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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It's that time again!

So, the next episode of Season 9 is called "Uprooted", and is by Nicole Dubuc. She's got writing credits on School Daze and School Raze, Shadow Play, Marks For Effort, and A Matter of Principals. (And several of those are just after where I am in season 8, too. Marks for Effort is actually the next episode, as far as my current watch through is concerned.)

So a lot of those are puns or semi-puns on the titles. Uprooted does have multiple meanings. It could be uprooted like leaving your family and home behind. Or, of course, if a yak happens to pull a tree out of the ground, it would more literally be uprooted.

In any case, as usual, this'll be the official thread for discussing the episode. Have fun! (And hopefully I can get caught up a bit. Maybe I've run into most of the bad episodes in season 8 already?:unsuresweetie:)

--Sweetie Belle

I haven’t seem that episode yet

You're not the only one. This thread is for discussing what we think could happen on the episode.:derpytongue2:

Oh I thought it was a thread for discussing what already happened

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It's both!

Right now it's for discussing what could happen on the episode, but when the episode airs tomorrow, it'll become a thread for discussing what happened on it. I try to make sure the threads are out before the episode, though, so there is already a place to discuss things.

--Sweetie Belle

Oh, ok then! Good to know it.:twilightsmile:

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

I say Twilight's tree library returns and wants revenge on crystal castle tree.

For me it is already Saturday

I'm betting it's going to be reviled that Twilight's castle is the new "tree."

I mean, there is one tree that technically is uprooted after the premiere.

So I just finished the episode.

I say we call the tree-house the Fortress of Solace! Y'know, cause it's like the Fortress of Solitude, except it's for Solace. I mean, c'mon, they were both grown from Crystals.

"So, you thought I was destroyed to make way for your shiny new merchandise, eh? Well, you were wrong! Now I am back, and the terror of early show nostalgia shall reign supreme! Ahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!"

So they weren't happy with Twilight's castle, now they had to destroy the Castle of the Two Sisters with another crystal eye sore. Also I notice nobody was concern the tree probably destroyed priceless historical artifacts that was established to be there back in Castle-Mania. To think Rockhoof got yelled at for playing with his old ball, nobody seems to care about preserving the history of the two sisters in Ponyville.

You would not believe what happened when I watched the BN stream for of this episode: During when the episode was playing, the EAS system for BN King went off during the episode, which caused some to miss huge chunks of dialogue.

I will tell you though..... that has to be the most rarest thing that has ever happened for any MLP stream!

This one didnt work for me, unfortunately.

I enjoyed this episode. I was thrilled to see/hear that Sliverstream is now the first Hippogriff to become a Wonderbolt! That was cool and unexpected. Would love to see more Hippogriffs and griffons try out to become Wonderbolts in the show.

Oops, my bad. Still, it would be something to see if the Wonderbolts would accept Griffons or Hippogriffs into their ranks.

I hate how the Tree of Harmony takes the form of Twilight, for no reason at all. It's confusing as hell. The tree of Harmony has nothing to do with Twilight. It might have as well chosen a form of Steven Magnet.

6826603 I want to see Sliverstream in that tight uniform.

Hasbro, make it happen!



4/14: I'm thinking this idea is worth whipping up a quick outline for. 4/15: just spent a few hours this afternoon sketching out a basic plot for this story idea. Not done yet, but it might be worth collaborating with another author to see if it can be done. Working title; 'Rainbow Dash's New Recruits' or 'To Boldly Go Where No Hippogriff Has Gone Before.'

Twilight is it's current - or possibly former now - prime user, the one who reignited the power of the Elements after a thousand years - why not her form? She's also a respected authority figure to the Young Six, and note she only uses said form when speaking to them. (It was also interesting to see it using dream magic - perhaps picked up from Luna when she was a Bearer?)

As for the episode itself, it was so-so - a bit too much of a rehash of Castle Sweet Castle. Plus, I'm still struggling with accepting the destruction of the Tree/Elements in the first place - I was glad to see that there's more to it, but another Friendship Castle so close to the first seems pretty redundant. I wonder if there's any secrets inside, like the Map?

Cinder Vel
Group Admin


I hate how the Tree of Harmony takes the form of Twilight, for no reason at all. It's confusing as hell.

It's an eldritch abomination, an elder god in infancy. Mortal mind is not meant to understand it.

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