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6095235 Don't worry. The fandom will upload it somewhere soon. :')

6095235 6095242
It's up on dailymotion. But you've got to be quick, Hasbro are catching them fast!

Has any other show had this much trouble releasing episodes on schedule? This can't be normal.

6095246 Ooo good find. XD You might want to remove the link though because directly linking to episodes that aren't put out by Hasbro is against the site rules.

There is no link...

Yeah, I remembered that, I hoped no one noticed. :twilightsheepish:

I know. That's why I deleted it literally seconds after I posted it.

I'm sorry I did it, it slipped my mind and won't happen again.

6095254 You removed the link, so it's okay. :) I just didn't want you to get in trouble, that's why I mentioned it. :)

6095261 I watched the episode on Daily Motion. It was really good. XD

Thank you. :twilightsmile:

I should stop being too helpful before it does get in in trouble. :derpytongue2:

I'm still surprised you saw the link. I realised what I had done and deleted within seconds of posting the comment!

6095269 Somehow I was able to click the link and watch the episode. XD It was a really good one.

6095235 6095252
Good job, Hasbro.

I'm already behind, so I'll just end up waiting for the official airing, but all these times they've leaked leads one to believe they might be doing it on purpose.

It seems like Dark Lord Hasbro is really falling behind. It might as well get DDosed if it's gonna let episodes leak like that...

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'm just gonna make this the official early discussion thread, since there's really no point in my making a new thread for it when there already is one. I'd kinda hoped we were done with all these early releases....

--Sweetie Belle

Pay for it? Then how the heck did I watch it for free? :rainbowderp:

Apart from an out-of-character moment where Rainbow Dash doesn't even try to fight back when jumped by a bunch of goons, and the nonsense substitute for a ‘bridge’ in the temple, I thought it was a solid episode.

Apparently most of Daring Do's adventures take place in ‘Southern Equestria’, which is significantly culturally different from Equestria proper. It's not even clear if it's actually part of Equestria.

Bubbling green goo is now a canon base for a death-trap. It's unclear what would happen if it touched you. Maybe you turn green? Or perhaps it mutates you into some other sort of horrible, ugly monster?

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

I would assume that South Equestria is part of Equestria. Probably at least nominally part of the Equestrian crown. But well we may never know.

Anyway pretty much what you have said. I was surprised that Dash would just let thugs grab her after we have seen her beating changelings with her bare hoof.

And don't forget, anti-flying curse is also now a thing too. Also maybe bubbling green goo tastes great?

Not a bad episode, little too fast paced but I enjoyed it. Still going to watch it on Saturday when it airs too though, so they can get their view counts stuff.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Let's just go ahead and use this as the official thread for the episode when it airs, too...

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Oh boy a new episode never before seen :derpyderp1:

I sure wonder what is going to happen :derpytongue2:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, I still haven't watched it...

Daring Do's retiring, but there always has to be a Daring Do, so she's training Rainbow Dash to be her successor?

--Sweetie Belle

So it's basically the "Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the Crystal Skull" of ponyland?

Eh, I didn't like this episode. It has a good premise, and there a few standalone gags that work. But the latter half goes downhill.

Group Admin

It turns you into a Smoozeling!

Group Admin


Daring Do's retiring, but there always has to be a Daring Do, so she's training Rainbow Dash to be her successor?

Oh man, I want to see that episode.


I want to fuck the Sphinx

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