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Group Admin

3250349 Yeah, thanks. I was having a mental moment there regarding him. :twilightblush:

Group Contributor

That always threw me as well when I see that kinda stuff in fics, especially since yeah, Flutters feeds her pets meat

Group Admin

And yet she is often depicted as being one of the most upset by it.

Though there are some fics that do an excellent job of subverting that bit.

Group Admin

3256335 Yeah. They look at her 'shy' nature and... that's about it for Flutters that they examine.

Group Contributor

Yep, and that's not going into there being Grffions as well who I bet are carnivores, and as I said, some of Flutters pets are also carnivores, so yeah, her being frightend, and the most is odd.

Always nice to hear that there are subversions though.

Group Admin

As noted before, pretty much all of them besides Rainbow Dash have meat-eating pets.
Rarity's dad has been seen fishing.
Spike has eaten worms before, and while they were disgusted by it (and only because it was one of the "baked bads"), they weren't horrified.
And as you said, there are a number of other sapient races on their world that probably eat meat.

...I've ranted about this before. Several times, I think.

As for subversions: I know that there are a fair number of them, but the one that immediately springs to mind is The Thessalonica Legacy. Fluttershy was initially horrified when one of the humans mentioned killing animals and asked why they would do such a thing. When they replied that they eat them, her response was "Oh, that's okay then!" (her friends were a little startled by that).

Oh, and in The Dread Chitin (a fantastic story that you should all read if you haven't already), Dash eats some jerky if I recall correctly. She had apparently eaten some before on a dare from Gilda and wasn't really upset about it. Twilight was a bit freaked out, but she manages to get over it.

Group Contributor

Yep, Tank being a tortoise is pretty much a herbivore, and Hell, Spike even used a fake dead mouse when trying to frame the Owl in Owl's Well episode.

Don't think I've ever recalled seeing you rant about it, but yeah, it's annoying cause of the ponies pets, Shy's critters and the other sapient species.

Hah, that's great, I'd love it if she explained why as well since yeah, all of the above reasons, though this being the reason would probably just be because some of her animals eat meat. Hell, she's friends with a BEAR which I'm sure also eats fish.

Hah, I could see that happening actually.

I could also see the ponies having a meat substitute for themselves for their fast food things that we've seen in Trade Ya and Twilight Time.


Yeah, Fluttershy is the one I least expect to be affected. Twilight would probably be fine with it as she does read and would know about Griffons and the like. Rarity might find it a bit disturbing but I doubt all Equestrians would have a panic attack over a carnivore.

Sure, some of the more skittish might be a little wary at first but I doubt they'd react too badly.

Group Admin

Rarity has a pet cat, and her dad fishes. I think she'd be fine.


Eh, I haven't seen many episodes so I missed the whole 'Her dad fishes' part.

Still, I think the main issue with this in fics is that humans eat animals that can speak in Equestria. (sheep, pigs, cows etc). Now the show isn't really that clear on their actual place in society but I'd love for it to turn out that ponies do indeed eat meat.

Cue the flood of rushed grimdark fics focusing on the life of a pig called 'Penny' destined for slaughter.

Group Contributor

So far the only ones that talked are the cows and sheep. The pigs don't talk and I doubt humans will eat any of the animals that show sapience, and I don't ever recall humans eating sheep in the first place.


Okay, first off:

recall humans eating sheep

Lamb and Mutton. These are big staples.

Also, it's not that humans will eat their animals, more that since we do consume them here (where they are not intellegent) if a human says that then it may cause confusion.

Group Admin


The pigs don't talk

Now I might be wrong, but I seem to recall a scene in one of the episodes where one of AJ's pigs makes a comment before being closed in the barn. I do think that they are sapient in the show.


I don't ever recall humans eating sheep in the first place.

I know that 3257527 pointed it out, but how could you miss lamb and mutton? It's not as popular as beef, pork or chicken, I'll grant you that, but it is a staple in a lot of cultures.

Group Admin

3257694 I... tink that was a sheep from the Sisterhooves Special episode. but like you, not 100% sure.


It was a sheep.

