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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Here we are, on the night before an episode again, and I thought it was about time to post the official thread. Remember that any posts about the episode should go in this thread for a bit, so that all the spoily bits are all in one place.

The title of this one is "On Your Marks", which sounds like the start of a race. It's also the first CMC episode since we got our marks, though, so it's probably sorta dealing with the aftermath of that. I mean, when you've spent a bunch of your free time looking for the marks, what do you do when they are there, and aren't even doing anything fun and glowing or vibrating, but just kinda sitting there? And what are supposed to do now? I've got some board games...

It looks like this one's by Dave Polsky, too! That means we've got at least one of the original writers back, and he's the one who did "Twilight Time", so he's probably a good pick for this. I wonder if Diamond Tiara'll be along for this one?

--Sweetie Belle

Scoot Scoot Scootaloo!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin



--Sweetie Belle

5162593 So hyped for this one! :pinkiehappy:

Been waiting for this episode title for years so I hope it's a good one! :scootangel:

5162593 oh my god. That Rari-bunny-thing is too cute!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

All the bunnies are pretty cute! Bunny-Dashie, up on Scoots head, Applebunny, smooshed on her hat...

I'm not sure how everypony turned into bunnies or got into a race, but it's a cute picture!

--Sweetie Belle

I think this Bunny-Dashie is even better:

Their first post-cutie mark meeting. That puts an interesting restriction on the timeline.

Scootaloo would do great in that dance class

ScootalooXDancingcoltwhodidn'tgetaname forever! :heart:

Are we getting unique ending songs every episode, now?

Group Admin

I feel like Sweetie Belle could use that scarf in combat.

5163109 I don't they look like they could be related but, I'd go for him and Applebloom

Personally, I really enjoyed this episode. It handled the CMC post cutie-marks very well, and dealt with them having different interests well. Bulk continues being a great, lovable idiot. Also, it was great seeing Zecora's return and showing that Apple Bloom was still learning alchemy from her.

Same. Tender Taps and Apple Bloom could be a decent ship based on what happened in this episode.

I didn't catch that. Ahem:
ScootalooXTenderTaps forever! :heart:
It's not just that they look similar. I'm still convinced Scootaloo should get into dancing.

5162593 A good CMC episode, but the CMC did do some things together in the past five seasons that didn't involve getting their cutie marks. Talk about a case of "Selective Amensia".

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Well... if you're trying not to think of something, it's kinda hard to think of things other then what you're trying not to think of...

--Sweetie Belle

Great moments in out of context animation.

5162593 In my books any CMC episode is a good episode.

The direction they went with this was really unexpected. The teaser had me expecting this to be a straightforward thing where they spend an episode helping Bulk Biceps. I'm glad it went the way it did; it's much more interesting than what I expected.

It also felt pretty meta that I was watching the episode in a Billy Elliot T-shirt.

And I swear, the colt's Scootaloo's long lost cousin or something. That coloring has to mean something. Maybe it turns there's a secret line of orange and purple ponies that rule Equestria.

5163189 She's supposed to be good at dancing. We saw that in The Show Stoppers.

But we haven't really seen it since. Which is why she needs to join a dancing school. Preferably one with partnered dancing. :moustache:

What I learned today:

When the CMC actually try to sing, they're tone deaf, but when it's spontaneous, it's a completely different story?



"You pass butter."

"OH. MY. GOD."

"Yeah--welcome to the club, pal."

What I learned today: Famous artists get reincarnated as ponies.

Far left = Pablo Picasso

Middle = Leonardo De Vinci

Far Right = Salvador Dali

And later on in the scene Andy Warhol shows up. I'm also waiting for the inevitable humanized nude Treehugger posing picture to be made. It will happen, I have no doubt of this.


And that scene with Tender Taps presenting his arse to two fully grown mares was kinda weird.

5163316 They can't stop looking at his "barbels".

Something else just occurred to me. How on Earth could Applebloom not find something she enjoyed that the others couldn't? The earlier part of the episode clearly showed her taking alchemy lessons from Zecora... something she enjoyed.

Non-diegetic Insert: something done purely for the sake of the audience that does not represent what's literally happening in the scene.

For musical numbers in particular, there's a huge difference between characters singing to the audience and characters singing to each other, The prior is a non-diegetic insert, and is purely a metaphor to show how the characters feel to the audience. For instance in the episode Best Night Ever they didn't literally burst out into song with the help with a bunch of nobles just outside the palace. Same goes for the Winter Wrap Up episode. Their spontaneous songs are not actually happening in universe.


Their spontaneous songs are not actually happening in universe.

Spoil-sport. There are some excellent stories that take spontaneous singing quite seriously.

5163701 Too bad we never got to see the Mona Lisa version.

I'm looking at you, Deviantart people.


The swinging-around-the-lamp-post bit was a reference to Gene Kelly in Singing in the Rain, of course:

And the dancing-up-the-walls bit was a reference to Jimmy Cagney as George M. Cohan in Yankee Doodle Dandy:

I know I saw John Travolta cut the exact same move in a tribute to Cagney in the 1970's.


A somewhat forgettable episode, but it was nice to see the CMC adapting to their new roles. I mostly liked Apple Bloom's characterization - her behavior was actually very much in line with my headcanon for her: She's bright and enthusiastic, but she's also kinda impatient, can get a bit moody when things don't go her way immediately, and has a tendency for tunnel vision that makes her miss the big picture.

As for the tapdancing kid... yeah, he immediately made me think "male earth pony Scootaloo."


Which kinda makes it weird she wasn't the one who paired up with him for the dance number. They even have matching colors.


Which kinda makes it weird she wasn't the one who paired up with him for the dance number.

I'm guessing Scootaloo just doesn't like dancing that much. She can do - she can do it very well actually - but that doesn't mean she particularly wants to be the one on stage doing a dance number.

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