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We should all know what "buck" means, right? (Hint: it's hitting something with your rear legs really hard.) "Oh my Celestia!" is as original sounding as hitting rocks together. So here's the deal. I need help coming up with original Safe For Woona curses for ponies. Things a pony might say if they stub their hoof or wanted to call another pony a name.

Yeah, something just like that.
So here's the question. Help us, pls?

And keep it safe for Woona! We'll be eternally thankful. :pinkiehappy:

Oh sweet sock-wearing Celestia

You asked for it! *Takes deep breath*

By Luna's socks and knickers!
Thunder humper!
Your mother was a camel!
You mule!
Cerberus' jowls!
Cheese-legs! (accusation of a changeling)
Mud pony!
Dragon's table scraps!

Sweet Luna in a moon bounce.

I love using 'Hay' instead of 'heck' or 'Hell'. Though I've also seen 'Tartarus' used as well. Of course I've only written 'Everyone' rated stories, so cursing isn't necessary for the most part. I also use 'darn' a lot as well. Probably not the best pointers, but they are simple if you are sticking to a purely 'Everyone' story. I'm sure others have a wealth of more inventive curses.

"Speak of the Discord."
"Buck me over!"
"Holy Luna!"

...I know I suck at puns.

By Star Swirled's Beard

Stars and Stones

965838 I'm gonna weigh in on "buck." I strongly dislike that lazy bit of censorship. It's obviously a thing that an English-speaking human being would use as a punny replacement for the F-word, and not a thing that a pony would say, because "to buck" has a meaning in horse contexts. It's particularly egregious when it's being used to refer to sex, because there's not any reason to think that we English-speaking humans would arrive at "kicking" as a euphemism for sex, so why do people think ponies would do the same?

With that bit of ranting out of the way, I use "Sun" as a generic pony curse word. It has the nice one-syllable punch that most English curse words do, it starts with sibilance, meaning it is satisfying to draw out for emphasis (if the line were being spoken aloud, I mean), and it's believable as a curse word in context, because the fact that the sun is controlled by Celestia makes the sun have special import to the ponies, so cursing by it has a tinge of the blasphemous or naughty.

I've used "horseapples," though using them around Applejack might cause confusion and/or retaliatory bucking. :applejackunsure:

I've used "damn it" too, figuring that they have Tartarus, after all, though it's not necessarily connected to the afterlife in the ponyverse. That and sometimes I don't want to take the reader out of the moment. That may not be woona-safe, of course...

Hmmm... "Colicky?" As in "This here colicky contraption ain't sortin' my apples right nohow." From "colic" which is a symptom of sometimes serious health problems for a horse. Maybe "colicy" but "colicky" looks better to me.

"Founder?" Swelling and tenderness in a hoof, more or less.

Group Contributor

Aww. But I like buck.
It even has sort of the same origins. A hitting verb!

Not so crazy about Luna/Discord based curses.
It's only been a few years since Luna came back. And seemingly Celestia suppressed her story, or it was forgotten. So she was just NMM or the Mare in the Moon. And Discord seemed pretty well relegated to obscure myth until he popped back up.

Good curses need time to come into common use.

965872 Yeah, 965881 is right, the F-bomb originates from the Germanic word "fock" which means "to strike; or penetrate, often in a sexual manner." So if someone went from the striking in buck, which is what horses do if they get "mounted" by a predator (IE a mountain lion jumps on their back). So very much the phrase of "buck off" could be used a swear, against ponies that aren't giving somepony enough space.


Crab apples
pony feathers/ horse feathers
Horse Apples

That's all I got.

Ive thought of racial puns.
Pecker brain for a griffin
Cow is an earthpony only good for sex and childbearing
Zookie is like Nigger for a zebra
Stutter step is for a pegasus only good for making weather and cant stay on the ground

965872 I'm trying to avoid it anyway. It's overused.

Lemme add to my own party here:
Stars above!
Ground below!
Bleater! (blighter)

965896 Ah, fair enough. And really, my objections to the word are eliminated if an author uses it in that sense or a related sense. Upon consideration, I guess it's mainly the cutesy, twee censorship of swapping "buck" in for the F-word when referring to sex that gets my goat.

965914 Which I picked up on after reading other replies. : D I just failed to parse your statement about it the first time around. My bad.

Cud! (oh wow. that sounds dirty.)

