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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Almost forgot Canada does these on Sundays, too. This is the official thread for the episode "Not Asking For Trouble".

Funny how the name on this one almost goes with the last one, "A Royal Problem". Sounds like there's gonna be trouble, whether you are asking for it or not. I think i heard this one was actually gonna involve yaks, so maybe I was just off by one. My crack shipping could still happen. You never know!

We don't know the writers on this one yet. I'm just gonna predict that it'll turn out to be Nick Confalone. Who knows if I'll be right, though.

As usual, spoilers for the episode go here, even if you are all excited about new characters, or new developments, like Princess Cadance getting her own new evil version, 'cause all princesses need those. You can talk about the episode in the usual places on Discord, here, and the official site blog post and such.

Not expecting this to be as good as the last episode, but that's partially because I actually really liked the last one! You always tend to end up comparing episodes to the last one you watched...

--Sweetie Belle

5956302 Last Episode's name wasn't "A Royal Pain" but "A Royal problem". Just so ya know :raritywink:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Oops. Must've had Prince Blueblood on the mind. Fixed!

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

5956302 If the episode not perfect YAK SMASH!

5956327 Yak puny and weak. Hulk stronger!

There's not a lot of substance to this one, so a review will be brief. Pinkie visits the yaks during Yakslubert Fest (I hope I spelled that right), a sacred holiday. The day consist of smashing logs, swaying to music, and sleeping.

The yaks were low on my list of returning characters, but they are at least more tolerable here than in Party Pooped. For one, they do things besides smash property. Their personalities are still very basic, save for their leader, Prince Rutherford.

Commotion during one of their stomping ceremonies creates an avalanche, apparently a yearly occurence. Rutherford won't accept outside help in clearing the village of snow. The yaks are left to sleeping with no shelter and having no food until all the snow is dug away or melts. Much time is spent on Pinkie's attempts of persuading Rutherford to let her friends come and help clean; she asks directly, casually directs the conversation towards her idea, and even tells a parable on why accepting help is good. Rutherford rejects her every time.

Pinkie and friends eventually go and clean the village in secret. The yaks wake up believing the snow melted, but Rutherford catches on that Pinkie was behind it. He is overjoyed at her and her friends aid, despite having clearly and vehemently rejected all previous offers. He says the difference was that Pinkie helped without asking, which is 'the yak way.' Except Pinkie asked a lot, so this ending is a complete and bogus heel turn.

There's not much else to say. The episode has a few amusing moments, and a really dumb ending.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah. Seems to me they were closer to the Crystal Empire at the time anyways, from what I remember of the original episode, so getting help from there might have been a better idea, and I'm surprised the idea of not getting help from other ponies, but going and getting supplies for digging snow, like snow shovels, didn't come up. The yaks could've done all the work themselves if they had the right equipment!

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

5957139 Yak way not ask for help. Yak way to give help anyway. Have to be yak to understand.

Cinder wonders how yaks managed to survive. Avalanche yearly occurrence, yaks should have experience. Six ponies do what an entire settlement of yaks can't.

Episode fun, logic best not to think about.

Just a random silly SoL episode. But Ponka was great in it, nearly nowhere as obnoxious as in the Maud episode.
The morale was really close to "Applebuck season" tho. I don't personally care, but I can see people hating on it for that.


Pinkie and friends eventually go and clean the village in secret. The yaks wake up believing the snow melted, but Rutherford catches on that Pinkie was behind it. He is overjoyed at her and her friends aid, despite having clearly and vehemently rejected all previous offers. He says the difference was that Pinkie helped without asking, which is 'the yak way.' Except Pinkie asked a lot, so this ending is a complete and bogus heel turn.

Nah, see, Pinkie kept suggesting the yaks should ask the ponies for help, but Rutherford refused on the grounds that their culture considers asking for help to be demeaning. As they see it, if you see someone who's in trouble you help them - they shouldn't have to ask you. Pinkie simply didn't understand the difference between asking for help and accepting it.

It was sort of a weird moral, but it actually made sense to me.


Six ponies do what an entire settlement of yaks can't.

Ponies magical. Ponies superior species, though yaks never admit that.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

5969053 Yes, Yak culture not pony culture. Yak using eastern values. Should check if Mongols do not ask for help or someone else.

Yak not inferior, Yak smash :flutterrage:

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