Group Contributor

Ah yes, that's right, but I still don't think it'd cause the ponies to flip a shit since as it was pointed out, most of them have meat eating pets, the other sapient creatures that eat meat and such.

Nope, that was a sheep, not a pig.

Group Admin

3252594 Considering how rarely he's seen, that's more or less understandable.

Group Admin

I do know that there was a scene involving sheep. Might be the one that I was thinking about. Still, I do think that there was a pig talking at one point.

Gentlemen... I just went to EQD and my head officially exploded.

Please God, don't let them screw this one...

Group Contributor

Yeah, I think that was what you were thinking about when it comes to the sheep, but I've never heard the pigs talk, just the sheep and cows.

I'm sure that the people could smooth things over by explaining that the animals of Earth don't hold the same kinda intelligence and such that the ones of Equestria do, the ones that talk anyways since even in Equestria you have animals that don't talk and get used for food like the fish.

We going old school for our villains now.

Group Admin

It'll be difficult for a human to convince ponies that our animals are mostly non-sapient, but again, they ought to be somewhat accepting of an omnivore species like us.


In all seriousness, does this mean that we're gonna get human characters like Megan again?


In all seriousness, does this mean that we're gonna get human characters like Megan again?

No, god no. I just don't see that working.

A human as a season ending villain would be interesting, but please not a normal human...

Group Admin

I'm at two minds with the idea of having humans on the show:

On the one hand, having humans coming in would officially make FiM a continuation from the earlier MLP generations, and could possibly explain a lot of the oddities in the current lore.

On the other hand they could be bland, be portrayed as idiots or as villains. I really would prefer not to have any humans if it meant having piss-poor humans.

I think a mention of humans existing (actual humans from our world, not the technocolor monstrosities from EqG) or a sort of 'epipheny' reveal ala Twilicorn would be a decent compromise. It really all comes down to the writers and what they managed to get done with the limitations of this being a kids' show and Hasbro's directives.


By all means, they give us a decent character and i'm for it. However, with the recent episodes I think they need to find a formula before throwing in such a drastric change.

Group Contributor

I'd rather not have humans be the villains and give people like Chat more fuel for their misanthropic fire.

I'm not entirely sure why it'd be hard, maybe with some ponies, but I don't think it'd be to hard with the SCIENCE ponies like Twilight.

Group Admin

The fact of the matter is that skepticism is born from past experience. All animals in Equestria seem to be somewhat sapient at least the very least. Besides us, there are few other animals that show signs of sapience (dolphins and dogs can arguably be considered sapient to a degree). If a pony were to come here to Earth and tell us that there are minotaurs, gryphons, chimeras, dragons... admit it, it would be somewhat difficult for us to believe at first because they don't exist in our world.

Group Contributor

Well, of course, but then of course you'd be talking to a talking pony. That in the first place would probably raise questions, the same way a human appearing in Equestria would raise questions as well, assuming that this is not in-line with G1 since Tirek is appearing.

Group Admin

I just read a synopsis of the season finale. I have a HUGE grin on my face right now. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::scootangel::scootangel::scootangel::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:


I'm scared of ask, but I'll ask.

It was that good, and they did Tirek justice?

Group Admin

3261746 Actually... it has nothing to do with Tirek at all.


Now you just piqued on my curiosity...

Group Admin

3261798 If you wish to know, just send me a PM.


I'm interested, send me the info please.

Group Admin

Well now, I was considering watching the finale, but if Striker's excited just from the synopsis then I might just watch it live.

*Breaks the silence*
Edit: But I don't know what to talk about :fluttercry:

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

Sorry. Have a space pirate since I don't have apology cupcakes on hand

Group Contributor

I don't have friends to see it with I haven't seen it yet

Group Admin


Dude. Seriously, I accepted Godzilla as my King at the age of 6.

And no, I'm not joking.

Group Admin


It's Godzilla. Why WOULD you be surprised? He's just that damn awesome. :pinkiehappy:

I have a theory on which pony would be the best sex partner. Wanna hear it?


