Spike Fanfictions 2,963 members · 5,612 stories
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Even though it never happened in the series, I’ve been incredibly fascinated by the prospect of the Cutie Map summoning Rarity and Spike for solving a Friendship problem. As well as going somewhere far away from Ponyville. It’s a concept that I was interested in tackling myself for quite a while, although there are things that I still haven’t worked out yet.

That being said…

If Spike and Rarity were called away together to solve a Friendship Problem, what would be the perfect and most fitting problem for them to solve? And where in Equestria should they go?

The problem would be that a stallion and a mare ended their friendship because the stallion believes that his friend does not care about his feelings and the mare believes that he does not know how to express himself, I put this idea so that Spike can confess to Rarity, it will be excellent. And what would happen if Rarity and Spike were the ones with the problem in the end and not the stallion and the mare. Please, someone make a fanfic about this.

That’s a very excellent idea.


A part of me would be interested in if they wound up going to a backwater commune along Equestrians' northern boarder. The Friendship Problem is a deep-seated problem stemming from ideologies of belief and philosophy between members of a Pastors' sermon that are fearful and hateful of Equestria, and a contingent of Royal Guards that had been assigned as a Garrison nearest to the backwater that are being harassed by the residents who are all the descendants of "criminals" of Equestria from 1000 years ago. Upon entering the penal settlement, they discover to their horror why Spike was one of the two that were called in: these aren't ordinary Ponies in the penal settlement, they are Crystal Ponies, the descendants of Imperial Refugees that had fled the Imperial Territory when Sombra took control and were outside when the Imperial Capital was sent forwards in time 1000 years ago.

This would be the type of episode to tackle the question of why exactly there weren't any Crystal Ponies in Equestria all this time, along with explaining exactly what caused many of Celestias' former allies to have a falling out with Equestria in the first place due to her inaction.

🤔A very interesting idea indeed.

Of course, how would Rarity fit into the mix?

Turns out, her mothers' side of the family were originally part of these Imperial Refugees: Rarities' earliest ancestor was actually Amethyst Maresbury, the Imperial Librarian who wound up having a child with Rockhoof through a one-night stand, a Stallion of the Imperial Guard named Adamant Aegis who was the first of the Imperial Guard to have an encounter with King Sombra and put up a valiant enough fight to protect the Imperial Family before dying in the line of duty. The daughter of Adamant Aegis was just a little filly when she had been forced to flee the Imperial Territory according to the accounts left behind, and it wouldn't be until Adamants' great-granddaughter Brilliant Cut that things had a turn for both the better and the worse for the Imperial Refugees. In her time, Brilliant Cut was one of the best Stonemasons among the Crystal Ponies, enough so that she was actually able to start up a craftsman guild that helped to design and construct a number of architectural wonders in her time, with her last confirmed project being the reconstruction of Canterlot at the urgings of Princess Celestia. Brilliant Cut had hoped that with this, Equestrias' opinions of Crystal Ponies would take a turn for the better after being persecuted and treated as second-class citizens ever since Nightmare Moon.

It wouldn't happen: the ingrained irrational hatred that most of The Sun Guard all felt towards the Crystal Ponies was the result of a powerful Taboo: designed to label anyone and everyone who was tangentially-related to King Sombra as an Evil that needed to be completely exterminated, them along with those who would try to help them out as what happened when the remaining branch of the Imperial Family left for Mount Aris to seek aid and sanctuary for the Refugees in their territory instead. Whereupon learning of this information, The Sun Guards sent assassins to kill not only The Imperial Family, but also burned down a Hippogriff Church and executing the congregation that was assembled there.

Princess Celestias' Laissez-Faire approach to rulership over Equestria had left her completely unaware of the numerous atrocities and genocides she was allowing to happen within her own territory had enraged a despairing Queen Novo: whose husband and the father of Princess Skystar was actually the Pastor of the church that was burned down. Which caused Queen Novo to send letters to Canterlot by several hundreds of couriers: of which only 13 would make it into Canterlot alive, the rest being butchered by members of The Sun Guard for "Invading". One of whom was briefly encountered by Brilliant Cut and her family: her adoptive son Reginald, her husband Filigree and their daughter Adamant Artisan, named after her Great-great-grandfather Adamant Aegis. Having been documented as having read the letter from Queen Novo decrying and shaming Celestia for her lack of control over her Guards, the Sun Guard would then seek to have the entirety of Brilliant Cuts' Guild executed during a construction project while Celestia was off attending this meeting with Queen Novo to try regaining peace.

The accident was thwarted due to Brilliant Cuts' children, who used their impressive gifts and abilities to save not only the construction teams, but also a number of Equestrian citizens that would have been killed in The Sun Guards' accident... however, The Sun Guard now had another reason to execute them both: due to the fact that Reginald had revealed himself to have actually been a Dragon who used an Imperial Trinket to make him appear as a Pony, while Adamant Artisan had ascended to become an Alicorn: more than 500 years before Twilight Sparkle would be born or Cadence discovered. The Sun Guard saw Brilliant Cuts' children as abominations to be destroyed, and had started to execute a number of their own citizens who were witnesses to this "Heresy", which would be all the evidence needed to finally have Celestia take notice of the many problems she allowed to happen under her rule. Despite eventually cracking down on The Sun Guard for their numerous crimes while under the effects of the Taboo: the damage had already been done. Over 75% of all Imperial Refugees were dead and Mount Aris would cease all communication and trade with Equestria.

As for Brilliant Cut and her family, they were forced to split: a tracker had been planted onto Brilliant Cut by The Sun Guard which allowed for her to be found and quietly detained in a nondisclosed location beneath Canterlot: for the goal of breeding The Sun Guard an Alicorn of their very own. After enduring the pain of herself and her illegitimate Unicorn sons and daughters being raped and watching as the Non-Unicorn children she birthed being killed, Brilliant Cut and a number of her children would trap their tormentors inside of the brothel as it was burned to the ground. Among Brilliant Cuts' children to have escaped the fire due to their remains not being found, several of them would wind up being adopted by other Ponies throughout Equestria, with one of them being Cookie Crumbles' Great-great-great-grandfather.

Rarity upon finding out this information is terrified, amazed, distraught, and disgusted by Equestria, and is left wanting to know what became of Adamant Artisan and Reginald, along with theorizing that on some level she might be distantly-related to Twilight Sparkle due to her own family history starting near 500 years ago, too...

Sounds rather complicated, don’t you think?

the irony of a world with too many people living in it: things have a tendency to get complicated.

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