Equestria's Past 221 members · 279 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Hey I'm looking for some suggestions for discords era. I mean I'm currently stuck between the two extremes of Chaos. Should I make him violent, or mischievous? I mean he will be both, but which side of the chaos should I write him up?

I always felt that Discord was like a FAY, a mixed blessing rather than just pure chaos...but I wanted to make sure that others could at least get behind the idea that discord is not pure evil but rather unfiltered chaos, creating both good and bad.

Group Admin

He was a lot more violent in the past. He held the world in eternal chaos somehow, my guess is violence and misdirection. He loved mortal strife more than anything.

As for good or evil, I'd make him amoral. No morals at all.

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