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Around a couple of years ago, I came up with a concept for a TwiLuna fic. However I am not a very good writer. Whenever I try to write something, within minutes of starting I become unable to write either due to not knowing how to word something, how to continue, or generally just being scared of my own writing not being very good.

Ideas, story concepts, and the like are something that I seem to be very good at. Generally people love the ideas I come up with, and whenever I share story ideas I have with others, they generally love how the ideas sound.

Anyway, one friend of mine from back then was going to write it, but I have since then lost all contact with him. And recently someone else was going to take a shot at it but they don't have the time or the drive really to write anything right now. So now I come here in hopes of finding someone willing to write it for me.

I would ask that anyone willing to look at my idea please PM me as I don't want it being known to a whole lot of people as of right now.

2604963 hmm, a Twi Luna? :twilightsmile:

coming up wit the idea is important too, you know.

hmm, just wish I knew Luna better, for such a story, not that I know too much about Celestia either.

They only tel the story about the Mane Six, the rest had to take a back seat, :facehoof:

I just recommend becoming a better writer. Here is a great place to start:

From there, look up the basic parts of English (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.). Once you get familiarized, look up sentence structuring. I recommend learning more about creative writing; a good book on the subject is very likely to help. If it completely sucks, you're going to at least learn one or two useful things you'll always remember. Also, read criticisms in the fimfiction comment section. They are an immensely helpful source for writing tips.

You're not just learning how to write: you're learning how to be a writer. Much in the same sense as when you learn art (though not as difficult and resource intensive), there are various parts and sections you must study to enhance your skills. You will also naturally learn things by yourself through trial and error. If you put in the time and effort, new doorways will open up in your world (and you'll certainly not have to ask someone to write for you anymore :trixieshiftright: ).

Hope this was helpful! If you have questions, ask me!

Ideas are a dime a dozen (dozen). Most writers have a host of them simmering away at the back of their mind, clamoring for attention. The drive and effort to write are what's in short supply. There's just never enough time to bring more than a fraction of one's ideas to life.

Chances are the only way you're going to get this idea of yours to see the light of day is to write it yourself. And the only way you're going to do that is to just swallow back your fears and just try.

Yes, you may have to stop and look up words. Even bibliophiles like moi have to load up and sometimes. Yes, you might have to learn the circumstances you need to write. And certainly you have to build up your confidence, and improve. We all do.

But hey, at the end of it, you might have this apparently Super-Awesome TwiLuna idea out there for people to enjoy.

Guess if I am gonna want to get more people possibly interested in this I am just going to have to share all of it here. Warning, this is a long as hell outline plus original Prologue written back a couple of years ago.

Prologue(The Shattering of The Twilight):Twilight has been going on dates with different ponies from town, usually only one date every few weeks because at the end of each date it didn’t really work for the other pony and Twilight is left to try and find someone else. Maybe put little descriptions of who Twilight dated and why it didn’t work for them.

Fastforward to the a week before the present, in the morning Twilight is still happy about how her current interest is still dating her after a month and she even gave him her first kiss when he brought her home the previous night. She then hears a knock on the door and goes to answer, happy to see it is the stallion she has been dating. Her happiness is then shattered by him calling off any further dating by him telling her he realized he is gay. Cue Twilight having a breakdown after he leaves.

Chapter 1(TheSuns Disappointment) (Summary): After what has been roughly a couple weeks or so of refusing to leave the library and barely eating anything to keep herself together, Spike attempts to contact Princess Celestia concerning Twi’s spiral into depression. Although weak, she manages to block him from breathing fire, forcing him to get in touch with the others.

They eventually make it to the Library to find a very malnourished and unhealthy Twilight huddled under a blanket near a weak candlelight browsing through a book. Twilight’s speech is very soft but curt, as if she doesn’t want to waste energy and just speak in a ‘straight’ manner.

