Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,052 members · 344 stories
Comments ( 87 )
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628696plus his conspiracy thread had a vague hint of antisemitism to it.

To help stem the tide of spam, RK_Striker_JK_5, GIULIO and NoMoreSanity have been given temporary administrative privileges.

Group Contributor

What does the green plus sign do anyway?

Group Contributor

Is it possible to make the group closed but let people in who PM you? Because erryone's favorite shit troll is back with another account made on the spot. If people need to PM first then their account can be checked for being made 20 minutes ago.

Since he's been changing his name and deleting his posts, here's where he is in the members list in case he changes it again.

Group Admin


He really must be desperate. If he really is IP banned, his continued posting means he must be using either public access points or someone else's connection.

Group Admin

This explains a comment someone made in the social thread. Yeah, I was told he was banned, potentially from the site itself, a day or so back. If he's still around, then yeah, he might be somehow trying to work around it.

Well, it depends on if the admins did an IP ban or if they simply banned his particular account. The latter is trivial to work around, and the former almost trivial for people with Google these days :pinkiesad2:

Admins, if you see anything related to Night Dreams. Don't even bother locking it. Just delete it.

Welp, given that the newest thread of interest was started by a user who registered today, I'm calling it here and asking that it be deleted, on the belief that it's a Night Dreams clone

You are probably tired of hearing about this guy but the spamming we're suffering here because is getting out of hand and migrating to other group :applejackunsure:. Now he's posting disgusting pictures and the like in the group "Humans Aren't Bastards". The new account is present here too and it's the guy named "Lord Jesus Christ". The pic he has as avatar it's unmistakable disgusting.
Also I wanted to ask if we can do, I don't know... something as a collective to get this noticed by the admins? :ajsleepy:
I was going to ask something about it on the other group too but with the actual spamming I'm afraid that my post will be obviously flooded with troll spam from this guy...

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Maybe someone can lure him to WBA? There's a MOD there, and there's no way he's going to ignore that.

Man I wish we had a mod of our own here.

He's actually been kicked out of this group already. The list of 'newest members' on the front page just doesn't update for that. The members list shows he is no longer here, although that doesn't stop him from just making a new account. I'm agreeing with the sentiment that we should (temporarily) have prospective members PM a group mod to be allowed in.


Because he's bored and he f igured this was more fun than waiting 7 days? Ah, whatever.

Well, he's banned now at least.

I made the group a closed one.

Group Admin

Christ, this guy's just a horrid person to be with. At least people like Chat (who scare me) have a modicum of decorum. I sure as hell wouldn't want to meet this guy in person.


Pretty sure it is.

Not that the average troll cares even a little bit about sharia law and all, but I'm pretty sure it is.

Drinking Game: Take a shot for every appearance of Night Dreams starting now.

LOL you got my picture

Group Admin

Hang on a sec, I'll break out the gin.

I got my Jameson :rainbowlaugh:

Group Contributor

>caring about shariah law outside of third world shitholes
I would die of alcohol poisoning. In ten minutes. I came back home and there were 37 notifications, 9/10 from him.

Is there a crossover thread where we the members can post our ideas?

Group Contributor

The idea pool is an all-purpose idea pool. Just post whatever story idea you have there.

Group Contributor

Your welcome. As long as it is a TCB story, just put it in there.

Question: I'm wanting to post a new topic that puts forward a TCB/Crossover scenario that I'd like to hear this groups thoughts and theories on. However, I don't intend to make a story from said scenario or discussions, its more of a what if sort of thing.

Would I be able to post it as a new topic, or would I have to post it in the idea pool?

Group Admin


Idea pool, I think.

Group Admin

Idea po--

Dangit, ninja'd.

Darkfactor, Night Dreams, whatever has suddenly started using this group as his personal blog.

The Naval Brony
Group Contributor


Yeah I wrote it as a really bad joke, intending to parody some YouTube video I've forgotten who it was made.

Sorry for writing that thread. I was expecting it to be passed on and locked, I didn't expect it to get a lot of likes. But its old news anyway.


No I didn't. I wanted to write a thread about TCB writers, you misunderstood it as drama.

Group Admin


Either way, we gave you more than your fair share of chances and you blew it. Banned. We ain't going through this every few weeks.

Should there really be ten sticky threads? They clog up the board and make newer threads harder to find. I think six would be pushing it, but I don't know what should be unstuck.

Well, the old ban list should definitely go, but that's all I can say for certain.

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