Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,051 members · 344 stories
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...Damn it, guys, I'm really sorry about that. I was pruning old, cluttered threads and I deleted the social thread by accident :ajsleepy:

Well, here's the new one.

Group Contributor


Damn. We should use this as a case study for why erasing humanity is so bad in TCB. All that history of the group... gone!

Group Contributor

Though honestly, the old thread was getting incredibly long. This is at least a good new start.

Group Admin

ARGH! And we had such a large page count and so many classic discussions!

Why prune the old threads at all? :raritycry:

Group Admin

Any chance to undo the erasure? Because there is a lot of stuff in there that I would rather not have disappear competely.

Group Contributor

Discord jumped out of the show, made troll accounts and now chaos, chaos everywhere.



... But no offense to be a buzzkiller or anything, seriously, what should be done about this fake Chat account? And, since I haven't been here today- how long have you and Booredhuman been made fun of by troll accounts?

This is sucky.

Group Contributor

Just in the last ten minutes.


638190 I've banned all the impersonators from this group, but I'm not sure if more people will show up. I'm considering putting some contribs on temporary admin duty to help me watch things.

Group Admin


I second this.

Honestly (since he pulled the same BS in the TCB group as well), I deleted his thread and insta-banned him. Doubt it'll stick, especially if he's making multiple accounts, but eh, gonna do the best I can.

As for what happens to him beyond that, I'm strongly considering sending Knighty or one of the other mods a message about it


If there's one thing humans are good at, it's getting back up after setbacks.

Group Admin

I have been trying to retrieve at least some part of the old thread, but I haven't been having much luck so far.

EDIT: Odd, I can see a grayed out version of the first page at least.
EDIT2: I have been unsuccessful at getting anything besides a grayed out version of the first page of the last thread. Hopefully someone who knows what they are doing would have better luck. And/or we can contact site administration or something.

Even if we do recover it, it HAD gotten pretty long, so we should probably lock it and use this new one anyway.

Group Contributor

We need to see if Knighty can impliment ip-banning for groups, have a whitelist for joining groups, or you need to be around x number of days before joining groups


And I'm Shadow Sora94, and I love Batman and children's card games :3!

And on a serious note, I do hope I can talk more around here and get around to writing something- last semester was my very first with college and it kind of caught me off guard.

And maybe something with Batman. I don't know, but maybe :l

I see Chatty has tried to spam the "humans aren't bastards" group. Sigh.

638203 Actually, I contacted Poultron with the user ID number. The man seems the most serious next to Wanderer D and Alex about site administration.

Group Contributor

That's an impersonator. Look closely at the name.

638189, You just made my day/night. :rainbowdetermined2:

Thank you kindly Reg. Still gonna do it since he sent me a snark-filled reply to my warning him not to come back :rainbowlaugh:

lol, I just came back onto this site, I had a notification in another group "Human's aren't bastards" and there was post by a fakie Chat, I almost took it for the real thing till I noticed the name spelt wrong. That would been bad, almost decided to rage right there :twilightblush:

anyways that kinda sucks the old one got deleted, but oh well accidents happen

Group Contributor

Thank Starman as well since he gave me the while we were talking in a PM.

Damn stright. I mean look at this thread after 10 minutes!

how about we make this a fresh start?

I just now noticed that. Mea Culpa. Chalk that up to reading what you expect to read and not what is actually written.

Well I guess it's a new day and what not.


I'm gonna fly with this <:

638225 The more statements collaborating the evidence the better. That fellow is bad news. (Fellow being George Carlin's equivalent to fuck.)

638239 Did you see the picture the fakeChat posted on the "Someone is Stalking me" thread on The Conversion Bureau group? That was fecking disgusting.

Anyway, might as well introduce myself. I'm Reginald1648, and a relative newcomer here. I joined to learn more about TCB and what some people think are some of the shortcomings of the fic.

While I'm here, what are all of your thoughts on the use of anti-depressants and anti-psychotic drugs? Because I've noticed a big issue people here have is when potion alters the mind.

638203 Who did he pretend to be over at the TCB group

638248thing about anti depressants and anti psychotics is that they are not permanent. a lobotomy is. that's the difference. The potion is in effect a lobotomy


See? Even INFP's can be monsters. Like me.

there was a fake Chatoyance account created, spelled Chatoaynce. Posted a NSFW image as a new thread. Needless to say, it was deleted soon as I saw it.

638270 I think i know why it might have been

Yeah. Wasn't the worst thing I've seen on the internet by far, but still pretty gross (about a 6 tops on my scale)

Maybe we should leave any of these stupid 'warning' and threating forums up- not deleted, but blocked? I mean, if Night says something so damn stupid it could get him in trouble, maybe it should be left up as proof for the mods or something?

guys, what the fuck is going on with all this trolls?

638279 We dont even fucking know

i just noticed the stupid warning by Night Dreams, he needs another ban if he's gonna start spamming crap again

638258 Ah... I didn't think of it like that. Makes sense.

638272 Why or who? The who is most likely an alternate account of Night Dreams/Aitselom. The why is that they're trying to cause crap between our groups so they can be an attention *****.

638279 638286 They've crawled out of their hole. I won't say which hole.


99% sure it's Night. He's gone from wanting to change the community by doing absolutely nothing to just trolling us now.

That, or, the world's most amazing coincidence.

Oh the irony. It is beautiful!

638290 I hit the wrong key

Why does this shit always have to happen to us

Group Admin

638203 Good on you. :)

Man, I miss everything! A fake Chatoyance? Bullshit! Some asshole doing that to her. :twilightangry2::twilightangry2:

Anyway, new thread? New thread...

Hello, I'm RK_Striker_JK_5. I like MLP G1 and G4, Transformers, heck most Hasbro cartoons from the 80's. :D Also Star trek, Star Wars... don't play video games much, though. Or RPGs.

Oh, believe me, I had a little flash of red-eye myself :rainbowlaugh: Especially at the comments on their userpage

Group Contributor

Discord is on the internet causing chaos. It's one of those times when he's not using his powers for good.

As long as we are doing intros..
Hi, I'm Woohoohoo2, resident Steampunk. I'm pretty boring but hey I don't really care!

this is all so hilarious.It's like baby's first raid. i kind of want to pat the little rascal on his head and send him on his way.

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