Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,052 members · 344 stories
Comments ( 87 )
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If you have an issue with a member of this group, or feel that someone outside the group is causing problems for us, please take it up here if you feel the problem requires attention from me or Velkaden.

This thread is for open discussion about administrative issues affecting this group. It's not for complaining about people you don't like and it's not for personal vendettas. Using it for either of these will be punished.

Well, this isn't so much an issue with any single member, but I've lately seen a return of the kinds of comments I'd thought we'd made strides towards squashing with the newfound peace between our two groups. Namely those threads here that seem to be aimed towards re-inciting conflict, or resorting to outright mockery of TCB and those who choose to write it, instead of serious, constructive criticism. I mean, really? Making threads like "The Conversion Bureau Survival Guide" which ultimately boiled down to "If you read TCB and like it you're a horrible person, but if you join the Anti-TCB group and/or write an Anti-TCB story, you're okay"? Or the "Hitler rants about TCB"?

I need some ibuprofen now... also, my brain is going a mile a minute in twenty directions at once, so this comment isn't as thought out as I'd like it to be. Also, I really ought to try to get more than three to four hours of sleep a night

Group Admin


I'll look into these. They sound either intended as humor (though in bad taste) or may be by new members (or just lurkers who've never posted before) who are still a bit too wrapped up in their own personal dislike of the TCB subgenre a little too much.

Thanks. The Hitler one in particular was a bit bothersome to me personally :pinkiesad2:

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Kinda found it funny... coz people always use the same scene with different subtitles. I definitely think its aimed for humor....

:rainbowwild: And I go before I jack the thread. Sorry Starman, Warwolf.

Group Admin


No prob. I'll check the video to see if it's got grounds to lock the thread. The video is a regularly used one, and I've seen it used to rip on a TV show for the lols in the past, but that doesn't excuse it if it's done more as an attack than as a comedy bit with whatever subtitles are on this version.

Yeah. Just makes me feel uneasy, y'know? I mean, I've seen that video used plenty of times as a comedic device and enjoyed it, but not this time.

Group Admin


Might just be that you're too close to the issue, Cloud. I've seen the video now and it seems to be in the same tone as most other 'rants' that use this video. The fact that Chat is apparently misinterpreting it as a compliment on the Conversion Bureau in the comments section for the video is....honestly a tad disturbing, but no, I don't see this as anything more than an attempt to use something funny to vent dislike on the TCB concept. Bear in mind that if the thread itself gets out of hand, I'll lock it down faster than you can say rabies, but for now, I think you'll have to put up with the silly of it. :pinkiecrazy:

Yeah, it's just a bit of a personal issue, I guess :pinkiesad2:

Group Admin


Being as you are a TCB writer, I can sort of see why. Like I said, I'll keep an eye on the thread and if it gets out of hand I'll lock it down.

Well, has nothing to do with them mocking TCB. That I'm used to (which depresses me in it's own way). I don't know, I guess I just let my optimism get the better of me again *locks it back in the cage*

Group Admin


I'm not sure I get that one. o.O

Eh, just in a mood. They come and go. Also, read all the chapters of Warrior's Way, left you a review :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


I saw. Reading through it now. :pinkiehappy: Now get your butt over to Shogun Six and read that! :rainbowlaugh:

Oh no, that wasn't our deal :rainbowwild: You read all of my stuff and I'll consider swallowing my dislike of anthro to read it :rainbowlaugh::pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin


Our deal was you'd read my fics if I read yours. And you had to go first. So you still gotta read Shogun Six. :pinkiecrazy: And yes, I will get around to your fics tonight. Just one question.

The hell is the order for your fics, anyway?!

In Duty's Name->The First Year up to chapter 7->Finding Your Wings-> the rest of The First Year->What Separates Us->Uncharted Waters->The St Louis Massacre->Dogs of Winter, Project Thesan and Never Forget (all begin at the same time). Then still to come is Equal Representation->Unnamed HLF-centric fic, unnamed PER-centric fic, Unnamed EfE fic, Unnamed UN forces centric fic (all detailing the attempt to recover the unicorns captured in St Louis Massacre, and the splintering of the HLF into the varying factions)->The Last Week to wind down the clock on Rejection. Then comes Tales of a New Earth with When Gods Convene->The twenty or so stories I have lined up->The Last President->The Last Human on Earth. And only THEN can I start making headway on my side stories for the Cloudyverse :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


Nifty. I'll get started on that after you read Shogun Six.

And be aware, there is gonna be a sequel to Warrior's Way. Got a title and everything in mind already.

