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Comments ( 8 )
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It's that time when I put up the thread for the next episode and make guesses that may very well have nothing to do with the next episode again!

The next episode seems to be called "A Horse Shoe-In", by Ariel Shepherd-Oppenheim... who I have never heard of before. Lemme see, previous writing credits... "Llama Llama" and " Vampirina". Llamas and Vampires? Well, I like llamas and vampires, I suppose...

Not sure what type of story this would be, though. Ponies do play horseshoes. I'm not sure if this would involve playing horseshoes or replacing horseshoes, though. Maybe Rainbow Dash and Applejack are having a cider drinking contest, one thing leads to another, and Rainbow Dash has somehow won Apple Bloom in a horseshoe contest, and Apple Bloom has to try to be Rainbow Dash's sister for a while. Not flying is a bit of an issue.

Or, I don't know, maybe the student six are playing horseshoes, though I'm not sure how that becomes a full episode. And I'm pretty sure the game ends on Yona's turn.

For anyone curious about my progress, I was on "A Matter of Principals" last week, and I'm now on "The Washouts", though I have to backtrack and watch "The End In Friend" sometime, since I kinda watched a few minutes and skipped on to the next one, too.

I finally watched the mlp movie, too, in which ponies defeat the bad guy through the power of musicals!

Anyways, this is the thread for "A Horse Shoe-In", so feel free to speculate, comment, and talk about things!

--Sweetie Belle

I'll miss the puns when the show ends. The titles are always a fun part of it for me.

I think this episode was alright. I liked it miles more than the last one.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

I wonder how many people will tag SweetAi and talk about the episode despite her saying that she is still stuck in 8th season.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

The shame is that I used to watch these episodes the same day and had plenty to say about them.

I still have plenty to say about them when I watch them, and some of these episodes were ones that I sort of loved and hated at the same time1, but it's no longer timely...

And I'm sure I will get a few replies. I usually do, and I feel a little bad about ignoring 'em.

--Sweetie Belle

  1. Yakkity-Sax had lots of bits that were fun and I loved! And lots of bits that were bad and I hated, such as the plot. Half of Road To Friendship was great, and totally shippy. Then the rest happened...
Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Yeah I totally get love and hate. Actually think we had same reaction in this examples you listed.

And don't worry Sweetie, you'll catch up soon. HM almost want a Sweetie blood about episode reaction but thing is that not all episodes inspire deep thoughts and you get stuck trying to figure out what to say about boring episode.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Part of why I'm so far behind is that I try to bulk watch 'em to catch up, and I tend to hit some point that derails me. This last session, I just happened to manage to get further by hitting "next" when I started feeling meh on an episode.

Nice to know we're on the same page.

If you want to know what it looks like when I actually put some time into talking about an episode, a long time ago, there used to be something called Frenemies Talk1. I was in on two of the episodes, The Mane Attraction, and Rarity Investigates. Hap was on one of those two as well!

--Sweetie Belle

  1. I called it Friends Talk. Frenemies is what it was supposed to be called...

I didn't like this episode, though it has some cool moments. Everything with Octavia and Big Mac are great, especially Octavia teaching choir.

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