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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Here we are with episode time again, and it looks like like this one's called "The Mane Thing About You".

Until I hear otherwise, I think I'm gonna assume it'll be kinda like Rarity's Bad Mane Day, where I slip dye in Rarity's shampoo, and her mane turns green. At least, I hope it is. That was a good story.

As usual, this'll be the official thread for discussion of the episode and such, or you can talk about it over on discord, or probably in knighty's usual site blog for it.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

If not dyed shampoo, maybe a return of Poison Joke?


SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah. They should totally have an entire Rarity episode, with her as the main character, and with her under the influence of Poison Joke. :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

I haven't actually seen the episode except on YouTube because I don't live in Germany I don't get the same TV program as you guys in the US. :applecry:

Oh, this is the one where Rarity pays a visit to a character we haven't seen since... why, I believe the Season Five finale!

. Can you have the link to that episode ?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, first of all, it's actually against site rules to post episode links.

But also, this episode hasn't actually aired yet. I start the episode thread before it airs, so that it's already there when everypony wants to talk about it. In a few hours, after it's out, if you do some searching around youtube or dailymotion, you should be able to find it. Or if you head over to equestria daily, their discussiom post for the episode will have stream links, and video links once they are up.

Anything we've posted about it so far is speculation and guesses, possibly somewhat based on the summary and trailer, though.

--Sweetie Belle

Actually, she was in two episodes in season 6 (On Your Marks and in the Fault of Our Cutie Marks).

Because she didn't have a speaking role in those two, I forgot she was even in those episodes.

Kind of missed the current episode, though. Not sure when I'll get to view it.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

:raritycry: WORSE! Leave my mane alone you monsters!

Also definitely a fun episode. Also shockingly background ponies talked quite a bit. Definitely fun episode.

Well livestream is running a rerun of it. Worst case there will be wait till it's uploaded on youtube and dailymotion.

I loved the digital painting of Zecora's house. Before it was drawn in hard lines, but now it looks soft and beautiful.

Definitely one of the better episodes this season.

It's been over a year since the twins were born… and then several more months, apparently, in this episode alone. That's quite a time skip.

I can't decide whether the ending is sweet or creepy. It might have come across better if Rarity's friends had at least told her Photo Finish had taken pictures of her and asked if she wanted them published before the magazine was printed. Thankfully she was okay with it, or else it would have been a very different episode.

This is one season 7's stronger entries thus far. Even then, issues with pacing and that awkward ending (as Maran pointed out) keep it from being great.

I didn't like the episode all that much. The story overall is just too bland and doesn't really take advantage of all the rich characters in the show. It felt like something that belonged in Season 1, in simpler times.

Also, what's that woodpecker doing with all those sticks? Was that the same woodpecker, or is it just nesting season for woodpeckers?

I also thought it seemed like a Season 1 or 2 episode, if Starlight wasn't in it. It's not bad, just kind of simple compared to some of the other recent episodes.

To sum it up
Kronk: You know in my defense your potions all look alike you might want to think about re-labeling some of them

Comment posted by Dreadnought deleted Sep 23rd, 2017

Rewatching the episode (like, right now), I saw something I missed last week. Did anyone else notice, during the scene at Sweet Apple Acres, that Big Mac was walking with Sugar Belle? Also, Rarity recolors her mane green, purple and gold, which happens to be the colors of Mardi Gras. And Photo Finish comes across as a stalker.


Cinder Vel
Group Admin

I thought it was pretty hard to miss Big Mac and Sugar Belle. Didn't know about the color thing. And Photo Finish was a sniper when she was in the army!


I thought it was pretty hard to miss Big Mac and Sugar Belle.

I guess I was just looking at SAA in the background.


Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Or maybe the BigMac shipping wars have left me with scars so I can't not notice when he is with a date. The war was horrible :applejackconfused:


BigMac shipping wars

Sounds like I missed the war. Who were the combatants?


Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Oh you know. Cheerilee, Marble and Fluttershy shippers being enraged by a new challenger that made their ships no longer canon. Some people really reacted badly.


"Even though you cancelled the shoot, we had the photographer hide in the bushes and take pictures without you knowing."
"And publish them without your consent!"
" 'Cause that's something a friend would do!"
"Yeah, and totally not creepy at all!"

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