After a brief monologue about her giving up on caring about herself (mentioning the whole situation of her attempting to develop a relationship) AJ suggest setting her up on a date with Big Macintosh. This sort of sets off Twilight in both a rage and overwhelming sadness, as she reveals he was in fact the one she ‘turned’ gay, much to AJ’s shock. After Twilight verbally forces the others out of the house, they make a consensus to contact the princess, Dash taking off to meet with Celestia on their behalf directly.

That very evening, Celestia bursts into the Library through magical means. Very angered and frustrated, she gives Twilight a harsh chewing out on her behavior. After her brief tirade, she reveals that she is 100% positive of someone having concern and affection for Twilight, saying that said pony seeing her in this state would probably break their heart. Twilight, although skeptical, begs to meet this other pony, Celestia flat out refusing to let her see who it is, let alone know their name.

After some negotiating, Twilight agrees to leave to Canterlot with her for medical attention and therapy. Her friends come to see her off, Twilight thanking them for doing that. She climbs up into the chariot and upon dwelling on the thought of someone out there caring for her, she falls asleep in a peaceful slumber as she returns to Canterlot. (Handling the closing of chapter 1 is up for debate, but it should imply that there’s a sense of relief that comes over Twilight and implying that for the first night in ages, she goes to sleep free of stress and depression)

Chapter 2:Not much of an idea on this. But would consist of Twilight seeing a medical and psychiatric specialist, maybe getting a visit from Celestia and her parents. Dunno about Shining Armor and Cadence. Doubt they could get there that quickly from the Crystal Empire.

Luna would ask Celestia to be able to go see Twilight and be able to speak with her, but Celestia declines saying it would be better if she waited until Twilight was deemed better by the doctors for both her and Luna’s sake.

Chapter 3:Not much of an idea on this either save for maybe Luna finally convincing Celestia to let her see Twilight on the condition of not mentioning anything about her feelings for her until she has been deemed back to being her old self.

Chapter4-?: Just various things to help build things up. Visits from her friends and family.

Twilight Post Treatment/Luna’s Confession: I figure Twilight would be seemingly back to her normal self, but decides to keep her emotions and her heart more well guarded. Maybe even having the idea in her head that she cannot be loved. When Luna confesses to her about her feelings, Twilight will be disbelieving and angry, thinking that Luna is just trying to play with her feelings.

Luna would be crying after this. She would be telling Twilight that she had developed feelings for her after Nightmare night, but never said anything before Twilight stopped caring for herself because she didn’t feel she was worthy of her, how she had begged her sister to let her see her during her recovery. How she had to promise not to reveal her feelings in order to even be allowed to see her. Twilight still refuses to believe her.

Twilight explodes into a rage that results in a magical outburst that results in the entire room being brought down. After a few days of being unconscious, she awakens to find her magic completely weakened, to the point where she can barely lift a book. Luna and Celestia explain that amidst her outburst of energy, Luna tried quelling it herself and unintentionally drew massive amounts of magical energy from Twilight, draining her to a point where she’d need at least a month to return to half of her original strength.

In truth, Twilight is surging with magical energies and Luna having made the attempt to seal away the excess energy, only cast a spell that allows her to act as a ‘seal’ when she is near Twilight.

Under the belief that being near Luna’s aura will slowly heal her over time, the two end up bonding in many ways, Twilight unable to really care for herself being crippled without her levitation capabilities. Her lack of self sufficiency however is accompanied by Luna’s willingness to be with her, showing Twilight that her feelings are genuine and she can truly rely on her. After a month together, Twilight finally confides that she wants to be loved and will gladly accept Luna’s affections.

Make maybe several chapters worth of their bonding.

Climax Chapter Idea

Twilight awakens one morning to find Luna missing and proceeds to locate her, sensing her behind a closed door. She eavesdrops on Luna to hear her and Celestia discussing that Twilight’s aura is not stabilizing in any way. Celestia, concerned for her sisters life, proposes an idea of potentially putting another spell upon Twilight to permanently seal away her powers, as the possibility of an accident is growing more and more possible.. Unable to handle this revelation, Twilight runs away from the castle, slowly surging magical energy and unknowingly succumbing to it slowly.

