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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It's time again for another episode discussion thread!

So, the next episode is called "Marks for Effort", by Nicole Dubuc, who also had cowriting credits on Shadow Play and School Daze, as well as those Ponyville Mystery books with Scootaloo's aunts. Er, the books that have Scootaloo's aunts in them, I mean. I don't think Scoot's aunts helped write them.

So, the title sounds like a Cutie Mark Crusader episode due to being about marks, and it's also a phrase you'd associate with a school, and she worked on another episode with a school, and I kinda glanced at the episode tv guide summary thing and can't help but think what the episode's gonna be about is really really obvious.

But then, I like all the things it's gonna be about, so hopefully it'll be a good episode.

This is the discussion thread, though, so feel free to discuss!

--Sweetie Belle

obake #2 · Jun 2nd, 2018 · · 1 ·

I didn't care much for this episode. Though it could be because the only versions I could find had people commentating over them, so it was hard to concentrate. Oh, well.

Tch. Cozy Glow is just Queen Chrysalis in Disguise. I'm going to so believe that. >:/

That episode was rather good actually I really enjoyed

"Oh Captain, my Captain."

Cozy Glow was over-hyped to be Chrysalis in disguise and/or the Big Bad of season 8 in a cute little Shirley Temple package, so the fandom is reacting as expected despite little to no actual reveal. It could still happen, but...

In general, CMC episodes can be hit or miss. As far as this season goes, it was still a better episode than The Non-compete Clause.

Group Admin


Hmmmmm. I still think Cozy is secretly evil. Her cutie mark is a chess piece. She's just playing a long game.


Cozy Glow was over-hyped to be Chrysalis in disguise and/or the Big Bad of season 8 in a cute little Shirley Temple package, so the fandom is reacting as expected despite little to no actual reveal. It could still happen, but...

OI! I'm still going to believe in that!!! >:/

I really think Twilight should have let the CMC into her school.


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