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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It's time for the season finale to officially air in the US... though it was leaked a while ago. And might have already played in Canada? Can't remember.

Anyways,it's a two part episode called "Shadow Play", by Josh Haber.

I still haven't watched it, but I also still like my last guess that it's about Equestria being invaded by shadow puppets that are trying to put on a performance of Hamlet. Of course, it could be something like a play for power being done by somepony lurking in the shadows, too. We do have some villains that could be lurking in the shadows.

Actually, it'd be kinda neat if several minor villains that the mane 6 have thwarted in the past got together with some sort of plot. You know, like Wind Rider, Zesty Gourmand, Gladmane, and Svengallop? Of course, that'd have to be a pretty strange plot.

As usual, you can discuss it here, on knighty's post, when he makes it, and other places...

--Sweetie Belle

I watched the episodes a couple weeks back and I must say, my sister and I were absolutely freaking out mid episode 25 and the rest of it along with part 2 of Shadow Play. It's just crazy exciting and insane.

I'm only sad Somnambula had about 2 lines in the last episode and that's it. Apart from that, it's so friggin awesome to see the episodes connect with the comics. Just awesome. And this provides so much new material for new stories in the future, such as the Pillars adapting to modern day Equestria. That will be fun!

Screenshots I've seen have me pretty hype, just seeing magic necklaces come back again! :pinkiegasp:

Chrysalis has a rap battle with Twilight to determine the fate of Equestria.

I'm trolling...or am I?

Worst season final yet, and considering last season that's saying a lot.

What I learned from Shadow play: unicorns are evil, every last one. If only there was some glories hero that could help the poor ponies of Equestria.


Worst season final yet

>Hates Starlight
>Posting Adolf
>Did not like last season
>Has a trash changeling avatar
>Always stinking up threads
You have horrible taste and opinions.

>loves Starlight
>no Idea what a joke is
>liked last season
>Trash changeling is still better then a trash Tau avatar
>Can't stand other opinions
You have no opinions and are still horrible at them. :trollestia:

Edit: Let me open by saying that the following contains spoilers for the episode!

I consider this better than the last two finales. That said, Shadow Play has structural problems (the item-finding scenes, asides from Dash and Spike's) feel like filler, and the Pony of Shadows feels less threatening than he needs to give the epic scope of the story.

I was weary of the Pillars being brought to the present, but I feel the episode does a good job incorporating them with the Mane 6. I applaud the writers for being able to take this many characters and still give them stuff to do, and make a cohesive story. There is something simply charming about Shadow Play, even if I personally do not consider it among the series's best.

Episode 25 was an insult to the intelligence of everyone watching and writing it. 5 minutes in and I could accurately guess what the rest of that train wreck was going to be about. Can anyone honestly tell me that the "climax" to episode 25 was surprising in any way, shape, or form? I found it pathetic:

"Hey, my favorite historical unicorn trapped himself along with all these other legends in some kind of void. Now I know the reason he did it was to trap a horrific evil, but I'm fangirling too hard to think about the consequences of breaking him out. It's not like breaking the lock opens the door right?"

"Are you sure it's a good idea to break a millenia-old seal that was put in place by one of the most powerful ponies in equestrian history for a very good reason?"

"Oh Starlight, I'm far too overconfident to let obvious plot contrivances get in the way!"

Is episode 26 even worth watching? The quality of episode 25 was so shitty that I haven't been able to force myself to shove it down my throat yet.

Well it was better than episode 25. The villain was actually competent this time and was not stopped by a deus ex machina or some other plot contrivance, but rather by actual problem solving! I mean discounting the help of three other alicorns when fighting a national threat is still a plot contrivance but, unlike Twilight deep throating the idiot ball, that's a plot contrivance we've seen many times before and I'm used to it. I guess the two episodes kinda just cancel each other out: episode 25 was the worst season finale opener in MLP history, episode 26 was one of the better ones. So overall just... meh.

In any case, it was not enough to excuse the overall poor quality of season 7. The worst season of MLP so far, begun by the worst season opener in G4 and ended by a combination of an absolute shit episode and an actually decent one, does not result in a net positive.

Starlight is a plot contrivance. Everyone but her is just stupid in this.

Pretty trash.

Twilight remains as stupid as ever and we still have no idea why the princesses took her in.

Pretty sure Rainbow and Flash Magnus are going to be a thing.

i wondered... in all of this, where was discord? or was the danger to fluttershy in recent episodes too minor to notice?

Probably the same place he was hiding in the move.

Another season, another kick-ass finisher. Time to play this awesome song again. :twilightsmile:

"Now that we've come so far," is the song name by Jeff Williams.

Also, Starswirl is a bit of dick isn't he?


Pretty sure Rainbow and Flash Magnus are going to be a thing.

Another Flash, stealin' our waifus...

I was kind of hoping she would break out the wooden pole. Would have been badass.

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