Unknown to Twilight, Luna is fighting against her sister. In her own concerns for Twilight, she expresses disgust at her elder sister’s desire to permanently cut off Twilight’s magical abilities, saying not only would that sever her connection to the element of harmony and potentially shatter the connection all the others have, but it would destroy Twilight’s will to live, feeling that her without her magic, she’d prefer the thought of just withering and dying. Luna then states that she would gladly spend the rest of her life protecting Twilight’s unstable spiritual presence by being at her side, fully proving to Celestia the extent of her love for Twilight.

As Celestia begins to speak of another possibility, both princesses sense a burst of energy in the lay lines and Luna, able to sense specifically that it’s Twilight, takes off for her immediately. Celestia arrives, seeing that Twilight is slowly becoming consumed by her own magical energy, not too different in a way that Luna was consumed by her emotions and turned into NMM. In Twilight’s case however, it’s not so much that Twilight would become an entity of evil, so much that she would become a being of pure magic, essentially losing her mind and spirit to the very magic itself. Before throwing herself into the storm of energy emitting off of Twilight, Celestia gives her sister one last crucial suggestion for handling the matter, the writing cutting away before the reader can see what is going on.

In a realm between existences, Twilight is overwrought with many emotions, ranging from sadness that her very gift would swallow her up into nothingness, that she responded to Luna with hatred and the fear that if she stayed with Luna, she’d end up hurting or killing her in some loss of control someday. It is in these internal struggles that it finally becomes clear to her that Luna is what she truly wishes to live for. On the verge of bursting into tears, Twilight senses another being entering the plane of existence she’s trapped in.

In a scene where both share their feelings for one another, both realizing they want to be together, Twilight is unable to escape from the very prison of magic that has been consuming her soul. With no way to disrupt the magic and Twilight herself unaware of a means of controlling it, she resigns to the fact that she will have to give herself up to it.

As Luna denies Twilight the ‘responsibility’ of giving herself as a sacrifice, she makes one of her own. She reveals that Celestia read of a means of transferring the life from one alicorn to another pony, that it was often reserved as a special and long practiced ritual for an alicorn to use strictly on a soulmate, that if it was not meant to be, the ritual had the potential to completely drain the life out of both the alicorn and the pony in question.

With this as their only option, Luna attempts to make a direct magical connection to Twilight’s soul. While the very magic trapping Twilight attempts to fight off Luna, her spirit proves to be stronger than the pure and raw energy of Twilight’s own magic. After a large blast of magical energy that surges across all of Equestria, Luna and Twilight awaken beside each other. Both are unchanged physically, Twilight still very much a unicorn and Luna still an alicorn. The chapter ends on both taking their leave for Canterlot, Celestia glancing back to the two and seeing that rather than individual auras of magic surrounding Luna and Twilight, there’s one shared between the two, bringing a smile to her face.


Here is the original prologue of the story my friend from a couple years ago wrote out.

Well, I know it’s been a while since I’ve written in you but I have a good reason now. I’m going on another date again! We’ve been spending some time together recently and all of a sudden he asked me out to dinner earlier today! It’s a week from now but I’m feeling really good about this! He’s a really sweet stallion and I think maybe there might really be something there. And with his family being who they are, it would just mean more time for us to spend together! I know it’s far away from now but I just can’t control my excitement at the moment... I wonder if I should go visit Rarity in Canterlot and get a new dress or something... Oh my it’s getting late, well this can wait for another time.


Alright, I went through with buying the new dress, it’s absolutely beautiful and it’s off Rarity’s new line that she debuted just a few days ago, apparently she had it set aside for someone but she found something better and said this would suit me more than the other mare... I wonder if she meant Fluttershy? Oh well, I’m hoping those two will hit it off but I can’t worry about that right now. I’ve got a spa outing to go to later today, I think this is enough for now...


