Sensual Fiction (SFG) 1,726 members · 1,196 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Group Admin

What's goin on

nun I'm just chilling

4861323 Eh, nothing. Just people enjoying Fallout 4 while I'm here sitting at my ass, replying to you, getting hyped for the next episode, getting hyped for the finale, groaning at the comments of Twilight haters, wondering if I'm gonna pass my final year at high school, trying to write my next fanfic even though school is keeping me busy as fuck, adding stories that look interesting to my bookshelves...yeah, just another boring day, but I'm so hyped for the next episode! Even more than the finale itself! :pinkiehappy: (If you're wondering, yes, I can reply like a madman sometimes :twilightblush::pinkiecrazy:)


I said hey! What's going on?


There's a chink of light, there's a burning wick, there's a lantern in the tower. Wee Willie Winkie with a candlestick is still writing songs in the wee wee hours. On Charlotte Street, I take a walking stick from my hotel. The ghost of Dirty Dick s still in search of Little Nell.

And that's what it is.

fo real fall out for is cray cray i luz it

Group Admin

I'm so out of touch with MLP these days. I hope the fandom hasn't come to a standstill.

It's so heart-warming to occasionally go back to all this and reflect on when I was into all this. Four years have gone by since I dropped the show altogether, but I still am totally gob-smacked with how closely knit and passionate this community is. I admire all you guys, seriously.
I'm glad to have moved on, but I'll never take back all the fun times I had writing, reading and sharing the good vibes.

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