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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Okay, so here we are, ready on the day before another episode is released.

This weeks episode is called "The Fault In Our Cutie Marks". It's written by Ed Valentine, with a story by Josh Haber and Meghan McCarthy. Now, the last time we've seen Ed and Meghan's name on the same episode, it was "Three's a Crowd". I'm having trouble remembering much of that episode. Think it was kinda meh.

Ed Valentine also did "The Cart Before the Ponies". But he did do "Flight To the Finish", too, which was good. I guess we'll have to see. The name's interesting, anyways.

Or I'll have to see, at least. Everypony else has probably seen the trailer, or even the complete episode, since I heard that a subtitled version of it from another country is floating around someplace. I want to wait till I can watch it with the original voice acting, tho',..

--Sweetie Belle

5479200 I'm just excited for the adorable griffin.

5479200 I'm like 5479348 here :scootangel: That, and The Fault In Our Stars reference.

5479383 As I've heard, the griffin's name is Gabby.


Now, the last time we've seen Ed and Meghan's name on the same episode, it was "Three's a Crowd". I'm having trouble remembering much of that episode. Think it was kinda meh.

Having seen the leaked version in Polish, they kinda continue their track record. A pretty formulaic and predictable episode.


Gabby just reminds me of a young Pinkie Pie turned into a griffon. Don't ask me how, she just does. Is anyone else getting this vibe?

Besides that, the episode itself is better than I had expected. Especially an improvement from some other episodes this season. Though overall this season's episodes have been mostly pleasant.

Someone make a story where Gabby and Pinkie meets, oh my Celestia. They're basically Scoots and Rainbow if you think about it, except they haven't met and I need some Fanfiction fuel for some reason and oh my god. I needa take a breath but this just makes me wanna roll over and— *GASP*

Well, this was an amazing episode. I'll have to remember to plug Gabby in somewhere in my series.

I do have to wonder though, do you suppose the Cutie Map intended this to happen?


Gabby just reminds me of a young Pinkie Pie turned into a griffon.

I've had the same impression. Too bad Pinkie gives me a headache most of the time.


I think her adorable behavior and contagious smile balances her out, though.

I know some people say she gives them headaches, and when I first started watching the show, I slightly had them too, but I guess I got used to it. She's just too cute for me, I think.

Well, the episodes focused on Pinkie are good, since she's an actual character in them, besides bouncing randomly and yelling. The worst thing are the eps when she's not in the focus and writers don't know what to do with her, so she's just random and annoying (like Filli Vanilli).


Yeah, Filli Vanilli was definetly her worst. Though I really blame the writer for that. She obviously doesn't write her that well based on the other episodes she did with Pinkie . . . :pinkiesad2:

5479200 Good, but I have to wonder why this episode was delayed for so long when it was the ninth episode in production order?

5479200 This has to be one of the best episode so far. We get some really meaningful character development, and Gabby really stole the show. It's such a powerful moment when Scootaloo explained why she agreed to help Gabby. Perhaps in another show it wouldn't be so noticeable, but I can't think of another instance where continuity and emotional impact comes together so naturally and non-intrusively. That was perfect writing. And Gabby is such a great character. All that optimism and confidence is refreshing.

The whole episode was so well-written. There's no miscommunication, no convoluted setup. It's so true to life how one thing leads to another. I really hope for more episodes like this.

This is a truncated version of my full review, mainly because most of it was not about the episode itself, but rather Hasbro and YouTube's stupidity.


Watching this episode was insufferable. Not because of the episode itself, but because of Hasbro, Discovery Family, and YouTube. They ordered cease and desist on all livestreams. I was left scouring different websites for over an hour, just to see the second half in slow loading chunks. These three companies have done stupid things before, but I've finally reached my limit.

The brief summary of the episode: A bubbly griffon named Gabriella (Gabby, for short), seeks help from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, so that she can get her mark. Obviously griffons don't receive marks, so the CMC are left wondering what to do. They tell Gabby the truth, that she can't get a mark, but they certainly will help her find her purpose.

The gang try out all sorts of things, in a song number I would remember had I not been forced to watch piecemeal. Gabby turns out good at everything she helps with, leaving no clear destiny. Until they figure out that Gabby's destiny is helping in general. They rejoice, and induct Gabby as the first griffon member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

There is not a lot to say about the episode, thankfully. I found (what I saw of it) passable. Gabby herself is charming (think a griffon version of Pinkie Pie), though her energy does wear down scenes from time to time. She is also a mail carrier, making me think that perhaps she is an expy of Derpy (think about it: Gabby is a mail carrier, is gray, flies, and has a generally bubbly personality. She just does not have the crossed eyes.)

There is also room for fan speculation about whether species besides ponies can receive cutie marks. Overall, The Fault in Our Marks is a simple, warmhearted episode.

Not much extras this time.
-The pre-title sequence of the Crusaders talking to the parents of a filly who recently received her mark is cute. The parents are horrified by their daughter's mark of a skull and bones. Of course her real talent is being an archaeologist. She even digs up ponyasouras bones in the backyard, establishing that yes, even Equestria had dinosaurs.
-Scoots has a line saying that not helping Gabby is the CMC's first failure ever. I can think of more than a few instances to prove that wrong.
-Butt shot with Gabby saying "A mark on these here haunches" (Look, I'm straining for extras here, all right?)
-Gabby constantly refers to the Crusaders as 'world famous.' I would object, except it makes sense coming from Gabby. She's hyper and exaggerates things.

5479200 My thoughts are basically this 5480170. That, and throughout the whole episode, my face was like this :rainbowkiss:

Wait, is Twilight flying in her balloon with all her scrolls and writing equipment to document the first cutie mark on a griffon?

If Gabby's purpose is helping, I'm not exactly sure if Twilight was helped by any of this.

5480401 The blocked streams and uploads really annoying. I hope they don't keep doing it. Thankfully the Dailymotion one still worked when I got to it.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


It's such a powerful moment when Scootaloo explained why she agreed to help Gabby. Perhaps in another show it wouldn't be so noticeable, but I can't think of another instance where continuity and emotional impact comes together so naturally and non-intrusively. That was perfect writing.

I think the fact that he wrote "Flight To the Finish" helped on that. It's easier for writers to remember continuity when it's continuity with something they wrote.

That was a really good moment, and Gabby was a fun character, too. I liked that little mane tie she had on the feathers on the back of her head...

I could do with less being pounced on, tho'.

--Sweetie Belle

The writers succeeded in a nearly impossible task this time. They managed to make a character that is good at everything actually likeable.
A lot of childish enthusiasm and bubbly personality helped, but it's quite an achievement anyway.
All in all, a very good episode.

Man, I really need to catch up with the series.

5479200 So, this is going to sound like a dumb question but, how did anyone see this episode? I've searched Youtube and they haven't posted the full episode yet. Could get a link please?

5483434 Everyone either watched it when it aired yesterday, or saw the leaked Polish version with English subtitles.

5483447 Do you have a link to that? Can't find it on Youtube.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Youtube's been doing more takedowns then usual, probably because of the leaked version. It's actually against site policy to post links to episodes, tho'.

You'll probably have some luck doing a search for the episode name on dailymotion...

--Sweetie Belle

5483505 Ok. Thanks. On a related note, why has Youtube become so stingy with their rules lately?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

No problem!

I couldn't say in general, but I figure there were probably still takedown notices going due to the leaked episode when the episode was supposed to air, and the regular version got taken down, too, 'cause they don't normally go after it quite that fast. Dailymotion does tend in general to be a good place to look if you can't find something on youtube, though.

--Sweetie Belle

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