Blegah, I got more words on ponies to write though! Need to get back to work on Lesson Plans, it's been over a month since I updated that one :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin


No excuses, you! You made the deal, so you gotta live up to it! :pinkiecrazy:

Bah, I only remember agreeing to The Warrior's Way. Fine, I'll read Shogun Six. But you have to read ALL of my Cloudyverse stories. Especially Project Thesan (because I honestly think that one's the real bombshell of the Cloudyverse storyline :rainbowlaugh::pinkiecrazy:)

And I do mean all of them. The fifty or so that are currently planned, and the seventy or so more that are coalescing in my head as we speak :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin


Given that you'll have to read each new chapter of my fics as they come out (otherwise you haven't actually read them all the way through, now have you? :raritywink:) I think I can agree to that. :pinkiecrazy:

Oh, and you'll have to read the sequel to Warrior's way when it comes out! :pinkiegasp:

I'll give it my best effort, until I publish my novel and become a millionaire. Then I'll be so rich I can pay someone to make audiobooks of them :rainbowwild:

Group Admin


I may beat you to that, as the book I finished in 2011 is finally going to be published this year, I hope. :pinkiegasp:

I pity the poor souls who have to make audiobooks of my stuff :rainbowlaugh::pinkiecrazy::rainbowlaugh:

Also, I'm torn on which route to go with this first novel of mine: Official publishing, or host it online for like $1-2 a download and go by word of mouth?

Group Admin


I'd go with traditional publishing. Ebooks don't have quite the same feel that a real book gives.

true. Maybe both? The real reason I'd want to go digital is to give my followers here something special for reading through my ocean of pony words to get to this point. Is part of why I kept on going after IDN. I initially thought it stunk, but people apparently liked it, and as I was writing TFY I was really getting into it. So, decided that the past seven years of college were a big waste of time and decided I wanted to try creative writing :rainbowlaugh:

Best part, IDN was my first ever creative work. Haven't taken a single class in how to do it either xD. Only thing that comes close is a RP plotline I came up with while I was a Werewolf the Forsaken mod for a nWoD site :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin


I prefer Werewolf The Apocalypse from the oWoD

Me too, but I've had great fun 'borrowing' monsters from oWoD to bring into nWoD.

Oh, I also made a system for nWoD MLP. Ostensibly it was for TCB RPG, but made it generic enough it can be used for any setting. Though none of the nWoD supers made it in, just used Core and Hunter he he he

Group Admin



Why would you leave out the supers?

I thought about bringing them in for the core system, but wanted to have the roles the supers filled taken up by the ponies/other races. After all, the ponies fill the role of Mage, the Diamond Dogs take Werewolf, Changelings take, well, Changeling, Griffons take Vampire, surprisingly (at least in the Cloudyverse specifically), humans take Core and Hunter (minus their supernatural stuff, at least for now (again specific to the Cloudyverse))

The system I came up with is open-ended enough that the supers can easily be integrated though, so it's up to the Storyteller if they do.

Group Admin


I dunno that they fit entirely well, but okay.

Now off to reading the Shogun Six with you! :pinkiecrazy:

But I'm writing my first Canid Convert getting into fights with Diamond Dogs, just because they won't give them information! It's fun writing non-pony Converts :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


So, you can read and write at the same time. Go read! Nao! :flutterrage:

I actually can't, my second monitor is subbing for my xbox so I can watch a movie while I play battle music for the canid scene

hooray multithreading my brain! It only makes the voices louder though, not sure if that's a good thing :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin


So open another tab on your browser window and read the fic on this monitor, silly! :rainbowwild:

Bah, my day off is tomorrow, I'll read through it then :rainbowwild:

Group Admin

Thread derailment much? Try to stay on topic.

What, it's not like anyone uses the thread :rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh:

EDIT: 'sides, if Warwolf was honestly concerned about the state of thread, he'd have said something :derpytongue2:

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


I call foul play. :rainbowwild:

Wouldn't it be fowl play? Cloudhammer is a pegasus after all :rainbowlaugh:

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


*raises finger, opens mouth*


*closes mouth, moves finger*


*finger recedes, lips move, mouth still closed, and finally puts palm to cheek*

Unfair. Your avatar is an Earth Pony. Though the name is definitely Pegasi related.

Well yeah, that's Lariat. Cloudhammer is my original OC, the one who started this whole crazy mess :rainbowlaugh:

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


..... God I hope Starman and Warwolf won't mind us jacking the thread.

Your profile pic now, is that your original OC?

Well, given Warwolf was participating in the convo, I don't think it's too big an issue, and if they really feel the need to bring it to heel, admins can delete comments now.

And yep, this is Cloudhammer when not in uniform. For him in uniform, see the cover art for In Duty's Name :rainbowlaugh:

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Will do.

Anyways, 3 AM. Sleep. Later guys.

Bah, soldier through to 4AM. Be a stallion like me :P

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor

Stay on topic, guys.

Night Dreams has become a big problem, he continues to post topics to make other's pity him; and recently he's tried to get people's attention by posting that he would be committing suicide.

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