Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,052 members · 344 stories
Comments ( 44 )
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Group Admin

Decided to make this new thread because without Starman, it's impossible to update the list on the old thread. New bans will now be listed here. You can see the old thread here.

New Full List of Banned Members:

-EOM Gamzee - Posting on Chatoyance's profile that he wanted to kill her.
-Solarboy_Django - Personal attacks on Chatoyance and midnightshadow.
-Luka - insulting Chatoyance, threatening and insulting TheCrazyMan and general trolling.
-Night Dreams and his innumerable alts (x4) - Impersonation and spamming the board multiple times after repeated warnings to stop as well as posting shock images.
-WrathOfGod519 - Being a troll when we were going through a tough time.
-big A - Posted an inflammatory and insulting message to Chatoyance on the forum and asked for people to put said message in Chat's forum.

802253 I don't know these people at all...

Oh well.

Once again, can I get banned if I ask to get banned?

Comment posted by The Well Dressed Ninja deleted Mar 22nd, 2013
Comment posted by Westphalian_Musketeer deleted Mar 22nd, 2013
Group Admin

802305 802357 802426
This isn't the place for this. Take the image macros elsewhere please.

Don't image macros take up 76% of the ACB anyhow?

Group Admin

Only where it is appropriate (read: primarily the social thread).

Someone's got the pole of administration up the butt today. You guys got to lessen up sometimes.

Dalek IX
Group Contributor

Don't make me bust out the Jameson and the hookers.

Group Admin

Considering what's going on right now, I'd say that we're being reasonably fair, all things considered.

But now we're going off-topic.

Good also their is a line of being a mod and then just cracking down too hard for the littlest shit in the world.

Group Admin

I'm not cracking down on you, I'm just reminding you guys that there's a thread for this sort of stuff. Plus, this thread shouldn't get cluttered with macros.

Ehh they colapse and besides if you want a good 'here are the people we banned and why' thread then make a new one, pin it and lock it down. So then people don't talk in it at all.

That shouldn't be necessary...

Just sayin' if he doesn't want stuff on the thread then to do that.

>being banned again

Twice in a night, I'm on a roll.

Group Admin

No problem. Just keep in mind that there's time and a thread for that.

Group Admin

Chuikov has been banned for twice attempting to post threads with links to harlequin baby pictures disguised as links to Chatoyance fics.

Group Admin

Added to the ban list.

This group needs to be locked again.

Group Admin

Wish I could do that. Need Velk to lock it.

...why was this group unlocked so early?

Should I PM him or something?

Group Admin

Well, he'll see the wave of locked threads and understand once he comes online. Any of the mods can tell him about it anyways.

What we need is Plum to contact Knighty about this.

I have been summoned Plummoned.

What do we want to contact Knighty about?

(Side-note: I'd rather only skype him for genuine emergencies, he doesn't trust ex-TWErs that much)

Group Admin

Have Chuikov banned. He's another Nighty Dreams alt. Unleashed another spam attack here and on the HAB group.

From what I've seen, he appears to be a ND impersonator. His "attacks" were much less thorough and easily contained, so I doubt it's the man himself.

Group Admin

Either way, this guy ought to be banned.

Group Contributor

Considering it takes 5 minutes to make an account, site banning won't really do much. All that is necessary is banning him from the groups.

Group Admin

IP ban. Big difference.

Although Nighty seems to know about IP proxies, it just means that it takes more time to set another IP up to get in again.

True enough.

That account is pretty much neutered as-is, so skyping knighty probably isn't required.

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Professor, can I ask for a healthily sized well proportioned woman who looks like Primal Queen Kerrigan? :pinkiecrazy:

Ah, crap, I'm doing this again.

I saw the alerts on the threads the user made. Man, people need to get on with their lives.

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


:rainbowderp: You. Are. Awesome. :heart:


Da Bunnana King is banned for one week on 1/20/2014 for trolling and general rude behavior.

Depending on further behavior and admin decisions, this may be upgraded to a permanent ban.

I have only one thing to say.....
What the fuck is a Harlequin Baby?

Technically its a degenerative skin disease that can end up making infants and children look like inhuman monsters.

It also refers to posting shock images... such as mutilated baby corpses dressed up like clowns.
( NOT drawings, but real life stuff.)
Disgusting, bottom of the barrel stuff. As tasteful as pissing on the casket at a funeral.


big A - permanent ban - posting an inflammatory and insulting message to Chatoyance on the forum and asking for people to put said message in Chat's forum.

I have no idea who these people are. I'm just glad I'm not on the list. Yay!^_^

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