It’s really hard to believe that things haven’t been called off yet. I mean, after all the others I’ve tried to be with it just feels more natural this time... Maybe it’s because I’ve known him longer? Maybe I’ve been living near the right one all this time!! Well, better get to bed, I’ll write something after the date tomorrow night I suppose...




I... I don’t... I can’t...

So... It turns out... He wanted to date me... So he could figure out if he was a colt cuddler. I just... That’s all I was? Just some kind of... Test for him? I just, I don’t wanna do anything right now. I guess it’s just not going to work... No, it’s NEVER going to work out. I’ve dated numerous stallions and even my fair share of mares and none of them ever wanted to make it anything serious! And now I TURNED ONE GAY?! I just, I give up... What’s the point anymore?


Looking back on it, I suppose I never really had a chance and I guess it’s kinda pathetic that I expected to have that ‘perfect’ pony to spend the rest of my life with. Guess I was hoping to find that same drive Fluttershy had but... I don’t want to bother anymore. I barely wanna get up these days anymore.


Spike made me dinner tonight. I appreciate his concern but I just don’t feel like eating. It’s weird, I’ve felt really empty lately and I barely managed to get myself to open this diary in the first place. Well, better eat something so it at least seems like I tried.


I... Uh... I was gonna write something... But I forgot... What it was. Oh well.


Ate again today, first time in three days, getting less and less hungry.


AJ came by today, had a fight with her, told her to get out. Don’t wanna go into why, don’t feel like writing all of it out.


The others came by today, except Fluttershy and Rarity of course. They say they’re concerned, I know they’re just saying that so they can feel better about themselves and think they’ve fulfilled their responsibilities as friends. If two of us are allowed to up and leave Ponyville, I don’t see why I can’t just be left alone.


Spike tried to send a letter to Celestia today, made sure to cast a spell so he couldn’t. He ran off a while ago. Don’t really care if he gets back. ...Why do I even write in here anymore?


“Is that all the entries Spike?”

“Uh, yeah, I think- Wait, hold on...”


If for some reason somepony should find this and me without it, I felt it was necessary to at least get this across. Or better yet, please get this to Princess Celestia if possible.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Though you’ve instructed and guided me on making friends, there’s something I’ve come to learn over time. Friendship is not a permanent thing. Ponies grow up and grow apart and even the Elements of Harmony seem susceptible to such a thing as well. I was foolish to believe that everypony I cared about would stay in Ponyville. I guess I’ll admit I am jealous of the others, they’ve found something or someone that they wish to pursue or spend the rest of their lives living for but...

What do I have at this point? My friends have their own lives to live but I couldn’t find my own reason to live. I know they would be sad if I just up and disappeared, but I have a feeling they wouldn’t dwell on it for long.

I’m beating around the bush. My point here is thus: Friendship is a fleeting thing, it’s never guaranteed to stick around forever and without that feeling of purpose... I don’t feel like sticking around myself. It’s not worth just sitting and waiting around for those who you think may need you someday, especially if each day you feel more and more empty inside. I tried to see if I could find somepony I could become more than a friend with but I’ve given up on that to. I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed you, but frankly I don’t care anymore.

Your Former Student,

Twilight Sparkle


“Is that it Spike?”

“Uh yes Princess, sorry.”

“No Spike, I’m sorry for not coming sooner. After all that’s happened, I should have suspected more. I merely assumed everything was fine and I see that was a mistake. One I will mend in due time.”

“So, what do you want me to do?”

“Go let the others know she’s alright, I’ll have her personally tended to. For now, I want you to stay in Ponyville. I’ll send for you in due time, when things are better.”

“Right, gotcha... Uh...”

“What is it Spike?”

“Is... She going to be alright?”

“Assuming I do my best keeping the two out of contact, yes, things will be fine. And thank you for alerting me of those extras letters, I believe had I not taken action now, there might have been some irreparable outcomes.”

“The way she asked about Twilight, you’d think th-”

“Oh Spike, you have no idea the extent of her concern for her. That I guarantee.”

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