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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, in a couple hours the next episode will be out. This one's by Michael Vogel, and is called "The Mean 6". I find this a bit interesting in that "The Mane 6" is pretty much a fan term, and now we have an episode title playing off of it.

The title also tends to suggest all the mane 6 acting mean, and last time this happened, they were all replaced by changelings. I'm kinda hoping this doesn't happen again. It'd be more fun if the plot revolved around them being suspected of being changelings when they were just genuinely being rather cranky that day.

Alternatively, maybe six characters who are mean all get together into one team? Or it could be a complicated math joke.

At any rate, this is the discussion thread for the new episode, so have fun speculating about it and discussing it!

--Sweetie Belle

*smashes through door*

Contrasting Personality Episode? Sign me up.

I’m into those like cloning, body swapping, and masquerade episodes

From what I’ve seen, ‘tis Changelings

There are two words for the scene when Chrysalis was talking to the pictures: delusional and weirdo. And if there's a third: Sad, just sad.

It's probably just me, but watching this whole episode makes me think of this scene from Meet The Robinsons:

I'm just not so sure how well Chrysalis's plans were thought through.

This is just sad, even for Chrysalis after what happened to her.

obake #6 · Jun 9th, 2018 · · 1 ·

My reaction from watching this episode: ugh.

Hasbro, do us a favor and JUST REFORM QUEEN CHRYSALIS ALREADY!!!!!! :flutterrage:

This episode is just one massive wasted potential. Chrysalis makes evil versions of the Mane 6 and is after the Elements of Harmony, the evil Twilight wants them for herself yet all this goes nowhere. They could have left it on a cliff hanger but no, at the last minute the big reset button is pushed and the entire premises goes to waste.

And a wasted attempt to reform Queen Chrysalis >:/

Is anyone else unnerved by the fact that Chrysalis created sentient life out of wood?

Also, the scene where the Tree of Harmony took out the the impostors?

Wow... That tree is f*+king hardcore.

Equestria finally got a competent villain, and she was killed off in one episode :fluttercry:


They were witches! Burn them!

6467023 Yeah, it would've been better off if the mean 6 actually managed to corrupt the elements and beat Chrysalis. Then we could have some really badass villains for the season finale.

So if there's a major villain in this episode, does that mean that this will be the mid-season finale and the season will go on hiatus for a while? Because that seems to be a recurring pattern in this show.

6467040 Holy Crap, Ikr! And I'm not sure why, but when I saw that end scene where the imposters basically "die" I got a very Akira vibe from it. I'm not sure why, but I kept expecting some kind of pony figure, most likely the tree manifested in pony form, to show up out of the light and take the imposters away to a parallel universe where they can start their own worlds. I have no idea why I thought of that, MLP and Akira pretty much have nothing in common, so I'm not so sure why I kept thinking I was watching some kind of crossover episode.

Though that would make good fanfic material.

Group Contributor

This episode should have been recorded in front of a live studio audience.
A laugh track or panto style, "She's behind you!" would have been perfect for the multitude of moments when characters walked offscreen just as another walked onscreen, missing each other by milliseconds.
Really would have added to the experience.

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