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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

This is the official discussion thread for "Honest Apple", which is the second episode for Canada this weekend (though we'll reuse this thread for the US release later). I never seem to know who the writers are ahead of time any more, but half the time it's somepony I don't recognise anyways.

This is going to be an Applejack episode. I'm pretty sure it involves honesty, Apples, Apples, more honesty, an idiot ball in there someplace, and retreads ground we've covered before. Hopefully I'm wrong. We'll see how it turns out. I'm just not really encouraged after having read the official summary...

You can discuss the episode here, since this is the official thread for it, and you can also do it in our Discord group, in the early episode channel.

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

5947679 It is going to be exactly like this:

:raritystarry: Darling!
:ajsmug: Apples.
:duck: Darling.
:applejackunsure: Apples.
:raritydespair: Daaaarling.
:ajsleepy: Apples...
:raritycry: Daaaarling.
:ajsmug: Darling?
:raritywink: Apples!

5947767 10/10 best episode ever

Yeah, you figured out the pattern of the average MLP episode: Compromise.

Overall, not bad. I liked it a bit more than yesterday's episode since it didn't rely on cringe comedy. Rarity playing the guitar was the best part.

That was… interesting. I think I'll duck out before the arguments start. This is going to be one of those episodes.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

5947889 Honestly? I think in season 7 it was more of one character being oblivious and the other being to afraid to say something. I don't think in any episode the moral was to compromise but that there was always one pony who was wrong and had to realize it.

Still seems I was correct.

:applejackconfused: Apppples.
:raritywink: Darling.
:pinkiehappy: I was the only sane one in this episode!
:pinkiesmile: I mean "FUN!"

Note to self... don't ever mention Sparity during a live stream again... even if it is in jest (because I'm not a fan of the ship) and even if Spike happens to be drooling over Rarity at that moment during the episode, which is something he's done since episode one.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

5948047 You poor soul. Never mention ships in a live stream or youtube comment section. There are zealots waiting to crucify you if you make one wrong step.

My first impressions of the episode

Rarity chooses Applejack as one of the judges for her latest fashion contest. That last sentence sounds ridiculous, but the episode offers a reasonable excuse: Applejack has a keen eye for practicality, something regular judges tend to lack. When she finally accepts the offer, it is believable. The setup is quickly established, and everyone is in character. The first few scenes are great.

Things start to devolve around the halfway mark. This is another instance of the show pushing a character's bad traits too far to drive a point. It is not as bad as The Carts Before the Ponies, as there is at least buildup this time. Plus, Honest Apple redeems itself in some areas.

But first, more details. The other judges are Photo Finish and Hoity Toity, both welcome returning characters. I like Photo's mannerisms of saying actions out loud (“kiss, kiss!”, “I faint!”). It's a trait that sounds like it would get annoying, but the episode does not overplay it. Hoity, as arrogant and posh he may seem, is actually fairly genial.

The designers in the fashion contest are run of the mill archtypes, though still entertaining. There's Lily Rose, a valley girl (the show's had a number of them lately), Starstreak, a future-obsessed stallion, and Inky Rose (not Ink, Inky), a goth whose appearance may take inspiration from Wednesday Addams. The winner of the contest gets to have their line of clothes featured in the Carousel Boutique. Rarity makes this contest all on her own to help aspiring designers get their foot in the industry, an example of her generosity, and a point awarded for the episode.

It loses points with Applejack. The judges meet the contestants twice before the contest to give their opinions. Unlike Hoity and Photo, Applejack is extremely critical, which is something I don't mind. It's important to the story, and makes sense. The problem is that some of her actions go beyond being harsh to uncharacteristically mean and ignorant. She forces Inkyrose to take all of the buttons off of one her dress designs, one by one (while none of the other judges or Rarity intervene.) Then, she violently shakes the feathers out of a hat Lily took hours making. The contestants are noticeably crushed, but Applejack behaves cool, like nothing happened. She may not be the brightest bulb, but Applejack is supposed to have some levels of restraint, not just be a monster.

