Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,052 members · 344 stories
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3364579, good.

I'm planning a new cyberpunk flavored "Humans and Ponies coexist slice-of-life fic" and a cyberpunk flavored thriller in that same world as above.

Group Contributor

Cancelled two of my stories today. Feels bad, man.

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Group Contributor

I haven't updated them in two years, and I don't plan to later. I'm just now formalizing it.

Group Admin


That sucks. Well at least leave them up so people can read'em.

Group Contributor


Group Contributor

I did. I also opened them up for adoption. Details are on my blog.

Group Contributor

Yay! That sounds good!

Group Contributor


My body is ready.

Group Contributor

Am I the only one who found Heroes rather disappointing? There's only a couple songs that are at least 4 minutes, and the total run time of the entire album (regular edition) is just over 30 minutes.

I mean, just imagine if Night Witches was a 4-5 minute song.

Group Contributor


Yeah I liked some songs of it like Hearts of Iron and Resist and Bite, but it just doesn't reach the heights of their previous work. I loved Carolus Rex because it was a very personal and passionate concept album and it showed, while Heroes feels like 'more of the same' on a lesser scale then before.

Group Contributor

Also I got MGS V Ground Zeroes for the Xbawx Tree Siddy. I love it.

Unfortunately I can't stand the gameplay of every previous game so V (and later Phantom Pain) is the only MGS I'll ever play.

Gonna get F.E.A.R and all the Half life game's

Group Contributor


I haven't tried Ground Zeroes yet (probably will when Phantom Pain comes out and it goes on discount or a bundle package of the two games is released) but I can feel you, the old MGS games are hard to get used too. I would recommend getting the HD Collection or the full series collection if you have a PS3 if you want to try them out, or just watch the stories on youtube that's pretty much the equivalent of actually playing MGS4.

Group Contributor

tee hee
No but I can't stand the fixed camera and just general silliness of, say, Snake Eater. I like (read: absolutely fucking LOVE) the Splinter Cell-esque movement and sneaking of V, while it still has a action hero haha-sprinting-with-the-HVT-fuck-you-guys badassery to it

Group Contributor


Bad Rats.

Also getting stung by bees fucking hurts I just realized.

Group Admin

3391355 Ouch, sorry, dude.

Group Contributor

I assume your Steam name is NoMoreSanity, with Sundowner as the picture?
Also are more Total War games worth getting or is Rome enough

Group Contributor


Thanks. On the plus side, from the fact that my throat's not swelling up horribly or something similar I know I'm not allergic to them. That's a good way to find that out.



Medieval II is worth it, Empire maaaaybe, and Napoleon is alright. Rome II I hear had a lot of launghc problems that may or may not be fixed by now.

Group Admin

3391482 Yeah., lucky break there. Glad you're alright, though.

I just watched/reviewed Return to Harmony, the season-two opener. Good lord Discord is an utter, utter bastard.

Group Admin

Looks like I'm going to be mostly offline again till Tuesday guys. My monitor is acting up. The thing went out four times last night. The thing has been acting weird for over a year, where the thing would drop red from the screen, turning it black. A light tap to the side of it usually fixed it, but that's been getting harder lately. I later noticed that wiggling the VGA cable from the end that comes from the monitor could also fix it, but again, that was getting harder to get it to do. When it cut out all picture on me four times last night after doing something odd and resetting its hertz the night before, I figured it was time to have it taken a look at. Sadly, I have no money. I do however, have a possible backup monitor in storage so I should be back on my machine on Tuesday, unless I can get a loaner before then. I just hope that it's the monitor and not something wrong with the tower itself. ...Though the tower seems fine since everything was still running properly when the monitor would restore the picture. The monitor would just go out, like an old style TV being turned off and then coming back on. I honestly have no idea what's going on. :applejackconfused: The monitor is 12 years old, same as the tower, so the thing may just be going. I'll keep everyone up to date on things. In the meantime, when I get back on, I'll letcha know. I'm actually looking more forward to that new laptop now than I was already. (I plan to run the tower till it's dead, if I can. I just always thought the monitor would outlive it. :fluttercry: Go figure.) Hopefully I can save up some cash to get the old monitor looked at, and hopefully fixed. It's an E772c model from Dell, a CRT monitor (I have no idea what that means) and is 4:3 fullscreen ratio, which is a great help since I only have one working eye and widescreen screws with it. If anyone has a monitor like this that they could bear to part with, I would be happy to hear of it asap.

Wish me luck, gang. I'm gonna be climbing the walls till I get this sorta out, since all my work is stalled till then and I won't be able to talk to anyone here! :raritycry:

Group Admin

3391594 Sorry to hear. I hope you're back ASAP!

Group Admin


You and me both. I wish I had someone to talk to over the phone or something. Or rather someone who's into ponies I could talk to. My phone is set up weird. I can take calls in from anywhere, but can't make calls outside my area code. I have a little tracphone I can use, but it's almost out of minutes so I'm saving it for an emergency till I can get more time put on it. I swear, I'm going to go nuts. I already kinda am cause I only have a bit over an hour or so left on the library computer. Help! Anyone! :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

3391653 I recommend... books! Lots and lots of books. You're in a good place for them, so check out as many as you can that look interesting and set yourself up.

Group Admin


Already did that. But as it is, they don't help as much as you think. I live in a building where I am literally the youngest tenant there and have nothing in common with anyone there. My closest friends all live in towns other than mine aside from the guys who run the comic shop, and I can't just lounge there all day for hours on end. I'll drive them insane. (Assuming I haven't already.) So yeah, my computer is usually the only way I get any kind of major social interaction outside of the phone. I'm more than willing to pass my number along to anyone willing to help me keep from climbing the walls.

