Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,052 members · 344 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Are there any TCB writers (besides chatoyance) that should I avoid reading if it has extreme misanthrope trop into it?

I can't remember names off the top of my head. She's the biggest one avoid.

Does midnight shadow count? I saw a post somewhere about the author being banned because of using his/her name for the story where midnight is killed

Chatoyance is the only one I know the name of.

She was part of a circle of misanthropist authors from back when the site was young. They're pretty much all gone by now, but Chatty came back a couple years ago. I did (and still do) my best to avoid interpersonal drama, so I only know the name of the most (in)famous among that circle.

I would say, check out Chatty's follows. It's not perfect, but as a rule of thumb, if they're following her, or if she's following them, they're probably someone to avoid.

Careful not to give the misanthropes any ideas, they might be reading this and decide to mess with people. They are certainly self-righteous enough to pull such stunts.

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