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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Technically, all of G4's been finished by now, and Big Jim said his goodbyes, but the episodes are still airing, and we're about to have another one (then a hiatus until the second half of the season).

So, the next episode is going to be "Between Dark and Dawn", by Gail Simone, who apparently wrote for Justice League Unlimited, and Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Not sure what to expect with that background, but we'll see.

So, I'm thinking this could be a Luna and Celestia episode. I'm personally assuming that what Princess Luna does between Dark and Dawn is play video games. Maybe Princess Celestia messes up her save games or something. That would be a major friendship problem.

Or maybe the two of them are playing Dark Souls, and they keep getting invaded by Angel Bunny. I bet Angel spends a lot of time invading other players worlds...

Anyways, this'll be the official discussion thread for the episode, so feel free to speculate about it or discuss it below!

--Sweetie Belle

Overall I enjoyed the episode, a nice change from something is wrong and we have to fix it formula. It also does a Celestia/Luna episode right, in my opinion. Unlike A Royal Problem, there was no arbitrary spark for the episode. They realized they have been cooped up in the castle after helping Starswirl combat The Everfree and wish to experience the world again. A nice expansion of character for the two princesses and the moral of accepting the differences of the other was very touching.

The only nitpick I have is the main six seemed to have been dumbed down, with Twilight being more so, during the subplot. Throughout the entire series, the main six have witnessed the princesses delegating certain duties to others. While all these instances could be seen as "tests" it seems like Twilight "suddenly forgets" the underlying message of unity and inclusion. It's only after Fancy Pants tells them that even the princesses can't do everything that they stop flailing and include the more experienced ponies to help.

-sigh- Am I not wrong that I prefer Princess Luna in her S1 Design rather than her S2 Onwards Design? I mean... well... I don't hate her S2 Onwards Design. Sure it's fine in my opinion and everyone knows Luna for that, but it's just.... I really can't see Luna like that in her S2 Onwards Design. Hence why I love her in her S1 Design.... :(

You're not wrong for liking Luna's season 1's design, it's really cute. Even though we may never see that design of her again I'd like to think it wasn't just discarded. Instead here's how I like to see the change when the elements banished Nightmare Moon her corruption was stripped away as well. The Luna we see in Season 1 is the purity that was lost while her design in Season 2 is the small amount of corruption that Nightmare Moon left upon Luna's soul.

I do hope that at some point in the 2nd half of Season 9 that we can at least see an episode with Lulu's S1 Design again. Just so it isn't forgotten though from Hasbro. It is the 2nd of my 3 goals for Season 9. The first and third goals being this:

1. An episode focused on Bat Ponies and to give them some much needed love in the show.
3. Chrysalis getting reformed once and for all. <3



I found this episode stuck with canon. Luna hates going to the forest\

Noice X3

When was that video uploaded btw?

I liked the episode fine.

I, on the other hand, think A Royal Problem remains their best joint ep. For starters, they once again are portrayed far more immaturely than plausible, and once again Celestia overlooking Luna's wishes is a highlight - it really makes you wonder if she learned anything from Nightmare Moon.

All in all, I found this ep a very mixed bag - a bevy o beautiful details (especially in the song sequences) but it seemed to take the Princesses all episode to warm up to proper characterisation. As for the other side, I just don't like the idea of the Manes taking over as rulers, and while I was glad that it didn't happen in the premiere I don't like being reminded that it's just a postponement.

6899860 I did like this better than "A Royal Problem" simply because the princesses worked things out by themselves instead of being forced to do it for the sake of someone else. But it is still jarring that we can't seem to see them in the spotlight unless they're like this or getting captured. And the B plot with the mane six was really weak, because for whatever reason they still don't think the royal sisters can hold the spotlight on their own even in this final season. And seeing Twilight in particular be so inept really undermines the idea that she's ready to take over.

Is doing things for the sake of others weaker? Or is it the mark of a good ruler? They do struggle with the whole "wisdom of the ages" thing, but then most ponies seemed to have idiot balls this episode - did somepony spill concentrate of stupid in the Crystal Heart or something? Idiocy aside, though, the B-plot is pretty natural - we have the Princesses trying to do the Manes jobs, so why not reverse it?

6900058 I understand that no one's born a ruler or a leader, and no matter how hard you plan or prepare being leader of a country is something you must learn on the fly. You won't get it right all the time and will make mistakes. But a good leader should be at least competent at their job and inspire others, a good leader should know when to delegate authority and to whom, and a good leader should be able to manage some basic tasks such as planning or negotiating. Granted, it was somehow only one day, but in the span of that one day Twilight and her friends were ill prepared and thanks to Twilight's decision to not accept help they ended up looking incompetent. And at the very end, I can only assume that Twilight had to be bailed out by Celestia and Luna, meaning she made a decision before she even knew whether she could handle the responsibility given to her. A mistake like that should warrant the princesses to reconsider entrusting Twilight and her friends so soon.

Yes - I didn't think they were ready for such a thing in the first place, but I would have thought they could at least organise a swan festival.

I mean, wasn't organising a celebration basically what they were introduced as doing - aside form Pinkie, for whom it's her actual talent?


That is interesting.

Now that I think of it, Twilight has natural leadership skills, but she rarely has anyone/anypony other than herself and/or her friends take care of something and may why she didn't think to delegate: she hardly ever needs more than her friends, so she didn't think to delegate. Why ask for more help when what you already have is usually enough for you? Much like how someone that's always did something a certain way would struggle in a similar way if they suddenly had to do it in a way they're not used to, no matter how capable they are, and is far more likely to try to force things than to try something different.

That could be why Twilight seemed oddly inept in this episode: It's something she's not used to, and she tried to handle it in the way she always does: herself and with her friends, and usually that's enough. This is just a rare time it wasn't, and as a result, they all looked incompetent. If it was enough, we wouldn't be saying a single thing about her not taking help, and flaws do tend to show themselves the most when something goes wrong, but not when things go right.

Twilight can direct large groups of stringers - remember Winter Wrap-Up? She just seemed to not consider that part of the job this time for some reason.


I remember, and I meant to bring that up so I'm glad you did. But still that was a very rare time, and by the time she directed those stringers, she already knew how hard it was, and knew she'll need more than just her small group of friends.

But here, she didn't have a reason to think she and her friends alone couldn't handle it unlike during Winter Wrap Up.

When she know she'll need help, from someone other than her friends, she'll ask, but only if she really think she does, and if she doesn't think so, she won't, and usually don't need to. I doubt she'll be making that mistake again, though

6900484 Let us also not forget that she's been on the receiving end of wanting to help and being turned down because someone thought they could manage it on their own. And ruling an entire country is a whole lot more responsibility than completing a harvest on time or watching two little kids.

Indeed. She needs to be able to work within the system, but she doesn't really seem able to connect to it. Which to be fair, is partly due to the writers reluctance to give Equestria a proper government beyond the Princess level...

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