Plus I want to get a chance to talk to a few other fellow bronies anyway. This just gives me more of a reason to actually need to get into contact with anyone willing.

Group Admin

3391666 Ah, my apologies. Unfortunately all I can say is... good luck, as cold comfort that can provide.

Group Admin


Thanks. I just feel completely cut off right now. Having someone to talk to would be at least something to take my mind off being cut off from everybody I normally talk to online. :pinkiecrazy: I'll have to try to get on via the library over the next few days till I can get a replacement monitor so I can then find out what happened to the old one and whether or not it can be fixed. (Which I'm hoping for. Anything other than fullscreen usually screws with my eye something fierce, and most modern computers don't even use the old 800x600 resolution which just makes it worse. I need to use zoom on a friend's iPhone to keep my eyesight from blurring, even with my reading glasses on.)

I know I'm not the only brony in the area, at least one other person reads the IDW books, but that's as much as I know about the guy. :derpytongue2: Sadly, I don't have his contact info or I'd just ring him up and chat with him.

Anybody here going to New York Comic Con this year at least? I'm going all four days, and would love to try to set up a meet to exchange contact info.

Group Contributor

M'kay, sending you a request. I'm General Armchair

CRTs... back in the day... That static that built up, that layer of dust, when you could touch the screen without breaking it, good times.

Group Admin


Yeah, much like the computers themselves, those fuckers were built to last.

I have about 56 minutes left before I need to go. Sure I can't tempt anyone to pm me some means to make contact while I'm offline? I really need someone to talk to and like I said, all my friends live outside of town. If I had a car, this wouldn't be a problem. I don't. I'm not even sure I can get a license due to having been born blind in one eye.

Group Contributor


Added. Be forewarned; I'm boring as hell to talk too.


That sucks wolf, hope you get back soon.

Group Admin


Me too. If I can get a loaner in between now and Tuesday, I most certainly will. Until then, I guess I'll try to get on when I can. Lord knows I'm gonna start going stir crazy pretty fast with nobody to talk to. :fluttershysad: I need more friends I can talk to by phone.

Or at least a smartphone or tablet so I wouldn't be cut off when my tower or monitor has issues like this. I got 26 minutes left. If anyone's going to offer to make contact, now would be the time., I can pm my number or something.

Seriously. I am going buggy at the moment knowing that the computer itself is fine, but the monitor is what's keeping me from hanging out with everyone. :twilightangry2:

God I miss the days when people made monitors like that all the time though. For all their flaws, monitors like that were double tough.

Group Admin

Well, I have about five minutes left. I'm gonna try to get on at the community room computers downstairs in my building later tonight. If I can get on there, at least it will help a bit. If not, I guess I'll see everyone when I get a replacement monitor. I'm just hoping that whatever the problem is, it's the monitor and not the tower itself.

Wish me luck, guys!

Group Contributor

I've been in vacation, still am actually, can't grab anything on Steam atm actually.

Good luck with the minister situation.

Group Contributor

If you're on a computer you can probably get to the online Steam Store. The question is whether or not you're able to put money into your account

Group Contributor

I'm on my cell actually, and I probably could get Steam access from it.

I just usually prefer being on my actual PC when using Steam.

Group Admin

Well, just making a quick stop in at the library. Normally I have more time on here. Dunno what happened this time. But it looks like I'll be leaving in a little over an hour and a half. So since I don't have a monitor yet at home (and money's tight as it is, so those ones in storage can't get here fast enough, or else I'd just buy a new one), anyone wanna tell me if I missed anything today? I saw Age of Extinction last night and did a blog post on it from the community room's computers...and that thing is slow and messed up, so I won't be posting much from there if I can help it.

Group Admin

Hmm. Looks like I'm getting called away early. Take care guys. I'll see you all tomorrow if I can get on at the library in the afternoon.

Group Admin

Well I did it. I posted the first chapter of a new fic. And a clop with PLOT, no less. PM me if you want to see it.

Group Admin

Oh and I'm back home on my computer by the way.

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Group Admin


Thanks! Hopefully the new monitor will hold out for the forseeable future. That way I can save up to see about fixing the original since my eye works best with fullscreen ratio monitors and I'll need to get the old one repaired if I want to have a monitor on hand if this one blows. I have a flatscreen in 16:9, but that just messes with my eye.


I really do hate how 16:9 has apparently become the standard aspect ratio.

Group Admin


I'd love to know what idiot thought it was a good idea and slap'em upside the head a few times, myself.

Group Admin

I'll only get a new computer when I absolutely have to. Right now, this one works fine.

What do you think is the optimal one then? Does it really matter? Watching a 4:3 TV comes with huge black spaces, and it seems more and more programs are also meant to be viewed with at least 720p which makes some things ridiculously small. Myself I have a 16:10 screen.


Video-wise, 16:10 is great, but I don't watch video on my computer.

When I'm using 16:10 monitors, I always find that they never have enough vertical resolution for my liking. And high horizontal resolution isn't very good for web pages at all. You can fit more tabs in the window, and that's about it. The content winds up pillarboxed if the site was designed by someone competent, and spread across twenty inches of screen if the site was hashed out by some amateur in the 90s.

But it is decent for coding. I often have two files open side-by-side in Emacs. And Windows Vista and later have Snap, which is good for making use of 16:10. Just hit a couple keys and you have two windows side by side. Still, I'd rather have the vertical space. There's a reason you can't lock an iPhone in landscape.

8:11 seems like an interesting idea for office work, though. And I do know that some early graphical computers had portrait-oriented monitors.

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