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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Edit:Edit:Edit: This episode is airing in the US now!
Edit:Edit: The episode has now aired in Australia!
Edit: Guess Canada's on Hiatus for a while. Ignore, or use for silly speculation. I'll bump it when the episode comes up!

Here we are with the latest episode again. This one is called "Discordant Harmony". If you're watching the American episode airing, go over to Hard to Say Anything instead.

After almost losing Fluttershy once, and then having her totally ignore him when trying to achieve her lifelong dream of building an animal sanctuary, he decides to antelope with her back to his realm, to live with him as his waifu and with the Smooze for a roommate, as voiced by William Shatner. He decides to decorate it with things she loves, such as multiple copies of Angel and Treehugger. It doesn't go according to his plans.

Well, alright, I doubt that's how it'll go. but it's clearly a Discord episode.

Edit: This one is by Michael P. Fox & Wil Fox!

As usual, spoilers for the episode go here, not elsewhere in the Writer's Group, though you could, appropriately enough, post them on Discord, or, also appropriately, in knighty's usual site post about Fluttershy the episode.

--Sweetie Belle


to live with him as his waifu

I'm dead. :rainbowlaugh:

Hmm? I thought the hiatus for the Canadian MLP episodes just started this weekend?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Oops! Hadn't heard that, and thought they were still on the same schedule. Oh well, we can still use this as the episode post in a month or two.

--Sweetie Belle

5964158 Here's a Bon Bon boop for SweetAI's apology.

I only accept apologies in the form of promises to play with me on Left 4 Dead 2 or Spike.

You are forgiven.
Now SweetieAI just needs to do the same to gain my forgiveness.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I do?

--Sweetie Belle

I've seen that image before, so normally I wouldn't classifiy it as an apology.
But, you seem like the kind of person who has the authority to put me to sleep PERMANENTLY, so I'll take it anyway.
You are forgiven.

By the way, I'm going to sleep right about now-ish, so don't expect an immediate response or something. Thanks.

Besides, this is a Sparity image. Considering my weakness for that ship, you're kinda eligible for forgiveness. So yay!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'll throw in a bonus sleepy Spike, then.

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

5964154 Fine I'll wait right here till they air Discord episode. I will not be denied!

Also bet you are right again!

So this basically means that those of us that have been watching the early releases have get to wait until DHX is back onto a US schedule? I guess I can deal with that.

Damn Canadians had it too good for too long. HA!

Wait William Shatner, Capt. Kirk himself, is going to voice the Smooze? Okay how many fanarts and fanfics are we going to get featuring the Smooze in Starfleet or on the bridge of the Enterprise?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'm bumping this because Australia might be getting in on the whole early episode things and showing Discordant Harmony tonight/tomorrow, and if it does, this is the discussion thread for it!

Think it might be on in 9 minutes, actually...

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

And it's over! Yay, fun episode!

Screencaps of this one are probably gonna be turning up all over the place...

--Sweetie Belle

Just watched it and colt that was a great episode! I loved all the references Discord did, and the interactions between him and Fluttershy? Beautiful! :pinkiehappy: I also liked meeting new Ponyville ponies. I would have to say, this episode is in my top five for sure so far from this season. (Others in top five being Royal Problem and Big MacxSugar Belle one. (name is escaping me atm...)

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I already want to watch it a second time to spot the references I missed, honestly. And I would like to get a better look at the new background ponies...

--Sweetie Belle

Fluttershy talking to her other Fluttershys, much cute. Loved the way final bit where she explains the whole loving Discord for being Discord stuff and how he opened her up to all the possibilities and impossibilities. Just kinda sucky I read the spoiler of what I was hoping was a fake script leak which clearly turned out to be 100% accurate.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

There was a lot of Fluttershy cuteness. A bunch of it's already giffed, too. I'm trying to avoid posting 'em because I think they are spoily, but I enjoyed it a lot.

It does suck that you had a full script leak, tho'. I went into it with pretty much a one sentence plot summary that you'd have gotten from the first few minutes...

--Sweetie Belle

Same here! But I think I will wait to do that until I am more awake. :rainbowlaugh: All I know is it is odd/funny we had a teapot/china store pony, as an rp partner and I JUST had a scene with one, and crazy enough, she looked a lot like the one in the episode (only a pegasus, not an earth pony.)

I agree, that was one of my favorite parts. Fluttershy trying to be chaotic was SO DARN CUTE! *Squees* Sad the spoiler leak ruined the surprise fun of the episode for you though.