I'm going to go with "pudding head", assuming you don't mind me thinking inside the chimney... :pinkiesmile:

go buck yourself
Dragon turd
hay hating
puddle of paint (insulting a ponies color)
Discordian (Heathen/ infidel)
racist/homophobic/speciest insults (things only badponies say, and that hurt my soul to write)
buffalo brains (buffalo)
mule mucker (mule)
cow clop'er (cow)
cheese bucker (changling)
bird turd (griffin/pegasus)
feather fucker (pegasus lover)
horn humper (unicorn lover)
pig bucker (earthpony lover)
stripe licker (Zebra)
colt cuddler (gay male)
fillyfooler (lesbian)
fido fucker (diamond dog)
pooch screwer (also diamond dog)
Tranny trash (trannys)
bastard child of a flying rat and a mangey cat (Griffin)

I just thought of it, and don't want to lose it (even though it could be NSFW)
Heater (pony prostitute)
Salt Licker! (generic druggie)

I like "By Celestia's Beard!" as an interjection. There's also "Sweet Celestia's Terrible T--s" which can be used because the Princess of the Sun is quite a birdwatcher, and she used to have a pair of tits who caused more trouble than Phillomena. Birds can be such pains.

The best i've got, as applied to actual curses:

Celestia's Horseapple Pies! :twilightangry2:

Discord's Donut Holes! :pinkiegasp:

Ahuizotl’s Tail Ring! :rainbowderp:

Deep-Fried Rainbooms! :flutterrage:

My favorite:

Faust's Fragrant Forehead! :raritydespair:

Also, just plain horseapples and shucks. :ajbemused:

I've used "horseshit" once before for expressing an immense falsehood.

For pegasi, there's "rotfeathered." The implication there is the subject in question hasn't been preening themselves properly. I figure having dirty wings shows a lack of pride. And it's a major social faux pas.

Also for pegasi only, "hailstones." It applies to anything that "isn't supposed to happen," since hail itself is a weather condition you'd rarely see in most regions of the pony world, because of weather control and all.

I tend to use "hay", "ponyfeathers", "horsefeathers", and variants of "give a flying feather". But then, a lot of times in my stories, it's Scootaloo swearing, and feather based curses always seem appropriate for her.

I've also had her use "hoofclippings" before, to other ponies bemusement.

But I haven't really had that much occasion to include swearing in my stories.

965838 By Luna's Untrimmed Mustache!

By The Sun's Giant Flank!

chum-face (Sea pony)

thunder blunder (clumsy pegasus)

horn humper (unicorn lover)

half-breed! (Pegaus/griffon)

vamp-toothed shellhead (changeling are technically emotion vampires)

965838 I have one for Luna: By our sister's beard!
For everypony else: By Celestia's beard!

965838 Sweet Faust above, below and sideways!

965942 I always figured "Cud" to be the pony word for "Shit" or "Crap".

965945 While most of those are good, I think you've traumatized poor Woona. :moustache:

Dungshoe (Someone who trods in other ponies' business)
Rock Farmer (Someone who is generally pointless and has no intelligible objective.)
Foalfooler (Kinda obvious.)
Arsekisser (Someone who... well... is into mules?)
Swayback (An excessively old or weak pony.)
By his beard! (Referring to Starswirl, and used as an exclamation of surprise.)
Hay-muncher (A lower class or poor pony. Insult used by upper class ponies.)

That's what I have for now.

I'll just point you to a bit of Discworld here, "Night Watch" to be precise. The character Dai Dickins is a sergeant in the Night Watch and member of a druidic sect. He has to obey a taboo on swearing which would normally ruin his career. But he's so good he doesn't need the actual words at all.
"Hop to it, you sons of mothers!":trollestia:

A continuation
Flat flank
Cloud brains
Needle need'er
Clubhoofed imbecile
Shark shacker (seapony)
Fish fucker (seapony)
Squid butt (seapony)
Arseface(ass face)
Assface (donkey face)
[ass=donkey, arse/=donkey, arse=ass]
Cod cuddler( seapony)

"Get mounted", or "go mount yourself".

I came up with a few clever ones a while back, but the one I'm most proud of is probably "son of a bronc."

Other than that:

* What in Tartarus?
* Celestia damn it!
* Oh for Faust's sake...
* Holy Zacherle! (Reference to Bonnie Zacherle)
* You stupid plot-hole.
* Kiss my teats.
* Use those wings of yours and fly off. (only works with Pegasi, Griffins, Alicorns and certain types of dragon)

Just throwing those out there.

Anybody who references Pratchett is okay in my book. :eeyup:

And even more insults
Bastard monkeycow (minotaur)
Filthy pidgeoncat (Griffin)
Retarded land narwhale (unicorn)
Fish faced cod fucker (seapony)
Overgrown lizardbat (dragon)
Newt with wings (dragon)

"Rut you" has the same meaning to "Fuck you."


965863 OMG:rainbowlaugh: I love that one sooo using it hope you don't mind.


"Hailstones" is brilliant- rolls off the tongue well and is short and sweet! "Rotfeathered" is good too...

I've been hunting for a few new ones for a while. I found "Luna's Moon Pies!" to be a decent comedic interjection.

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