why the hell is she covering her chest? quads have crotchboobs

cutest flutters face evar!


these are the only two that peaked my interest:derpytongue2:

You know it's true guys. :rainbowkiss:

4372599 I thought he was more yandere than tsundere in this ep. But it was still pretty good.

4372591 The episode is a masterpiece. It referenced The Shining when that filly saw the flood of ooze coming out of the closet door. Discord almost sent Tree Hugger to the world of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. Discord living in the Third Place from David Lynch's Playstation 2 commercial. I laughed at the scene where Discord takes Rarity 's clothes off leaving her naked which she got embarrassed even though she is usually running around naked all the time just like the time Rainbow Dash caught Fluttershy sleeping naked. I guess Applejack had to tell Rarity this again "Uhmm I beg your pardon Rarity but we normally don't wear clothes."

Celestia's giddiness at the end really made me smile. It's the most characterization she's had in a while, and I can only hope it won't be the last.


This episode confirmed three things:

1) Celestia regularly tries to ruin important social events for her own amusement.

2) Discord has a crush on Fluttershy, and she does not reciprocate.

3) Pot is canon.

Seriously, Treehugger is such a baked hippie all episode. I know way too many Treehuggers in Oregon to find her quite as funny as I should, because such people are, in fact, terribly frustrating to interact with in real life.

Jealous Discord was fun, and I was entertained all episode, but... I dunno. Sometimes I felt like Discord trying to be funny actually made it unfunny, instead of being funny by being unfunny while trying to be funny (i.e. the Fozzie effect). And I didn't really feel like it ever knocked it out of the park.

But it was a solid episode, and I am happy to see those. I might like it more when I rewatch it.

And I have to admit, I was not expecting the Smooze to be what it was at all, but it worked well enough.

Now, how many FlutterHugger shipfics are there going to be now?

Not to mention that Twilight went as Celestia's plus one (and left out poor Spike, again).

Applejack also didn't really seem to want to be there, and she and Rainbow Dash seemed to be present soley to supervise the CMC.

4372591 Twilight's outfit looked terrible, other than that I loved the episode.


2) Discord has a crush on Fluttershy, and she does not reciprocate.

The episode doesn't confirm this at all.
Just because someone is obsessed with one of their only friends and get jelly when they do anything that takes them away from them it doesn't mean they have feelings for them.

I enjoy that of my three things, you objected to this and not to "Pot is canon."

Not that I'm saying you're wrong, mind - just, you know, saying. Things.

Nobody wants to get on their high horse :trollestia:


Celestia has to behave very decorously because she's the leader of her whole nation and takes her responsibilities very seriously. But she is super-intelligent and has a wicked sense of humor. Plus, in my fanon, Discord's always made her laugh, when he wasn't being evil. They've known each other their whole lives in these Incarnations. She almost has the old Dissy back, and that's a very happy thing from her point of view.


(This is from Ask Vaudeville, by Matt Garner; I'll edit in the direct source later.)

I don't really give a shit about pot existing or not in a fictional world, being I want it legal here, and the Celestia thing is all but confirmed with how she acted here and at their last year's gala.
I just have personal experience with that is all.

4372591 I really enjoyed it. I liked the Smooze's return a lot, and I loved the way it was like the plant from Little Shop of Horrors. I also enjoyed both the chaos dimension and the puppet dimension, both of which were bizarre to no end. Also, Love Note or whatever his name is was eaten by something after he delivered the mail. :raritycry:

1) Celestia regularly tries to ruin important social events for her own amusement.

Well, she has to amuse herself somehow, now doesn't she? :trollestia:

2) Discord has a crush on Fluttershy, and she does not reciprocate.

There are several assumptions you're making here. You're assuming that Discord's jealousy was primarily sexual, that if Fluttershy reciprocated she wouldn't want anypony else's company, and that she might not realize that she has to be firm with Discord both to keep his interest and his respect. Remember, she's used to dealing with large, dangerous creatures.

3) Pot is canon.

We do nt know what drugs, if any, Tree Hugger was on. Her powers were real, and there is a distinct possibility that this was simply her personality.

Sometimes I felt like Discord trying to be funny actually made it unfunny ....

What was non-funny about the whole situation was that Discord was in emotional agony.


There are several assumptions you're making here. You're assuming that Discord's jealousy was primarily sexual, that if Fluttershy reciprocated she wouldn't want anypony else's company, and that she might not realize that she has to be firm with Discord both to keep his interest and his respect. Remember, she's used to dealing with large, dangerous creatures.

It was played like he was being jealous of a crush. Ignoring the implications in favor of getting more shipping fuel is one of the more popular activities here on FiMFic.

We do nt know what drugs, if any, Tree Hugger was on. Her powers were real, and there is a distinct possibility that this was simply her personality.

She was showing symptoms consistent with someone who is very, very stoned. That doesn't necessarily mean that pot is canon, but it can be inferred as likely. She did seem to be a relaxed person by nature, though, so there is a possibility, however slim or likely it is, that she was drug-free.

I find it more amusing if she's a stoner, though.

4372591 Okay, episode was kind of funny. But, lack of songs made this gala far more boring to me than the last. FlutterCord fans would love this, I am not one. Need far more explanation for Smooze (Who is he? Where is he from? What is his background in general for this Gen?) The whole place seemed much smaller in scale and far more sparse than the last Gala. Much like the Equestria Games episode, takes place at a major event, focuses on one or two characters primarily. Good character development for Discord. Maud's joke was brilliant.

Reopened the Discussion Thread. For some reason it was closed?

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