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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Okay, so apparently the next episode, "A Matter of Principals", by Nicole Dubuc, is already out in Australia. I'm not sure why they can't just stick to a hiatus for once, but here we go with an official discussion thread, since I'm sure someone will want to talk about it.

Nicole we know from a few episodes now, including School Daze. With a title like "A Matter of Principals", I know what I'd make it about...

So, Principal Cinch is visiting Principal Celestia and Vice-principal Luna in Canterlot High when all three of them get transported to Equestria and end up at the School of Friendship... and all of them have their own ideas on how it should be run...

Well, I don't know if they'd do a blatant crossover in the actual series, but you never know!

Anyways, any discussion of this episode in the Writers Group should be in this thread. Have fun!

--Sweetie Belle

Personally I really liked the episode a lot.

A ton of fun to see Discord's antics, even if a tad... potentially lethal at times towards the students.

Albeit some things makes me now question the world of Equestria. Is ghost real, since Starlight just talked about them so casually or was it just 'Discord being Discord'
I like the idea of ghosts in Equestria, but I doubt they will ever touch upon that little tidbit again, just like so many other things *cough* Flutter-fangs *cough*

Either way, fun episode. Discord was hilarious as always and Starlight got a bit murder-happy there :pinkiecrazy:

Never mind that, did you see the SDCC clips? There's gonna be a new EQG special coming out

Well given Discord is the spirit of chaos and basically a god, I highly doubt Starlight could actually harm Discord. The best Starlight could probably do was banish Discord far enough away from Equestrian magic that he can't easily come back and even then she just banished him from the school.

-cough cough- if y'all going to discuss an episode that aired in a country other than the USA, use the Spoiler button. -cough cough-

It's always fun to see Glimmy when she resorts to behaving like a force of nature. I'm still convinced she's the third or fourth most powerful corporeal character and definitely the most powerful non-deity.

Glimmy or Luna<Celestia<Discord

The thread title is pretty clear without even clicking; and once something has appeared, legit or not, it's fair game. Viewer beware situation. Kinda like Game of Thrones last year. I had a coworker who whined about it last year because he hadn't even watched the Red Wedding. One week later equals fair game, especially when Youtube has so many backdoors and it's four years later.

Discord being his classy trolling self and some fun with my favorite minor villain Iron Will. This episode was brilliant! Another great Season 8 episode.

Suit yourself.... I'm waiting patiently for the proper air date :/

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Anything that says "Official Discussion thread" and an episode title is going to have spoilers for that episode in the thread. That's part of the point. It's concentrating the spoilers in one thread.

That said, there's a reason why my speculation is usually totally off. You aren't going to get much in the way of spoilers in the first post...

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

And it's the official us release day now!

--Sweetie Belle

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