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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

So, the next episode is almost here, and this should be an interesting one. Where Slice of Life was the 100th episode, this one is episode 200!

Twilight's Seven? Kinda like Blake's Seven? Could be coincidence, I guess.

Now, the writers for "Twilight's Seven" are Josh Haber and Nicole Dubuc. That's writers, though. You'd notice the story credits say Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball, Tabitha St. Germain, Andrea Libman, and Cathy Weseluck. You see, they got them all in a room, with Tara Strong attending by Skype, and asked them all what things they'd always wished their characters had been able to do but hadn't done yet. Then they tried to work out how to combine a bunch of those ideas into a story!

I'm looking forward to this, though I would've liked to see an episode of Michelle Creber, Claire Corlett, and Madeleine Peters ideas, too.

As usual, this is the discussion thread for the group, both for speculation beforehand and talking about it afterwards!

--Sweetie Belle


Question, how might someone who doesn't have a cable subscription see this thing? I'd rather not wait, but I'd also rather not subscribe to anything purely for the sake of 20 min of pony.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, direct links to episodes aren't allowed on the site once they are out. If you head over to Equestria Daily, they've got links to some stream parties once it airs. It's not uncommon for episodes to end up around Dailymotion once it is out, too...

--Sweetie Belle


That ought to do it, thankee. I really hadn't the slightest idea where to start looking.

And why not?! Twenty minutes of pony (IMO) are well worth the subscription price!

Though this post makes me wonder if the original VAs are going to be present in Gen 5. I hope so.


Well partly 'tis because I'm a miserable old skinflint, but the main reason is because I'm too forgetful to remember to cancel the dratted thing. I've better things to absent-mindedly spend money on.

Speaking of forgetfulness, what time was that episode supposed to air again? I'd hate to miss it after going to all this trouble.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

No problem! There's a countdown timer on the right on Equestria Daily.

Well, some of them were present in G3... (Andrea Libman and Tabitha St. Germain used to voiceact Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.)

--Sweetie Belle


So there is! Perfect. I'll wander on back around 10:30 then.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

I chose to think of it as The Magnificent Seven.

But the question is, who is the seventh?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Oh that's a cool little dude. What's his na-

Oh....yeah Spike. My ignorance has been my undoing.

Why did Rarity lower her voice when pretending to be a guard? Female guards exist, okay we only see Pegasus female guards but nothing suggests guards would be suspicious of Rarity being a mare while passing herself off as a guard.

Also given Spike's and Luna's plan required Spike and Fluttershy to get into the throne room, why not swap it there? Sure Spike wants it to be Twilight's plan but like Sunset did he could have just had the crown swapped with a fake (not hard given it already is a crudely made crown) as this would have been a bigger failure for Shinning as then he didn't even know he already lost before Twilight even entered the room. Or was their plan simply to have Rarity's plan fail since again they were right within reach of the crown?

Okay, wow... I seriously hope we did not just see the best episode of Season 9, because it was one of the best I've seen in a long while. Everything clicked, from the dialogue, to the timing, to the genre references, to the wonderfully subversive twist at the end. This is the kind of non-stop, over-the-top insanity that got me hooked on the series back in season one.

But then again, even if this was the best, that just means the remaining episodes now have a pretty high standard to follow, so there's hope! Yay!

Erm... where is 200 coming from? 7 x 26 +13 +4 = 199.

And I can definitely feel that this is that kind of "throw it in" episode, but they still make it work pretty cohesively. It would be nice to know what each of them actually suggested, though...

Why did Rarity lower her voice when pretending to be a guard? Female guards exist, okay we only see Pegasus female guards but nothing suggests guards would be suspicious of Rarity being a mare while passing herself off as a guard.

She was probably trying to sound as unlike herself as possible.

Meta design diversity aside, I do wonder if there was an in-universe reason for the guards to suddenly embrace looking like themselves. Perhaps the capture of the Princesses at the end of Season 6 involved an exploitation of the previous identical appearances?

And finally, a timing point - I was just yesterday - after the episode aired but before I saw it - discussing Twilight and Spike's childhood living situation with someone, and concluding that either her staying at home or moving to the castle were equally supported. So it was a bit weird - in a good way - for practically the first thing in the episode to be hard proof - thankfully for the side I had argued.

Shouldn't Luna have gotten the crown? After all, she's the one who actually stole it. Everyone else just came.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin


Erm... where is 200 coming from? 7 x 26 +13 +4 = 199.

+1 being Best Gift ever special, counted as 196 episode.

Ah. Well, I suppose that makes *some* sense - but I'm still interested to see what we get next week. The title sounds like it's important...

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