After the contest is called off, Applejack realizes her mistakes and gets the contestants and judges back together. This is where the episode starts redeeming itself. The contest goes on without a hitch, and Applejack gets the deciding vote of which contestant wins. She chooses...all three. Yeah, it's a cop out, but it's a higher note for the episode to end on than one might expect.

What also helps are good jokes. There are quite a few of them here, from a running gag with the construction ponies setting up the show, to small talk between Photo and Hoity. My absolute favorite is Rarity playing guitar. She goes into full metal mode, complete with fiery background. It's quick and silly, and may be my favorite so far this season.

In summary, were Applejack's behavior built up to be bad but not outrageous, this episode would be really good. As it is, it's on the good side mainly because of the gags.

It was a great episode.
Kind of makes me hope that the rest of the season won't be as bad as its start.
We got a new vampirwaifu, that's great, and she's tall like fleur too 10/10.
I didn't get the moral of the story, but I stopped caring about that a long time ago, I'm just here for the cute pones.

Oh, also, rarara should stop abusing Spike like that. I want her to suffer for that. I can't believe the writers are still pushing that shit.

And, finally, AJ was right. Again.


Oh, also, rarara should stop abusing Spike like that. I want her to suffer for that. I can't believe the writers are still pushing that shit.

How did she abuse him? He was lurking outside her boutique for the chance to see her, she asked him to carry some flyers, and he agreed. How did you get abuse out of that?

I dunno m8, I don't find it super ethical to use a kid with a crush on you to do your chores. This is like leading a donkey with a carrot. But never give the carrot and not tell the donkey he's never gonna get it.

5950327 the problem with your logic is you assume that spike being nice means Rarity owes him something, she doesn't.

If Spike wants a date he can ask for one.

No, you can see something like this coming from an adult or a teenager.
Until proven otherwise Spike isn't there yet.

He's a kid, it's his first crush, of course he won't be rational about this kind of things and still do his best to please her demands.
I was okay with him still helping her to get gems, since he could simply get some in the end, but now this is back to 'let me use you as a living pin holder' level, just so he can get a hug or a 'spikey wikey~'
Really thought he went through that already, but seems like the new writers want the ol' Spike back.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Bumping for the US release of this episode.

--Sweetie Belle

Upon rewatching this episode, I realised something was very oddwith Applejack's interactions. I'm pretty sure the lesson she learnt is one she already knew. I don't remember which episode it was in, but I distinctly remember Applejack lying about a dress to avoid hurting Rarity's feelings. I'm sure Littleshy mocked Applejack for it in his Cinemare Sins video.

What I'm saying is: I'm pretty sure Applejack regressed. If the writers really wanted to ram this message home, they should have used blunt Starlight instead.

This episode was a cut above most episodes of the season thus far (rivaling Rock Solid Friendship). On the upside:
1) We got to see a fish-out-of-water scenario with Applejack judging a fashion contest.
2) The return of Hoity Toity and Photo Finish, which haven't really been featured in a long time.
3) A surprise talent for Rarity - guitar shredding.

4) Applejack being told that apples are disgusting.
5) Applejack admitting all she had was a closet full of twenty Stetsons. (Really, was there any doubt?)
6) Applejack forced to play "dress-up in a frou-frou, glittery, lacey outfit."
7) Applejack tying up several ponies and holding them hostage.

On the downside:
1) Applejack's character being pushed to the extreme.
2) Applejack's cop out of judging all three to be equally good.
3) Rarity forgetting Applejack's "practicality" from Suited for Success.

4) Apple Bloom suddenly wanting a hat like Applejack's. (She had all this time and she's only now getting a hat? Will we see it in future episodes?)

To summarize, not a bad episode on its own points. But it's always nice to have an Applejack-centered episode. She's not a background pony!


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