I'm actually surprised that I haven't yet come across something like this in this fandom.

Please proceed.

Okay, while it took me a while to type this out, the principles came to me in an inspirational flash. That means I'm not a crazy little guy who's obsessed over this stuff for years. Really, I'm not. You believe me, right?

So yeah. It can't be Applejack, because first of all she's probably a lesbian and secondly I'd say it's impossible to go all "how you doin'" on AJ. She'd just get embarrassed or something. The only way to make that work would be just going to the barn and: "Hey there, how about it? Right here, right now." Then she'll be honest about your dick size and how mediocre sex it was and get back to work.

It's not Fluttershy either, because you simply can't have good sex with someone like her. Things would get weird. The line: "Want to take care of this animal?" only gets you so far. You'd also have to always find some other place to do it since her cottage must smell pretty bad on top of other problems with hygiene. "Get over here, Flutters, let's fuck." just isn't something that works in the long or short run; sooner or later she'd feel she's being used and that makes you feel bad too.

Rainbow Dash might not be that bad on the sex itself, but everything that comes with it is. There's no way RD isn't mixing you into some other mindless crap. And unless you go with it, the shipping ends and she'll be vindictive.

In one way Pinkie Pie would make the ideal partner since she's up to a lot of things all the time. I'm just not sure how scheduling anything with her would work. The problem could lie in the sex itself; I think Pinkie would get bored of most stuff pretty quickly. I don't think she has a good idea of a healthy relationship, and so it wouldn't last very long. On the plus side you could get her Pinkie promise that she'd keep private things private and she'd definitely not be vindictive.

Twilight is just... I don't think most people want to hear their sex partner say "I've read about this." too many times especially when no one's written a humanxpony collected sex positions yet (yes, I realize this is a fanfic site). Twilight is the sort of mind that wants to understand what she's doing before she does it, and you can't get her into doing the whole "friends with benefits" without resorting to "Think of it as an experiment." and that'll only work once. And the sex would be about as bad as with Fluttershy,

Rarity is the best option of the Mane 6. She's a workaholic who would be glad to accept you as a diversion. She is prone to some crazy moods, but having sex would probably make her get over them quicker - the only downside being sad sex if she's sad, crazy sex if she's crazy, and so on. You could ruin it by giving her the idea that she's being used, but that won't happen if you establish things right from the get go; that the relationship is mutually beneficial. She probably requires lots of flattering and some fashion-related stuff but not expensive gifts - it's not like you're dating.

But I think the bestest option overall is Princess Luna. While her nature is a bit of a mystery, she hasn't got laid for a thousand years. You can simply wow her with how new, strange, and modern you are. "This is how things are done in this day and age!" And even if she's had better sex in ancient times, she has long since forgotten that. She's patient enough if you get something else to do for awhile, and on top of that you can have dream sex also! Moreover she will have no thoughts about getting the relationship any more complicated than it needs to be.

Celestia I wouldn't even consider. She fucks anything that moves, doesn't she? Oh wait, that stuff never existed. Anyway, she'd be just doing it for the lulz.


"Think of it as an experiment." and that'll only work once.

Experiments have multiple trials, though.

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Is it me, or are your examples having some Flanderization?

Maybe it's you or maybe someone told you that?

I gotta work with what I have. The ponies haven't even shown romantic attraction much less the sexual kind (Spike has... and that hipster stallion).

Group Admin


Twilight Sparkle. Flash Sentry.

That is all.


The ponies haven't even shown romantic attraction much less the sexual kind.

The ponies haven't even shown

The ponies

Though it's not like that's canon anyway.

Group Admin


It is, actually. Flash Sentry has reappeared since and the IDW comic directly references it. If the movie were a non-canon side story, that wouldn't have been the case.

This is what I found: Apparently the movie is canon, but that little romance they had stays in Equestria High (or whatever the hell that place was called). Ugh...

Doesn't really affect the theory... or maybe Twi is even readier to experiment than I thought.

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