Sensual Fiction (SFG) 1,726 members · 1,196 stories
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Have you even been incredibly turned on, just based on how something smells or how some scents are depicted in stories and drawings?

It could be just about any kind of smell really, It could be something sweet like flowers, something rank like body odor, gas and waste, something more manufactured, like soap, perfume or cologne, something innocent and commonplace like the smell of food, steam, and wet grass or something manipulative like spores, pheromones, or chemicals specifically designed to make the body react in a certain (perhaps even hypnotic) way.

As far as I go, I love pretty much any scent if it's used a main theme of an erotic story. in real life on the other hand, the only scent that remotely gives me sexual feelings is my own musk, and whatever scents my blankets take in, post or pre laundry trip.

Has anyone found any stories where the scent of the pony plays a big part of a clopfic?

I'm looking for stories for a group I made, Scent and Musk and so far I've only added stories with "musk" or "light musk" for the most part. I haven't had too much luck with finding stories with other scents besides natural BO and Stink yet, there's not a lot of tags or signs of that in story descriptions, none that I found through the search engine at least and I'd like a nice variety between all these different kinds of scents in the group.

If anyone has any recommendations on what stories to have, especially if it is based on sweet scents, perfume or pheromones. than it would be very appreciated. :twilightsmile:

5786891 Pheromones and musk can be quite erotic, and from an evolutionary standpoint, that has been the case of how humans, in this case, have chosen suitable partners to mate with. It still plays a huge role even today.

As far as the others you mentioned, you'd be hard pressed to find stories that largely feature those kinds of smells, mostly because wider audiences are dissuaded because of the inherent 'unclean' nature of them.

I once had a well known brony musician attempt to commission me, I won't say who just for privacy reasons, for a related fetish, specifically the underarm variety.

I didn't turn my nose up at the guy at all, I respect that he has his turn-ons, but what he asked was outside of my comfort zone and out of my capabilities to write properly.

Whatever floats your boat, bro. I don't hate on anyone because of interests like that. Everyone deserves respect and understanding when it comes down to fetishes.

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