Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,052 members · 344 stories
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Canterlot High, but yeah, it's canon. So yes, Twilight has indeed shown romantic interest at the very least, hence we can assume this to mean that she is indeed capable of it without it being some kind of 'experiment'. Whether or not that translates to sexual interest? That's up to us fanficcers to decide in fics.

FWIW, I really can't think of that as any more than a ship tease. All that the relevant events of EQG really show is that Twilight has received the equivalent of the 'birds and the bees' talk and is aware of the existence of stallions (our little Twily is all grown up). Flash Sentry himself is little more than a prop to demonstrate this, but for plot reasons, he needed an actual name.

Group Admin


We'll have to see if he shows up again at all in Rainbow Rocks. And if so, how his relationship with Twilight goes. We know that Twilight is aware of his pony counterpart. And may even be attracted to him to some extent. Again, we'll have to see.

Group Admin

You know, I don't mind Flash. I actually kinda like the guy. Yes, he's a bit bland. But it's not a 'bad' bland. He's not some jerk or asshole. He's pleasant, for the most part.

Group Admin


He's more or less there as window dressing and to be a brief love interest. If there's any advancement of the relationship in Rainbow Rocks, I'll be nothing short of astounded. Hell, I'll be amazed if he even shows up at all. Don't get me wrong, I like him too, but I don't expect to see him or Sunset again anytime soon.

Group Admin

So I go away for a couple of weeks and come back to this:

Well... okay then.

Still better than HAB:

Group Admin

3333848 Welcome back! :)

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So, I was doing my groceries yesterday, and I came across a certain little showcase.

The Hasbro invasion of Europe has begun!

Group Contributor

If you think HAB is bad you should visit Tumblr ever at any time

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Broken links are broken. :derpytongue2:


.... if that's your definition of bad/crazy/chaotic, then you haven't seen bad/crazy/chaotic. :rainbowwild:

Group Admin

3339479 The invasion has begun. It cannot be stopped. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

But I was never on tumblr to begin with so I wouldn't be the guy returning with pizzas, I'd just be some guy stumbling into a random apartment.



APPLeJACK is best human

As far as I'm aware there are a lot of "feminists" posting sexist BS, using ponies as their mouthpiece. It's gotten to the point where derpibooru had to make a unique spoiler tag for it.

Here's one parody.

And one that's actually good, because it sounds like something she would actually say.

I blame myself. This thread was silent for two whole weeks and I had to break it. Things sort of devolved from there.

As for HAB, a couple posters with broken sarcasm detectors bit real hard on an obvious troll thread, and things just sort of went downhill from there. If I'd had authoritah, I'd have gone straight for the 'gas thread, ban OP' button.

Obselescence, you are ridiculous.

I've actually got something in the works for that contest, but if I tell you exactly what, you'd probably laugh at me forever.

Group Contributor

My sides have reached orbit
Actually I was referring to the feminist reaction to the Elliot Rodgers situation where they erased the male victims (4/7 of the victims), scapegoated MRAs (who are only actually relevant in Canada, by the way), and in general just used it put the blame squarely on "male entitlement" instead of, you know, the guy being a psychotic fuck (he hated everyone, including other men, and other races).
Also this bullshit: "Imagine a bowl of M&Ms and 10% of M&Ms were poisoned; go ahead and grab a handful." (referring to men)

3341374 That fucking M&M "argument" makes me really butthurt.

Group Contributor

If anyone wants a laugh and has almost 40 minutes to spare, here's Brad Jones and his friend Jake's review of Equestria Girls.. A pretty funny look at it from someone who doesn't give a shit about ponies.

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I haven't seen Equestria Girls
I haven't see S4

Group Contributor


I don't think you're missing much if anything when it comes to the former. The latter I hear mixed things on, I should actually watch it since I hear most of it's good, but first I would have to force myself to finally watch the S3 finale that I know will be extremely painful.

Group Admin

NMS is alive? What dark sorcery is this?!

S4 is... mixed. There are a lot of eye rollers and the finale ends up being one huge Deus-Ex Machina, but it's one of the better two-parters of the entire series, and Spike finally gets some redemption in two episodes centred around him.

