Lyra & Bon-Bon 1,667 members · 536 stories
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Hey there! I'm not sure how many of you have heard about The Magic Continues at this point, but we are doing a set of stories set right before Twilight's coronation, and I ended up being the writer for an episode focusing on Lyra and Bonbon get married. As much as I enjoy them, I realized I don't have a huge amount of experience writing them, and especially not with interacting with people who are really into them as characters. I'm somewhat familiar with the official material of them, but I wanted to make sure I had some input from the fans themselves before I tried to tackle this thing.

If there were an official episode focusing on Lyra and Bonbon, what would you want to see in it?
Does anypony here have a headcanon about them that you think should be incorporated? What do you guys think about Lyra and humans? Is that still a thing people joke about? What about Bonbon being a secret agent? Does Lyra call her Bonbon or Sweetiedrops these days? What do you think Lyra and Bonbon's domestic life is like?

Like I said, just wanted to get some thoughts from the community before I really delved into this episode. Thanks in advance!

Edit: Oh, also, this plot involves a wedding cake design that goes completely unhinged. If you have anything, even something completely impractical and absurd, throw it to me, and I will likely fit it in

Lyra doesn't have to be obsessed about humans. Often she's portayed as being obsessed with legends in general I think that would be a better idea for something official. Also for the wedding cake maybe it could based on a mythical creature but Lyra want the design to be based on the legends she readed about. While Bon Bon who know what the creature actually look like will argue with Lyra to change the design so it can be accurated.

I could imagine a couple of wedding cakes, one baked by Pinkie, and one baked by Derpy.

The one from Derpy is fine, until the knife cuts it, then it's like a binary explosive and explodes covering everypony in semi-cooked cake batter.


You've put me in a bind here, as I've spent a lot of time writing LyraBon stories that include a fair share of slice of life content, so I certainly have opinions on their personalities. But it's tacky of me to blatantly mention my stories.

Eh, whatever. So I'm being passively tacky. I'm okay with that.

As much as we love Lyra and Bon Bon, there isn't very much in canon that we know about them. From the beginning of the "All's Fair in Love & Friendship Games" Equestria Girls short, we can infer that they frequently, if not almost always, seem to know what the other is thinking. Such a close connection would also explain why Lyra felt so betrayed when she learned about Bon Bon's secret past in "Slice of Life" -- if you think you know everything there is to know about your significant other, that kind of bombshell would rock you to your core.

After that, there isn't much to go on. Personally, I like the idea that they always have each other's back -- witness how determined Bon Bon is to protect Lyra in "Rock Solid Friendship." The fact that they frequently show up in the background together leads me to believe that they prefer to do things as a couple and be in each other's company, but that's just my interpretation.

As for individual personalities, I like the general fan consensus that Lyra is the more joyful one and Bon Bon is the more grounded one. Some people write them with Bert and Ernie–style clashing personalities, but I personally have never seen the appeal in that. I like to think that they complement one another: Bon Bon loves Lyra's free-spiritedness, but the earth pony is also there to keep Lyra in check when that eccentricity gets to be a little over the top. Similarly, if left alone, Bon Bon can be introverted and a little standoffish, but Lyra is there to help her see all the little joys of life. I also like to think that they're more similar than they are different, and because they know each other so well and care so much about what the other thinks, they rarely argue.

I could go on, but then I'd be getting even further into the minutia of my headcanon.

What do you guys think about Lyra and humans?

I like the idea that Lyra has a small obsession with humans. Not so much that it dominates her personality, but maybe once in a while, it informs her physical behavior. For example, in "Slice of Life," she sat in her chair like a human before the wedding began. And while other episodes established that ponies propose marriage by bending down on one foreleg, Lyra proposed marriage by getting down on one knee... like a human.

A little goes a long way, though. One subtle reference would be more than enough.

What about Bonbon being a secret agent?

My headcanon is that now that Bon Bon has found the love of her life, she's happy to settle down and leave her secret identity days behind her. That's probably my headcanon because I've never gotten into spy novels or thriller stories.

(Also, why would an anti-monster operative need to have a secret identity? Why would a secret agent be capturing a wild animal like the bugbear? "Slice of Life" didn't really make sense on that front.)

Does Lyra call her Bonbon or Sweetiedrops these days?

Definitely Bon Bon. Both to help her significant other maintain cover and because she fell in love with her as Bon Bon.

What do you think Lyra and Bonbon's domestic life is like?

Some of that would be informed by what each does for a living, which is pure, undistilled headcanon. But in general, I like to think they have a comfortable routine and want to be together, even if they're not directly interacting with one another. For example, I imagine they spend a lot of their time at home with Bon Bon in the kitchen making candy and Lyra in the next room working on music. They aren't endlessly conversing, but they're available if one of them has something to say.

Does anypony here have a headcanon about them that you think should be incorporated?

As I've established, I have a lot of headcanon about them, but I can't very well say "everything." But I do like my headcanon that Lyra, as a performer, is comfortable with public speaking and similar situations, while Bon Bon is more reserved and reluctant to be the center of attention. It goes back to how I like the idea of them complementing one another -- Lyra knows her marefriend/wife well enough to know when she should draw attention away from Bon Bon to make her feel more at ease.

And this is completely arbitrary, but one of my favorite little character traits I ever gave these two was that Lyra is left-hoofed and Bon Bon is right-hoofed. It practically never matters to the plot, but just the idea that they always situate themselves so that Lyra is to Bon Bon's right and vice versa makes them feel like a real couple who know everything about one another.

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