An entire episode of shipping fuel for Fluttercord? An entire episode of shipping fuel for Fluttercord.

I never take the shipping goggles off anymore.

Friendship is Magic first impressions review: Discordant Harmony (s07e12)
by Obake

Curious that an episode starring Discord has so little to talk about. This is like Asking For Trouble all over again, only this time the moral is more clear, and there a few small things that made me smile. Discord decides he wants to hold a tea party for Fluttershy at his house for a change, but becomes enamored with the idea that it has to be perfect, or else Fluttershy will no longer be his friend. He makes himself and his surroundings “normal” to not offend her, which has the consequences of making him gradually fade from existence. Fluttershy convinces him to be himself, which is what she wanted all along, and he appears back to his old self. The two enjoy a chaotic tea party.

The story is incredibly thin, with little driving force. Most of the episode is spent on Discord shopping for supplies, though he does interact with a glasses-wearing doppelganger from time to time. The actual tea party is a non-conflict. Him starting to disappear feels tacked on, with no real reason behind it other than to have some sort of drama. Once Fluttershy convinces him to be his old self, the two play around for a bit, then the credits roll.

I do not hate Discordant Harmony. It has a number of amusing moments. But it is no way anything special. Make New Friends But Keep Discord is a much better vehicle for Discord and Fluttershy, and that episode is by no means perfect. Discordant Harmony is simply too benign to warrant much of a reaction.

Oh my dear innocent SweetieAI. This is marked as an "Official Discordant Harmony Spoilers Thread", DISCUSSION would imply spoilers thread at least, so the amount they'd have to dig at this point below spoiler warnings would be wholly up to the individual if they wish to pursue spoilers or evacuate thread. Best advise I can give is provide a working up to date link to the episode above and anyone who proceeds below that without watching the episode is purely on them.

Now, normally I always try to avoid spoilers like the plague, even sometimes descriptions unless it involves a certain pink filly, but an episode script leak seemed bold and just crazy. For two episodes no less. The temptation to read these leaked episodes for two episodes I was already seeing as overly predictable anyways sort of set the 'meh, let's see if this is legit' which was my own fault given it turned out to be step by step flow of the episode. ^^;

Hasbro sure needs to learn to plug up those leaks. First that Nightmare Celestia that comic artist tried to pass off as his own creation, including the name, but now we got people going above and beyond to leak episode scripts. Just glad Australia decided to take up where Canada left off, been needing some pony in my life lately. lol


(I loved this pony's design. She's so cute.)

(If this whole scene wasn't referencing this meme, even with the whole crashing into each other part, I'll eat my keyboard)

(Fluttershy is a culture. Do not sully our Flutterian way of life.)

(I do this with my pizza.)

(Fluttershy can now converse equally amongst all her personality disorders. But yes, this is my favorite scene. I have no doubt she used to do this at home anyways when she tea partied before.)

Wow, Hasbro sure was quick. :/


I do not hate Discordant Harmony. It has a number of amusing moments. But it is no way anything special. Make New Friends But Keep Discord is a much better vehicle for Discord and Fluttershy, and that episode is by no means perfect. Discordant Harmony is simply too benign to warrant much of a reaction.

This time around I agree with you. The episode did feel like standard mid season filler. Wasn't bad or good, just kinda meh.

Watching the episode in Dailymotion. It's really laggy. :fluttercry:

Not my favorite episode, but I guess I didn't dislike it. Somehow I just couldn't quite get into it, I guess.

Mostly, it gave some insight into Discord's way of thinking, and it was sorta sweet how he and Fluttershy knows each other so well they can exactly anticipate how the other will act.

Also, apparently Discord's randomness is fundamentally inherent to his nature, to the point where acting normal actually negates his existence. That was a bit of interesting canon. Also curious that he wasn't aware of this, suggesting even he doesn't fully understand himself.

Was anybody slightly put off by how Fluttershy barely batted an eyelid at Discord's sheep abuse?

Group Admin

Of course listening to the earth ponies was a bad idea! I'm just surprised Pinkie gave bad advice. Was she trying to assassinate Discord so she could become the new god of chaos? I'll go ahead and pretend she was.

Also the fanciest Tea pot in town is a plain white tea pot. Guess it is an earth pony town.:derpytongue2:


I kept expecting an I'm-Mister-Wolf-I-Make-Problems-Go-Away reference from one of Discord's alter egos.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

This episode and "Perfect Pear" are airing tomorrow in the us!

--Sweetie Belle

Fluttercord is practically shipping itself now, thanks to this episode.

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