The S3 finale can be either really great or really dumb, YMMV.

Group Contributor


Who said I was dead? It's not like posting here is active in general much these days.

Group Admin

Fair enough; I guess that I hadn't seen any recent posts from you at all, so I sort of assumed that you went and died or something.

Group Contributor


If only I could be so lucky, but alas it's not to be for quite some time.

Group Admin


I liked the movie. Not the best thing ever but overall it wasn't bad. I like Flash and the hate he can get kinda baffles me.

The season three finale made me want to punch Celestia AND Twilight in the face. Since I am a RL human and they are fictional characters, i win every time. :p

The season four finale, I liked a lot more than the season three finale and was good overall. I do have some problems with it, but they're relatively minor in the grand scheme.

Group Admin

3342448 The rainbow power? I don't mind it being used to sell toys. Dear lord this is a hasbro show, after all. The garishness of their Rainbow Power forms on the other hand...:pinkiesick:

Group Admin

Same, really. S3 finale does not hold a candle to its S4 counterpart, though it is not perfect.

I think there's a decent comparison to be made between Equestria Girls and the season 4 finale in that both of them feature lots of toys Hasbro can start selling (much more prominently than in your average episode). And as far as I can tell the amount of effort put into each of them is roughly the same, the main difference is in how that effort affected the end result. The effort in EQG went to maximizing its toy-selling potential - padding, memetic fandom stuff, some gags, and a bit more padding to make it over 70 minutes. In Twilight's Kingdom the effort seems to have gone to the memorable villain, a new toyline introduction, and for some reason, beam battles.

What I'm saying is that despite being a glorified toy commercial the season 4 finale has some substance to it in the (mighty) form of Tirek. Equestria Girls doesn't, but in a way that makes it more special.

Group Admin

When I saw the season 4 finale, I almost immediately went 'Oh shit, FiM is G1 MLP's BEAST WARS!' I mean seriously, that went through my head like a second or two after that rainbow started flying everywhere.

Not that I dislike Beast Wars, mind. In fact I love it. But I almost immediately started picturing Equestria as the predecessor to G1 MLP, since it would sorta fit. The Rainbow of Light basically moves around on its own, and if it has the general consciousness of the Mane 6 imprinted on it...well it would explain why it fights so much better than the G1 ponies and why G1's tech is almost more schizo than FiM. I keep thinking maybe they lost a lot of the tech they were developing and something happened to the Crystal Empire that made it poof again, but the ponies stayed. Just mutated. Hence the jewel eyed ponies of G1.

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3341739 3342053 3342424 3342448 3342522 3342652 3345386
S4 ending may have been good but I doubt it was as good as a Gohan (being helped by a Nazi cyborg) defeating the Third Aztec God of Fitness by riding a volcano eruption and falcon punching him into space.

And then the Gohan stand-in shows up at his own funeral.

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Just look at this glory

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Group Contributor

>Not wanting to watch the downfall of the most tragic character in all of gaming

>not wanting new IPs and perhaps something fun to play on the expensive black monolith
Then again its not like I have money to spend on vidja games with my new addiction of crack university books

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Still waiting on Zone of Enders, honestly. :rainbowwild:

Group Admin


Coming 1984

Oh I see what you did there, Kojima.

Group Admin

I hate being sick. :pinkiesick:

Comment posted by TheCrazyMan deleted Jun 15th, 2014
Group Contributor

It's like you're not Nuclear and/or Wild

Remember, Big Boss sacrificed for you!

>liking a game I don't like
>making ebin mems about the game

Don't you know the one true God is the Monolith.

Group Contributor

I can think of a certain author here that does that.

Also, how has everybody been?

Group Admin

3364579 Nauseous. :pinkiesick: It's been a bad past seven days for me.

Group Admin

Work. Both on my stories and uni.

Can't wait for my holidays to begin.

Group Contributor

Ugh, that's never good, hope you freely better soon.

Yeah, I know how that feels, I can't wait for mind either.

Group Admin

3364857 Good luck on Uni. Get to those holidays!:yay:

3364932 Thanks, and I have been.

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